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Maria Valtorta

Venerable Pope Pius XII on Maria Valtorta


“Pope Pius XII was a bearer of the transcript of the writings of Maria Valtorta. A high-ranking prelate personally handed Pope Pius XII a 12-volume typewritten copy of ‘The Poem of the Man-God’ in 1947. In the following months, the priest who was in charge of postal delivery directly to the Pope’s desk saw the bookmark in Valtorta’s writings on his desk moving forward day by day.


After these volumes were evaluated by the Pope, he granted a special audience with the three Servites of Mary in charge of this work. At this audience, as Bishop of Rome and the Vicar of Christ, Pope Pius XII commanded them to publish it, saying: ‘Publish it just as it is. There is no need to give an opinion as to whether it is of supernatural origin. Those who read it will understand. One hears of many visions and revelations. I will not say they are all authentic; but there are some of which it could be said that they are.”

Father Corrado Berti, Secretary of the Pontifical Marianum Theological Faculty in Rome from 1950 to 1959, testifies: “I asked the Pope if we should remove the inscriptions ‘Visions’ and ‘Dictations’ from ‘The Poem’ before publishing it. And he answered that nothing should be removed.” [Emphases mine]



As pope, Venerable Pius XII would never say these things lightly…


“As confessor to Pope Pius XII, [the future Cardinal] Bea was instrumental in bypassing the Vatican hierarchy to help Father Corrado Berti deliver a copy of the book Poem of the Man-God to Pope Pius XII when Father Berti approached both Bea and Msgr. Alphonso Carinci with a typed copy of the manuscript of Maria Valtorta's writings in 1947. With Bea's assistance the manuscript was thus delivered to Pius XII and Father Berti and Father Migliorini were granted a papal audience.” (



Our Lady of Medjugorje on The Poem of the Man-God


Medjugorje visionary Marija Lunetti went before Our Lady on behalf of a seminarian and asked the question: “Was it okay to read the book The Poem of the Man-God?” Marija relayed that Our Lady affirmed it was okay by answering: “You can read them.” [circa 1982/1983]


While this is not an explicit approval from heaven, it is certainly an implicit one, for Our Lady never says anything on Her own, without God’s knowledge, approval, and inspiration. The bottom line here is that if the five volumes of The Poem of the Man-God were inauthentic, She never would have said: “You can read them.” It is also extremely unlikely that the other books written by Maria Valtorta are false, since, in my opinion, one is either an authentic prophet or one is not. Here is more She reportedly said:




Other Notable Recommendations


The Vatican Website: “In the first half of the 20th Century, during and after World War II, there was a lady named Maria Valtorta in Italy, who saw and heard the Gospel, writing a masterpiece in more than 4000 pages of works (calculated according to the English version: Maria Valtorta, "The Poem of the Man-God", 1986, five volumes). The book is divided into seven parts: 1st, the Hidden Life 1-43; 2nd, the first year of His Public Life 44-140; 3rd, the second year of His Public Life 141-311; 4th, the third year of His Public Life 312-538; 5th, the preparation for His suffering and death 539-598; 6th, the Passion 599-611; 7th, Glorification 612-647. In the first volume, "The Hidden Life", 43 chapters have been translated into Chinese and published in 2006. Hopefully, the rest of the Chinese version will continue to be published in succession, to help God’s faithful savor the message of the Gospel." ( )


St. Pio of Pietrelcina: “Not only I authorize you to read it, but I recommend it to you”


St. Teresa of Calcutta: “Read it.”


Bl. Gabriele Allegra: “A large-format book, composed under exceptional circumstances and in a very relatively short time: this is one aspect of the Valtorta phenomenon”


(Cardinal) Augustin Bea: “Reading the work is not only interesting and enjoyable, but truly edifying”

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Other Popes, etc.


