The Secret War of Francis and Fernández on Private Revelation
September 19, 2024 Medjugorje is undoubtedly authentic. A bad tree cannot bear good fruit and a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, as...
Is Francis a valid pope? Private revelation has not been silent...
When Francis rejected the title of “Vicar of Christ” in 2020. I thought to myself then that that was appropriate since his papacy has...
Scripture Verse Partially Fulfilled at Olympics
I am not watching the Olympics, but others on Facebook came to the above conclusion (it is not original), but when I heard about it and...
One of the greatest graces God has EVER given...
... and it is extraordinarily easy to obtain. What is it? It is "the Great Grace of Divine Mercy Sunday." In a series of revelations to...
How to Make Good Friday Oil
Good Friday Oil was originally made by St. Andre Bessette, who followed a recipe revealed to him by St. Joseph. This recipe was also...
Prophecy of St. Francis of Assisi on Pope Francis
Before his death, St. Francis of Assisi gave this prophecy: “A SHORT time before the holy Father’s death, he called together his Children...
What You Need to Get NOW as Far as Physical Preparation
With the digital dollar to take over soon around the world, it is important to get food before October. In the below message to John...
Stop Watching Private Revelation on YouTube Channels
May 23, 2023 A few months ago, like many others, I noticed messed-up private revelation messages on YouTube. I even called one YouTube...
Renowned Exorcist: Private Revelation Is Coming True
A top exorcist, Fr. Chad Ripperger, makes the point that private revelation is coming true and that it will get worse before it gets...
"cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops"
In 1973, Sister Agnes Sasagawa, a novice with the Handmaids of the Holy Eucharist in Akita, Japan, was given three messages from Our...
Crazy Conspiracy Theories?
If you consider conspiracy theories to be crazy, as is said incessantly by the media, etc., then why did the popes write all these...
December 8th – HOUR OF GRACE (12 p.m. – 1 p.m.)
[Photo: a weeping Rosa Mystica statue; this phenomenon is called "lacrimation"] Source: The St. Thomas Aquinas Society (...
Satan Says Hardly Anyone Believes in Private Revelation
On February 11, 2013, in a particular exorcism conducted by the greatest exorcist of all time (excepting Jesus of course), Fr. Gabriele...