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Luz de Maria

Who is Luz de Maria? Do not search for “Luz de Maria Wikipedia”! That is a source controlled by the secret societies, which want to control all narratives and rewrite history. The best introduction to Luz de Maria is found on her official website here:




Luz de Maria de Bonilla was born in Costa Rica and grew up in a devout Catholic family. As a child, she received visits from Our Lady and Luz de Maria’s guardian angel. Her name is providential; it is translated as “light of Mary.” She presently lives in Argentina and is a wife, a mother of eight children, and a third-order Augustinian.

This private revelation, comprised primarily of inner locutions and visions, formally began in 1991. Now that it is clear to many that we are living in the end times, Luz de Maria – an end times prophet – is becoming more and more well-known as she receives regular messages from Jesus, Our Lady, and St. Michael. Now, according to heaven’s desire, she is spreading the messages to the world (she was called by God to be silent until the right time). Both Divine Justice and Divine Mercy are present in the messages, along with Divine Love and the hope for what will follow the pre-Tribulation – in which we are living – and the soon-to-come Tribulation when the Antichrist reigns. Thus, as with the messages Jesus gives to John Leary, the reader of these messages is not left simply depressed or despairing after reading them.


An early group that supported her has grown. Now there is a group of lay supporters ranging from adults to children in different countries who live out and promote the messages given through her. The messages were collected and put in a book, Thy Kingdom Come, which received an Imprimatur (see below).




Estelí, Nicaragua, Year of Our Lord, March 19th of 2017

Solemnity of the Patriarch Saint Joseph

The volumes that contain “PRIVATE REVELATION” from heaven, given to Luz de Maria from the year 2009 to the present time, have been given to me for the respective ecclesiastic approval. I have reviewed with faith and interest these volumes entitled, THY KINGDOM COME, and have come to conclusion that they are a call to humanity to return to the path that leads to eternal life, and that these messages are an exhortation from heaven in these times in which man must be careful not to stray from the Divine Word. 

In each revelation given to Luz de Maria, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary guide the steps, the work, and the actions of the people of God in these times in which humanity needs to return to the teachings contained in Holy Scripture.

The messages in these volumes are a treatise of spirituality, divine wisdom, and morality for those who welcome them with faith and humility, so I recommend them for you to read, meditate upon, and put into practice.

I DECLARE that I have not found any doctrinal error that attempts against the faith, morality and good habits, for which I grant these publications the IMPRIMATUR. Together with my blessing, I express my best wishes for the “Words of Heaven” contained here to resonate in every creature of good will. I ask the Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, to intercede for us so that the will of God be fulfilled “. . . on Earth as it is in heaven (Mt. 6:10).”


Juan Abelardo Mata Guevara, SDB

Head Bishop of Estelí, Nicaragua




In addition to the regular ecstasies, she experiences episodes of the stigmata (the five wounds of Jesus) that completely heal afterward. There are heavenly aromas. Also, some of her holy images of Jesus and Our Lady shed tears (“lacrimations”) of oil and blood (as revealed to the messenger Christina Gallagher, Our Lady sheds tears of blood – the times being what they are); many miracles have resulted for those who were present at the times Luz de Maria has received the stigmata.


She has had the same regular confessor since the beginning of the supernatural phenomena, and several other priests advise her, though Jesus said: “I am your true spiritual director.” According to her website: “Father Jose Maria Fernandez Rojas, who from the beginning of the manifestations has been beside her as her confessor, has also accompanied her prayer group of which three women religious have been an inseparable part since the Cenacle was formed 24 years ago, with one of these women religious having a degree in theology, the strictest observance and analysis of the revealed word has been maintained.”  


Our Lady has revealed a new title and image of Herself to Luz de Maria: “Queen and Mother of the End Times.” This, too, has received an Imprimatur (see below).




Bishopric of Estelí



Office of the Bishop Estelí, August 3, 2018








On Monday, August 28, in the Year of Our Lord 2006, a new invocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary was revealed by our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria under the title of “QUEEN AND MOTHER OF THE END TIMES.” MOST OF THE INVOCATIONS TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY ARE GATHERED IN ONE SINGLE IMAGE THAT REPRESENTS THEM.


Recently, the Blessed Mother has dictated a prayer for all of God’s people with which she invites us to invoke her, especially in these times of great tribulation and confusion inside and outside the Church.

Grateful to Heaven for such a great heavenly gift, we exhort God’s people to accept with faith and gratitude this divine help that springs from the loving Will of God, who wants to protect us all in the present and the future through the maternal help of the “Queen and Mother of the end times.”


I grant the “imprimatur” to this new invocation, to the prayer with which we can pray to her with trust and to the representation or image that artistically manifests the vision received by Luz de Maria. At the same time, I invite all to the novena of preparation for the feast of our QUEEN AND MOTHER OF THE END TIMES that will be held on August 28th.








