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Fr. Gobbi – His Glorious Return

April 7, 1996

Easter Sunday


“Let your hearts be opened to joy, on the day in which my motherly Immaculate Heart was filled with such a fullness of blessedness that it cancelled out even the trace of her every suffering.

You too, beloved sons, live the moment when my Son Jesus, in the dazzling splendor of his glorified body, has presented himself before me and has surrounded me with his most powerful light, has embraced me with filial tenderness, has placed his kiss on my wounded Heart and led me by the hand into the celestial kingdom of his divine glory.

Thus I became the first announcement, silent and motherly, of his resurrection. I was the first living witness of his glorious return to life. For this reason, I invite you to look today, with confidence and sure hope, to his glorious return.


 His glorious return gives new force of life to all humanity, redeemed but subjected to the terrible snares set for you by him who is a murderer from the beginning and who still wants to spread sin and death in the world.

 His glorious return gives comfort and consolation, courage and confidence to the Church, born in the sepulcher from which Christ came forth victorious and that is walking along her painful way of the definitive encounter with her Lord and Master.

 His glorious return gives a new light of grace to all of you, my poor children, who are subjected to the terrible and painful experiences of these last times of the purification and the great tribulation.


Never as in your days does it become so necessary to live this stupendous truth of Easter: Christ Risen is living in your midst and is guiding the events of individuals and peoples toward their ultimate fulfillment.

Turn today your gaze toward him who is risen from the dead to lead you all into his kingdom of life.

Turn today your gaze upon your heavenly Mother, who is surrounded by the light of the purest paschal joy and who becomes again for you the silent and motherly proclamation of his glorious return.



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