October 17, 1978
The New Pope, John Paul II
"Have more confidence and trust in your heavenly Mother: pray and live with her; never again be fearful!
I am leading and protecting you, I am at your side at each moment; what I ask of you is silence, prayer and confidence. I ask little and humble things of you because you must walk along the path of littleness and humiliations.
Today you have prayed for the new Pope whom my Immaculate Heart has obtained from Jesus for the good of his Church. He is a son especially loved by me because he has consecrated himself to my Heart from the beginning of his priesthood.
Unite yourself, through love and prayer, with all the priests of my Movement, whom I myself am bringing to an ever-greater love for the Pope and for the Church united with him.
You must support him with prayer, with your love and with your fidelity. You must follow him, carrying out to perfection whatever he determines for the good of the Church. In this, be a good example to all.
You must defend him at those times when my Adversary lets loose his fury upon him, deceiving those of my poor children who oppose him.
With the Holy Father whom Providence has today given you. I bless you, my beloved sons throughout the whole world, chosen by my Immaculate Heart for the hour of its great triumph."