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Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

September 12, 1991

Cenacle held at the National Shrine of Slovakia

In the Name of Mary

"Today, my dearest son, on the feast of the venerated name of your heavenly Mother, you are bringing to a close your journey, so extraordinary for its graces, with a great cenacle which you are holding for the priests and the faithful, in this great national shrine, dedicated to the memory of my sorrows.

You have seen everywhere a most generous response, on the part of all, to my request for prayer and for consecration. Especially, you have been astounded, because you have come here for the first time and have found my Marian Movement of Priests so widely spread, received and followed. This is my work alone, and I myself am furthering it in every part of the world, because these are the times of my triumph, of my victory and of your salvation.

- In the name of your heavenly Mother, yes, in the name of Mary, the Turks were defeated, when they laid siege to the city of Vienna and threatened to invade and destroy the whole Christian world. They were far superior in strength, in numbers and in weapons, and they felt that their victory was assured. But I was publicly invoked and called upon; my name was inscribed upon their banners and shouted out by the soldiers, and thus through my intercession, there took place the miracle of this victory which saved the Christian world from its destruction. It is for this reason that the Pope instituted, on this day, the feast of the Name of Mary.

In the name of Mary, Marxist communism, which for decades had been exercising its rule and holding so many of my poor children in oppressive and bloody slavery, has been defeated in these countries. Not because of political movements or persons, but through my personal intervention, has your liberation finally come about.

It will again be in the name of Mary that I will bring to completion my work with the defeat of Masonry, of every diabolical force, of materialism, and of practical atheism, so that all humanity will be able to attain its encounter with the Lord and be thus purified and completely renewed, with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.

It is for this reason that I desire that the feast in honor of the name of Mary be restored, now that you are entering into the fiercest moments of the struggle and the most painful stage of the great tribulation.

From this, my shrine, I look with love upon those countries which have still preserved the feast of the name of your heavenly Mother, and I promise them my special and motherly protection. In particular, I bless this land of Slovakia, where I am so loved, venerated and more and more glorified."

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