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Resplendent Is the Queen at Your Right Hand

Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

August 15, 1997

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven

"Beloved sons, look today, with confidence and sure hope, at your heavenly Mother assumed into the glory of paradise, with body and soul. All the cohorts of the heavenly spirits prostrate themselves in profound veneration before their Queen, as I am raised to the highest part of heaven and am placed at the right hand of my Son Jesus. And all Paradise, with sweetest harmonies of lights and songs, which no one here below on earth could possibly hear, exalts me and proclaims: Resplendent, O Lord, is the Queen at your right hand.

Resplendent is the Queen at your right hand.

A person who is worthy of a very particular honor is placed on one's immediate right. When my Son Jesus, after having consigned Himself to death to obtain for you an eternal redemption, rises in the splendor of his divine glory and ascends into leaven, the Heavenly Father places Him at his right hand.

At the right hand of the Father, because there is bestowed upon Him that honor that is due to Him alone, as his only-begotten Son.

At the right hand of the Father, because, having completed the work of redemption, He has brought back all humanity, made a slave of sin, to full communion of life with God.

At the right hand of the Father, because Jesus is the only conqueror of the Evil One, of sin, of wickedness and of death.

At the right hand of the Father, because through Him the universe was created, and only to Him is given the power to subject all things to Himself, after having conquered and annihilated his enemies. `The Lord says to my Lord: Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool.' (Ps 110:1)

The Heavenly Father, placing Jesus Christ at his right hand, thus attributes to Him the greatest honor which is due to his only-begotten Son, to the Word made flesh, to the Redeemer, to the one and only Savior, and to the King of all the universe.

Resplendent is the Queen at your right hand.

When I am assumed to the glory of paradise, I am placed at the right hand of my Son. Jesus thus acknowledges the greatest honor that is due to me as his Virgin Mother, intimately associated with Him in the work of redemption, sharing in all his sufferings, called now to share in his divine power in glory.

At the right hand of the Son, because, with my yes, I gave my consent for Him to assume human nature in my most pure womb.

At the right hand of the Son, because I had been at his side during every moment of his life, drinking together with Him the chalice of much bitterness.

At the right hand of the Son, because beneath the Cross, with my immaculate and maternal sorrow, I have become true Co-redemptrix, offering my Son Jesus to the Father as the price of your ransom.

At the right hand of the Son, because, in Him and by means of Him, I have achieved the victory over the Evil One, over sin and over death which entered into the world as a chastisement for the sin committed by the first parents.

At the right hand of the Son, because now I share in his divine power to subject all things to Himself.

At the right hand of the Son, that I may exercise close to Him my spiritual function as Mother of the Church and of all humanity.

At the right hand of the Son, I pray for you, intercede on your behalf, assist you and help you in the terrible struggle against Satan and all the wicked spirits, against evil and sin, so that one day Christ may conquer the power which death still has over you.

Thus, at the end of the world, when Jesus will raise you up for his final and universal judgment, you too, my children, may ascend up here into paradise, and then, you will be placed at the right hand of the Son and of your heavenly Mother to enjoy with them forever perfect and eternal happiness."

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[Artist: Blessed Angelico, O.P.]

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