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Very Shocking Messages to Kay

Message from Jesus, St. Michael, and St. Padre Pio to Kay

Mass of Reparation – Monday, November 20, 2023

As Father began his homily, I saw Padre Pio standing to the right side of him. I saw St. Pio lift his hand as he gave Father a blessing. St. Pio looked over at me and said, this blessing will bring a special grace upon your spiritual director. He will need these special graces as the times become more desolate.

St. Pio went on to say: “I want you to inform my priestly brother to always remember that God’s children will always come before his own needs. As these children are brought before him, they will need the Sacrament of Confession, healings both of physical and spiritual needs, and he must be patient with these children, because they will have much fear in their hearts, as well as going through confusion and chaos with a total lack of organization, and will be in a state of utter disorder. Although my priestly brother will have patience with God’s children, he must help them with a firmness of faith and help them understand that through their faith, they will learn to trust and have confidence in Jesus. Jesus himself said ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”

Padre Pio continues: “Christ’s light penetrates the darkness, but there still remains much darkness in your world today. When these children disobey God’s call to them and when they fail to observe His Commandments, they will have confusion of heart and will be in complete spiritual darkness. Repentance and returning to God is important, because this is the only solution to many of the problems of your world today.

Remember that God wills to save souls through the Immaculate Heart of His beloved Mother, so pray the Rosary daily along with the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

When I lived upon the earth, I was given many graces and blessings from Jesus in order to get through the intense pain of the stigmata. This caused me dreadful suffering, not only when the pain burned within me, but I had to bear the curiosity of the people. I spent countless hours at the service of ordinary people, hearing confessions. Pilgrims would come from all over the world. Today, my priestly brothers give 30 to 60 minutes a week in a confessional, because most need to secure more time for themselves. There is a heavy price to be paid to gain back a soul for God, and my brothers are refusing to dedicate their life to prayer and suffering. They are living their lives for the conveniences of your world rather than thinking about traveling from this world to the next, through deep prayer. They are failing to live out the vocation that they chose. Intense prayer and sacrifice should be offered up through obedience and in chastity without complaints. My brothers cannot expect deep wisdom and peace without prayer and trying to master their spiritual lives. If you want to become a saint, you will go through great and constant struggles and the demons will seek to capture your souls.

I give this advice to my priestly brothers: “LIVE YOUR LIVES FOR YOUR GOD THROUGH YOUR VOCATIONS – UPHOLD THE SACRED TRADITIONS OF THE ONE, TRUE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH AS WELL AS THE TRUE MAGISTERIUM OF HOLY MOTHER CHURCH.” Remember that God has never changed and His Commandments are not to be tampered with to the liking of many of your modern-day and liberal points of view.

I want Father to understand that at most times, I was extremely tired and it was at those times that I became less patient with God’s children – and, with the sufferings I had to endure, my life was very difficult. My priestly brother will go through difficult times and will go without much sleep, but he, along with many other priestly brothers, will be greatly needed for people’s spiritual needs. Jesus is very pleased with these Masses of Reparation that have been celebrated for many years, and Father will one day be given the vision of knowing how many souls were saved through these blessed Masses.”

As Father’s homily ended, I noticed St. Michael glide over near the pulpit where Father was going to begin the Sword of St. Michael Prayer. St. Michael lowered himself on one knee out of respect for Father and placed his hand across his breastplate and then got up and glided over to the center of the sanctuary. St. Michael raised his bold and beautiful sword upwards and then turned to the right side of the church and blessed all on the right side of the church; he then turned to his left side and blessed all those in attendance.

St. Michael looked at me and began to speak and he said that he has a warning for God’s children of America: “This generation will go through great trials of devastation and destruction that you have not experienced in the history of your country. Many things regarding your environment have changed in your world. Your surroundings with the atmosphere and the elements that are crucial for life on earth have changed regarding nature, and there will be great events upon your earth. God’s children of America will witness many changes in the dynamics of land in your country. The volcanoes will awaken and spew gases and fire upon your earth along with the sea that will cause a fierceness of nature and hazardous conditions. The underwater volcanic eruptions can generate tsunami waves that can be deadly. You will suffer earthquakes of destruction far greater than ever before. Famine will also be felt among your people and even though you have been warned to stock up on food and water, many of you have not felt any of these tragedies or struggles, so you go back to your everyday way of living, thinking none of things will happen in your lifetime. A new virus is already on the horizon and has been planned by the elite. It is already on your Earth and soon to spread throughout the entire world causing a great pandemic.

