Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi
January 1, 1986
Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God
"Look today at your heavenly Mother. This is the feast of my divine motherhood. It is also the first day of the new year, and the Church invites you today to pray in order to obtain the great gift of peace.
I am the Queen of Peace. On Christmas day, I gave you Him who is your peace, my Son Jesus. Jesus has brought you to peace with God, and thus He has opened up for you the way of your salvation and of true happiness. Jesus has brought you to peace with yourselves, and thus He has opened up for you the way to peace of heart.
This can be born only through living in divine grace, which He has merited for you by his birth in your midst, by his life and by his bloody immolation on the Cross. If you live in the grace of God, you live in peace of heart.
Egoism, hatred, impurity and any sin whatsoever take away your peace of heart.
Jesus has brought you to peace with all people and has traced out for you the way towards true brotherhood. Every human person must truly be looked upon by you as your brother.
I am asking you all to live in one true communion of brotherhood and of mutual love, without distinction of race, language or religion. You are all children of God, redeemed by Jesus, entrusted to my spiritual motherhood, and therefore you must all live with each other as true brothers. Only along the way of a brotherhood which is truly lived out will peace be able to come to you.
But peace is, today, being ever increasingly threatened. Men are walking in a vast and obstinate rejection of God; they are victims of sin and of impurity; they are incapable of understanding and loving each other, and thus human rights are trampled underfoot; the poor and the hungry are abandoned; oppression and injustices are increasing; acts of violence are exploding menacingly, and wars are constantly spreading more and more.
In this year, grave threats to peace and dangers of great evils are pressing in upon you. And so, today, on the feast of my divine motherhood, I invite you to entrust yourselves to me, who am the Queen of Peace.
Be converted, and return to the Lord along the way of prayer and of penance, of mortification of the senses, and of fasting. The space of time which God has yet granted to humanity for its conversion is almost over. For this reason, I address this message of mine to you, with heartfelt and motherly anxiety.
Listen to it, and you will be saved. Follow it, and you will find peace of heart. Spread it everywhere, and you will help to prepare, for all, days, not of misfortune and affliction, but of hope and peace.”