Here is another Imprimatur he gave regarding Luz de Maria:


Office of the Bishop







I ………… give myself, Mother, to Your protection and to Your guidance;

I do not want to walk alone in the midst of the storm of this world.

I present myself before You, Mother of Divine Love, with my empty hands,

but with my heart filled with love and hope in Your intercession.


I ask You to teach me to love the Most Holy Trinity with Your very Love,

so that I may not be indifferent to Its calls, nor indifferent to mankind.


Take my mind, my thoughts, my consciousness and unconsciousness,

my heart, my desires, my expectations, and unify my being in the Trinitarian Will,

as You did, so that the Word of Your Son may not fall on arid ground.

Mother, united to the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ: bleeding

and despised in this moment of darkness,

I raise my pleading voice to You so that the discord among men

and the nations may be annihilated by Your Motherly Love.




Allow, Mother of Goodness, that this, my consecration,

be carried in the hands of the Angels to every heart

so that it may be repeated to infinity in each human being.




Estelí, November 6, 2017



+ Juan Abelardo Mata Guevara, SDB

Bishop of the Diocese of Estelí



This private revelation is ongoing, and no decision has been made regarding it, so these Imprimaturs are most helpful in discerning. Bishops do not give Imprimaturs lightly. As far as Imprimaturs are concerned, the Church does not say they have to be given by the local bishop. Imprimaturs are practically sure signs of future approval of a private revelation. They are given very rarely before a local diocese has finished its investigation…


Unfortunately, an American author attacked the messages given to Luz de Maria regarding Our Lady’s directive to use “Oil of the Good Samaritan” to protect against “great plagues” that would be coming (message of June 23, 2016). Jesus told Luz de Maria that she would be persecuted. Mark Mallett handily responded by exposing the weakness of this attack here: . This prophecy came to pass in 2020 with the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, but other plagues will follow since Our Lady used the plural: “plagues.” Another related, ongoing prophecy starting in 2010 was that China would bring calamity/illness to the world…


What has been revealed to her is coming true. To cite just one more poignant example, Luz de Maria revealed the attack on New York’s Twin Towers eight days beforehand. Now, heaven is revealing a multitude of future calamities with alarming precision. Heaven is doing so with the hope that we will not despair but draw close to God, who alone can ultimately help us in these times. Luz means light…


Above are some points that needed to be made, but a first-hand history of this private revelation is found here on Luz de Maria’s official website: . We will publish that below if the above link does not work.






The life of Luz de Maria has been guided by God since her birth in a small Central American country: Costa Rica. She currently spends long periods of time in Argentina.


 She comes from a family with profound Christian roots, in which along with her siblings, she grew up surrounded in a spiritual environment, with the Eucharist being the center of her life. Her youth went by accompanied by the presence of her beloved Guardian Angels who were her companions and confidants. Since then they participated in Heavenly Manifestations, thus foreshadowing what would be solidified little by little years later.


Along with the development of her professional life, she forms a home with those who accompany her since the Divine Manifestations begin, which include exudations from religious images, inexplicable aromas, among other things. In this way, her family and relatives were witnesses of Luz de Maria’s spiritual experience.
During Holy Week in 1991, an encounter takes place with the Blessed Mother who announces to Luz de Maria the physical recovery from an illness from which Luz de Maria suffered and welcomes her in a special way to prepare Luz de Maria for the encounter with Her Divine Son. Thus beginning a long journey during which they subtly clarify the mission which Heaven had designated for her.


Thus begins a new stage in her mystical experience, which would lead her to experience profound entasis not only in the presence of her family, but of people close to her that would later gather to pray, forming in this way a Cenacle, which accompanies her to this day. 


As the years go by, Jesus and the Blessed Mother form her so that she is a useful instrument in the hands of the Divine Potter and she abandons herself in the Lord’s Will, bearing with Christ the pain of the Cross that physically penetrates her body and her soul. (*)


After a long period of waiting during which Christ and the Blessed Mother prepared her gradually asking for discretion in that period, Heaven order her to transmit to humanity the Divine Word she had received and continues to receive. From that moment, Christ opens up the way and directs her steps along where the Divine Will desires Heaven’s Call to reach.
After being given the Divine Order of making herself known, and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, she bean to visit various countries, especially in Latin America, giving radio interviews and conferences open to the public. From there have surged brothers and sisters who desire to put into practice the teachings of the Divine Word, forming Cenacles of prayer and praxis of the Gospel, remaining in a constant battle to reach a full life in the fulfillment of God’s Will and in love of neighbor.


