The Most Trustworthy Source for Current Private Revelation ... and the Most Censored...
Jennifer (no last name given to protect the privacy of her family) is a mother, grandmother, and homemaker in the United States. She has had at least one priest as spiritual advisor since the beginning.
Jesus started to speak a few very soft and gentle words (aubible words to her; these are known as "auricular locutions" and are more reliable than interior/inner locutions because there is less chance for error since it is coming from outside the recipient rather than inside the recipient -- however, this does not mean that interior/inner locutions are necessarily inferior or untrustworthy by any means) to her at Mass in April of 2001. Her husband did not hear the words. This continued every Sunday until in July of that year she asked who the voiced belonged to and what he wanted. Jesus said, “I am He who came to shed the sins of the world.” She did not understand what these words meant, and she felt like she was going crazy. She prayed hard that God would take it away because she did not know who she could talk to about this and thought people would think badly of her.
In November of that year, while at Mass, Jesus spoke to her and said, “My child, look up, My chosen son before you is the one who is chosen to guide you. Now go forth and tell him these words I give you.” She was very happy that Jesus told her who she could talk to, yet she again was afraid this priest might think badly of her. She did not respond for a couple of months until it was placed heavily on her heart that she needed to speak with him. She called him and said, “This will most likely be the strangest phone call you will ever receive, but I am hearing this voice that told me that I am supposed to call you and tell you these words.” That night she felt very alone and that she needed to go to Mass and be comforted by Jesus, because His voice brought great peace to her heart. This same priest offered Mass that night. She introduced herself and she and her husband went to the priest’s office, and she told him everything that Jesus had said to her.
On January 27, 2002, she and her husband met with the priest again and she told him everything that Jesus said. He urged her to write down everything she heard from Him. For a year she did so but would get frustrated and thought that she was going crazy. In February of 2003, she prayed and asked that if it was coming from God that He give her a sign. On March 3, 2003, at 3:00 p.m., Jesus said, “My child, I want you to write down this message for the world, for you are My chosen instrument. Do not fear, for fear does not come from Me, for I have been preparing you for this mission.”
Jennifer has received over 1,900 messages. Some are personal, some are for her spiritual advisor, and some are for the world. She says, “I begin to hear the first words over and over until I write them and then Jesus will give me the rest of them. I write down the date and time and number the message. I feel completely at peace when I hear Jesus. I am never in fear because his voice sounds so loving. He tells me all the time that if mankind only knew the depth of His love...”
Her official website is
Below is the text (verbatim) from her website about her. Anything below obviously is more accurate than what is above.
In April of 2001 while Jennifer was at Mass, she began to hear the words, "Come to Me." These words continued to repeat. She wondered who was whispering in her ear, yet it did not sound like a whisper. The voice that she was hearing was a man's voice, but very soft and gentle. After Mass she asked her husband if he heard the person speaking those words. He said, "No." Every Sunday after that she continued to hear the same words and the closer that she came to receiving the Eucharist, the stronger the words sounded.
On March 3rd, 2003 at 3:00 pm, Jesus said, "My child, I want you to write down this message for the world, for you are My chosen instrument. Do not fear, for fear does not come from Me, for I have been preparing you for this mission." So, she went and got a notebook and wrote down the first message for the world. As of July 2023, she has received almost 2,000 messages. Some are personal, some are for her spiritual director and some are for the world.
In the fall of 2004, Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC met with Jennifer and her then spiritual advisor to discuss the messages. He spent several days reviewing her journals and also translated three messages that Jennifer received for Pope John Paul II into Polish.
In December 2004, Jennifer was told by Jesus to travel to Rome. Jesus told her, "The doors will open upon your arrival." On December 11th, 2004, she visited the Vatican and met with the St. Pope John Paul II’s secretary. Accompanied by her then spiritual director and her father, she presented personal messages for the Pope and discussed the messages that she had received. She was directed and encouraged to continue to put the messages out to the world. In the words of the Monsignor whom she had met with, “These messages are imperative for the times we are living in.”
Jennifer will begin to hear the first words over and over until she writes them down and then Jesus will give her the rest of the message. She feels completely at peace when she hears Jesus. She never experiences fear because his voice sounds so loving. He tells Jennifer all the time that if mankind only knew the depth of His love.
Jennifer is married to her high school sweetheart, they have four grown children, and are grandparents. Jennifer continues to receive messages, but not as frequently as in the beginning. Only those that her current spiritual director feels are important for the world are published. After the passing of her long-time spiritual director Fr. Joseph Amalfitano, she began to receive spiritual direction from Fr. David who she was directed to by Jesus.