The below prayer was given by Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi, the well-known locutionist and friend of Pope St. John Paul II. When Pope Benedict XVI heard about the death of Fr. Gobbi (on June 29, 2011, at 3 p.m.) from Cardinal Ivan Dias, the Holy Father said, “He went straight to Heaven.” Here is the prayer typed verbatim from one of the prayer cards that the Marian Movement of Priests (Our Lady's movement headed by Fr. Gobbi) publishes:
During one of the cenacles which Fr. Gobbi held in the United States, he was urged by many to ask Our Lady specifically what could be done to save the youth from the seductions of the world which were leading many of them astray and causing them to leave the Church. Our Lady gave Fr. Gobbi this definite and final solution to console the parents who are so concerned about the salvation of their children:
· Pray the Rosary!
· Every time you pray the Rosary say: “With this Rosary I bind all my children to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
· In doing so, Our Lady promised “to see to their souls.”
The Marian Movement of Priests
PO Box 8
St. Francis, Maine 04774
Tel. (207) 398-3375