Great Introductory Video on Our Lady of America
In this short, half-hour video, learn about a 20th century private revelation that Cardinal Burke swears by since he researched it...

Eminent Mariologist Defends Our Lady of America
Monsignor Arthur Calkins, S.T.D. (Source: SCRIBD.com) Some Comments on the Statement Regarding the Devotion to Our Lady of America of May...

Message from Jesus to Sr. Mary Ephrem
(Our Lady of America private revelation) May 22, 1954 “My little white dove, if the world is dying, it is because it will not let Me give...

Message from Jesus to Sr. Mary Ephrem
(Our Lady of America private revelation) May 29, 1954 “My Heart beats with compassion for the sorrows of man. Oh, how gladly would I help...

Message from Jesus to Sr. Mary Ephrem
[Our Lady of America private revelation] July 11, 1954 “My daughter, I am not loved in the homes of men. And because I am not loved, the...

Messages to Sr. Mary Ephrem
1954 - 1958 July 12, 13, 14, 1954: "Blessed are the homes that honor My Name and the Name of My Father. "Blessed are the homes where I am...

Messages of Our Lady of America to Sr. Mary Ephrem
On the morning of February 3, 1957: "My Son asks of souls love, that true love willing to sacrifice itself for the One loved. Man fears...

Messages to Sr. Mary Ephrem (Our Lady of America private revelation)
In April 1957, Our Lord's [Jesus'] words contained this warning: “My sweet child, unless my children reform their lives, they will suffer...

Message from Our Lady of America to Sr. Mary Ephrem
Excerpts from Our Lady's address during her visit on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart, August 22, 1957 [old liturgical calendar] “My...

Message from Our Lady of America to Sr. Mary Ephrem
Words of Our Lady as recorded under the dates of September 26-27, 1957: “My dear daughter, sweet child, write my words carefully, because...

Introduction to Book of Messages of Our Lady of America
Source: https://www.ourladyofamerica.org/wordpress/ “The following lines were penned by a religious Sister, Mary Ephrem (Mildred Neuzil),...

Message from Our Lady of America to Sr. Mary Ephrem
November 22-23, 1957 Our dear Mother showed herself to me in a special way around 11:30 on the morning of November 22. The next day, a...

Burke's Letter to the USCCB on Our Lady of America
May 31, 2007 — Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary To the Bishops of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:...

Messages from Our Lady of America and St. Michael
On the eve of February 11, 1958 “My Immaculate Heart will win in the end, and the Spirit of Christ will dwell in the hearts of men. Those...

Message from Our Lady of America and St. Joseph to Sr. Mary Ephrem
March 11, 1958 On March 11, 1958, Our Lady said to me: "St. Joseph will come on the eve of his feast. Prepare yourself well. There will...

Local Bishop Blesses Chapel of Our Lady of America Shrine
On August 28, 2022, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, blessed the refurbished chapel and offered the Holy...

Indulgenced Prayers Written by the Visionary Sr. Mary Ephrem (Our Lady of America)
Prayer to Our Lady of America, Patroness of our Land Oh Immaculate Mother, Queen of our country, open our hearts, our homes, and our land...

Message from St. Joseph to Sr. Mary Ephrem
[Our Lady of America private revelation] March 11, 1958 On March 11, 1958, Our Lady said to me: "St. Joseph will come on the eve of his...

Local Bishop to Bless Our Lady of America Chapel
Source: Our Lady of America Shrine, Rome City, Indiana ~ https://patronessofamerica.org/index.php/2022/07/15/elementor-2593/ DETAILS FOR...

![Message from St. Joseph to Sr. Mary Ephrem [Our Lady of America]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/6f7c2f_e364766c06d54fec83405e5ce4870b8d~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_327,h_246,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/6f7c2f_e364766c06d54fec83405e5ce4870b8d~mv2.webp)
Message from St. Joseph to Sr. Mary Ephrem [Our Lady of America]
March 30, 1958 As he had promised, St. Joseph came again on March 30. His requests were similar to those of Our Lady and the First...