There are those of our children who say that God does not want fear, and this is true, but God has always warned his people through prophets before events occur, because He loves His children and wants them to convert back to Him. There has always been a ‘Holy Fear of God’ and it is never to be ignored, because if you ignore God’s words to you, you will fall into the hands of the infernal enemy. I warn all of God’s children of the world not to despise prophecy, because many of the Saints in Heaven were given the ‘gift of prophecy’ and God’s children were always warned first before the wrath of God happened.”

As Father goes to the Tabernacle to retrieve the Holy Eucharist in the lunette, I see Jesus glide as He follows Father to the kneelers where Jesus’ children are preparing for the Eucharistic Healing Service. I watch as Jesus places His hand over Father’s hand and it immediately becomes infused into Father’s hand. When I witness this, it confirms for me that every truly ordained priest of the Catholic Church represents Jesus Christ in each Sacrament and the most important prayer is to re-present the sacrifice of Jesus during Holy Mass.

I looked at Jesus and He said: “Every priest-son of Mine should be in union with Me through the intimacy of a deep, personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Those of My priest-sons, who can set the world on fire with love of God, are a great treasure for My holy Church. I expect My sons to serve the needs of My children and they must assume the spiritual care of their congregations.”

Jesus looks at each of His children who have come up for the blessing of healing and He smiles so tenderly at each person, and He said: “You are My faithful children, whom I am asking to heed My words and spiritually prepare yourselves for what is yet to come. Go to Confession as often as you can, because you receive sanctifying grace that is infused by the Holy Spirit into the soul to heal it of sin and to sanctify your soul.”

Jesus continues: “It would be wise if you stayed after Mass and received the anointing from Father with the Good Friday Holy Oil, as this is one of the antidotes of the plague that will soon spread throughout the world. This disease will be very contagious and will spread from one person to another by direct or indirect contact. It will spread very quickly and turn into a pandemic. This virus was created by the elite men who want to stop the growth of humanity and it will kill millions in the process.”

Jesus seems very sad. He said: “My children, I am very sorrowful, because I know that what is soon to come will be so devastating, and many of my children are not spiritually prepared. I ask My children to awaken from their slumber and prepare for all that will cover your earth. [I feel that Jesus is speaking of the illnesses of the plague.] My children, your nation will experience great tribulations and you will not be prepared for these horrible events. There will be catastrophic disasters that will cause many deaths and those who are not prepared may face the eternal flames of hell. Pray for your family members and pray for the reparation of all sinners throughout the entire world. Offer sacrifices and penance for these lost and pathetic souls. Pray for My Divine Mercy upon them.

So many of My children are failing to see what is happening throughout the world, because they only care about what is going on within their own surroundings. The invasion of Europe is at hand and the atrocities will continue and millions of deaths will occur. These Masses of Reparation are desperately needed in order to save the souls of My children who are not spiritually prepared to come before Me at their judgment.

Do not travel, for your destination of travel may keep you from returning home. These warnings that I am asking you to obey are because of terrorism and the contagious disease of the virus. The consequences for disobeying could be devastating.

Prepare for an economic crash and the complete chaos that will follow.

My people of America, I have warned you that your country will shake and your waters will become a deluge of ruins and death.

I have also warned you to prepare for the great famine, but again, many of My children failed to listen and most will be without the supplies and necessities that you will need for you and your families’ survival.

Pray for My Church as the crisis and chaos has caused division within My Church, and many of My children have left My Church, and many are failing to practice the Sacred Truths and are also neglecting the Sacraments that I Myself instituted.

My children, unite together in unity with your Lord and Savior – strengthen yourself through My Holy Eucharist. I am very saddened that some of My children are desecrating My Holy Eucharist by receiving ME in the stain of grievous sin. They think nothing of receiving My precious Body and Blood with these sins of filth on their soul. They do not feel that the Sacrament of Confession is necessary, because this sacrament is no longer spoken of or practiced in some of My Churches today. You are facing a demonic battle that is worse than ever before, and the evil one is out to weaken you and wants to devour your soul.

Turn to Me in all of your afflictions, ask for My Precious Blood to cover you and your family. I will help you, so ask for My help. I can heal and strengthen you, so that you may stand firm in your faith and continue to trust and have confidence in My Love for you. Focus on My Mercy and I will bless you with grace to lift you out of your despair and heartache. Pray for direction and for strength, so that you may stand firm in the promise that I have made to you. I will never abandon any of My children who come before Me with a contrite heart. I will be your protector and your provider. Seek My refuge and lean on Me and not on your own strength and abilities.

I will place each of you in the Love of My Sacred Heart. I bless you in My Father’s Name.”

I hear nothing further.

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