Luz de Maria perceives that with the passage of time, the Word of Christ and of the Blessed Mother that she receives reaches a different tenor in regards to the magnitude and intensity. This is due to the proximity of the events humanity will face. Nevertheless, in each Divine Call Love, Mercy — and at the same time, Divine Justice — prevail, announcing and denouncing the closeness of the Purification, a fruit of the disobedience of man and of the mishandling man has given the advancements in all fields, transforming himself into his own scourging.


Christ anticipates to her the persecution, injustice, defamation and slander which she will face on the part of those who do not accept these Divine Calls and who will not tire of pursuing her to try putting an end to this Work. But she accepts, knowing that as an instrument of Christ she must follow the same path Christ walked on Earth.
The Blessed Mother is her counselor and hand-in-hand with Her, until today, Luz de Maria continues to be a faithful disciple of Christ, living diverse mystical experiences in which Christ shares His suffering on the Cross.


Beside Luz de Maria have remained Priests of various countries who accompany her, but as Christ Himself tells her: “I Myself am your spiritual director,” for it is Christ who guides each one of her steps and all she does. Father José María Fernández Rojas, († 30.09.2020) who from the start of the manifestations has remained beside her as her confessor, has also accompanied her prayer group within which three religious sisters have been an inseparable part since the cenacle was begun, more than 30 years ago. With one of them being licensed in theology, the most strict observance and analysis of the revealed word has been maintained.


The Mission of Luz de Maria, in total obedience to Christ, is to be an instrument of the Divine Truth in this instant, announcing and denouncing what our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Blessed Mother indicate to her so that the children of God continue to fight for their own conversion and that of all their brothers and sisters, recognizing and combating with force the evil that surrounds them, and firmly continue on the path of Salvation in all aspects of life.


It is thus that the Divine Word that Luz de Maria receives invites humanity as children of the same Father to attain the unity of all as brothers and sisters, as those who fulfill the first commandment and echo the call of Christ who convokes His People to be one.


(*) Reference: Prior to the moment in which Christ shares His Passion, Luz de Maria begins to perceive a particular state which makes her recognize in advance the manifestation of this wonder, leading her to subsequently enter into a profound ecstasy, reflecting a dramatic scene for the witnesses due to the great suffering that is not only physical but also spiritual; the wounds of the hands, feet, side of the chest, and on the head became visible. On some occasions, tears of blood manifest which emanate an intense perfume that comes to flood the entire room. As the ecstasy ends, which can last from one to several hours, the wounds close and the flesh and skin regenerate, with only the blood that emanated from said wounds being visible.


MARCH 19, 2024


Holy Week of 1991, was the first manifestation of our Blessed Mother.

33 years have passed since our Blessed Mother, under the invocation of the Queen of Peace, manifested for the first time in my house, in an altarpiece that emanated Tears of an oily consistency and a heavenly aroma.

From the Tears, our Blessed Mother, after a while, began to emanate Blood with a stronger aroma that led one to feel that it was Our Lord Jesus Christ through His Mother who visited us.

33 years seems like an instant during which many people visited the image, experiencing many miracles as signs of His Presence and generosity.

What times, what gifts are those which we enjoy as children from the Hands of our Mother!

How can we forget every moment lived with the generosity of Heaven that loves and forgives, forgives and loves! The time during which the blessing began so that little by little our Blessed Mother and our beloved Lord Jesus Christ began to speak to me as they do now.

The first dictations of Heaven are and will always be part of my present time in which each Divine Act is for me like the first and I am thankful in my soul, kneeling at the Trinitarian Throne.

So with a brief comment, this has continued to happen, not with the same frequency as before, but our Mother always gives us at some point a "MIRACLE OF LOVE FROM HEAVEN", not for me, but to share.

For some time the Messages were silenced by Divine order, until our Mother ordered me to make them known.

Thus began the story of this Love, which amid stumbling blocks and blessings we have shared for the glory of God.

On this Anniversary, I thank so many brothers and sisters who have remained at the side of Christ and our Mother and have decided to collaborate so that these Divine Revelations go out into the world, without their names being known, but that do shine in the Sacred Hearts like stars of light and peace.

I thank Heaven that has sustained me, and everyone also for the great blessing of prayer and for being those stars that keep clinging to the Holy Mantle of our Mother that blesses us with the joys that lead us to live in Heaven in advance.

I thank my family who have always supported me, thus making this Path more bearable, as well as my spiritual family, without which it would not be possible to take these Calls to the world and say: thank you Father for me and for everyone.

Bless us Father, so that we can all continue to be souls that love Your Sacrosanct Trinity and be bearers of the Good News in which the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother will be to hand over to the Sacrosanct Trinity the land bequeathed us in due state so the Alpha and Omega will be worshiped forever and everywhere.

Luz de María  

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