“‘In 1987, Vatican Cardinal Edouard Gagnon was persuaded to locate and evaluate the original minutes from the February 26, 1948 Papal meeting transcribed by the Vatican Recording Cardinal who accompanied Pope Pius XII.’  Originally incredulous, a few weeks later he courageously wrote from the Vatican that Pope Pius XII's action was: ‘The kind of official Imprimatur granted before witnesses by the Holy Father in 1948. An “Official Imprimatur” of the Supreme Authority of the Church.’ Cardinal Gagnon was the Peritus during the Second Vatican Council, (expert Theologian Advisor and Consultant).  He had a Doctorate in Theology and taught Canon law for ten years at the Grand Seminary.  He also served as President of the Vatican Council. The Code of Canon Law - Book II, Part II, Section I, Chapter I, Article I - gives the Pope full and supreme power over all levels of the Church and free use to exercise this power. The Papal order came first. Canon law prohibits this Papal order from being reversed by subordinate levels of Church authority. Canon law clearly requires that this Papal order be embraced with unconditional acceptance and submission.”




“Maria Valtorta's writings received Imprimaturs from Bishop Roman Danylak (Titular Bishop of Nysea, Rome), Bishop Bonicilli (Abano, Italy), and Archbishop Soosa Pakiam of Trimandrum.  In addition a Nihil Obstat was given to the ‘Poem of the Man-God’ by Msgr. Luigi Lovazzano (Vicar-General).  If the Vatican thought these Imprimaturs were in error, it would have requested them to be removed. Nonetheless, the Vatican has let these Imprimaturs stand.”




“Renowned Mariologist Father Gabriel Roschini, OSM was an outstanding advocate of Maria Valtorta's writings.  Pope John Paul II often referred to Father Gabriel M. Roschini as one of the greatest Mariologists who ever lived.  He was a decorated professor at the ‘Marianum’ Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Rome, and an advisor to the Holy Office. He wrote over 130 Books on the Blessed Mother, all of which are in the Vatican Library. In his last book (which Father Gabriel said was his greatest, ‘The Virgin Mary in the Writings of Maria Valtorta’), the first two pages contain a letter of endorsement by Pope Paul VI.  Page one displays a photocopy of the original letter in Italian complete with Vatican insignia, and page two contains the English translation.  When Pope Paul VI was Archbishop of Milan, after evaluating ‘The Poem of the Man-God’ by Maria Valtorta, he ordered her entire works to be sent to the Milan Seminary library.”



“On September 29, 2012 Pope Benedict XVI beatified one of the most charismatic promoters of The Poem of the Man-God, Blessed Gabriel Allegra, OFM, the only Scripture scholar to be beatified [from] the 20th century. His beatification commencement and a decree of a miracle were attributed to him and approved by Pope John Paul II on April 23, 2002. As a St. Jerome of our time, Blessed Allegra was the first one to translate the entire Bible into Chinese. He was an outspoken and avid long-time supporter of Maria Valtorta, and spent many years of his life studying, promoting, and defending the Poem of the Man-God. Both Holy Pontiffs were well aware of Blessed Gabriel Allegra's resolute dogmatic dedication of publishing articles advocating the Poem. According to Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, the secretary of Pope John Paul II, the Pontiff was an enthusiastic reader of Maria Valtorta. The Cardinal testifies to having often seen one of the volumes of The Gospel as Revealed to Me (a.k.a. The Poem of the Man-God) on the Pope’s bedside table (Source: Bishop Johanan-Mariam Cazenave in the Preface to L’Énigme Valtorta [The Valtorta Enigma], a book by Jean-François Lavère, RSI Publishers, 20
12, page 16.”


Source of above four quotes:




There are many good websites on Maria Valtorta, but this one is probably the best place to start: -- one can also buy physical copies (highly recommended in these end times) of the books here (also on Amazon). Here are other good, reliable websites on her and her writings:       


Please disregard negative websites. The Internet is a cesspool of Satan, replete with ignorance, error, and bad information.


In Closing


The five-volume Poem of the Man-God is currently being sold in ten revised volumes as The Gospel as Revealed to Me. Why so many volumes? St. John the Evangelist declared as the last verse of his gospel: “But there are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” (21:25). Jesus therefore called Maria Valtorta “little John.” (Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich, Ven. Mary of Agreda, and St. Veronica Giuliani similarly wrote tomes on Jesus and Mary.)

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