Messages from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, to Pedro Regis
August 24, 2023
Dear children, I ask you to be men and women of prayer. Humanity has become spiritually blind because men have distanced themselves from the Creator. Turn around. What you have to do, do not leave for tomorrow. You are living in the time of sorrows, but do not lose hope. Tomorrow will be better for the just. Turn away from everything that distances you from God. Open your hearts, for only thus can you understand the designs of God for your lives. Do not forget: In the hands, the Holy Rosary and Sacred Scripture; In the heart, the love of truth. You are important for the realization of My plans. Listen to Me. Approach the confessional and seek the Mercy of My Jesus through the Sacrament of Confession. It is in this life, and not in another, that you must bear witness to your faith. Heaven must be your goal. Pray for the Church of My Jesus. You will still see horrors everywhere, but those who remain faithful until the end will be victorious. At this moment, I make an extraordinary shower of graces fall from Heaven upon you. Onward without fear! This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
August 22, 2023
Dear children, I am your Mother and I have come from Heaven to help you. Listen to Me. Behold the time of grace for your lives. Turn away from the world and serve the Lord with joy! Fill yourselves with hope, for the Lord loves you and is with you. In Him is your true liberation and salvation. Do not live apart from prayer. You cannot grow in the spiritual life without prayer. Be attentive. Do not allow the things of the world to occupy a privileged space in your lives. You are of the Lord and you must follow and serve only Him. Witness Jesus to those who are far from His Grace. Ye are walking toward a future in which men and women of faith will lose their freedom. I suffer for what comes to you. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
August 19, 2023
Dear children, give Me your hands and I will conduct you to My Son, Jesus. You are walking toward a future in which few will remain firm in the Faith. Bend your knees in prayer, for only in this way can you bear the weight of the trials that will come. I know each one of you by name and I have come from Heaven to tell you that ye are important for the realization of the plans of God. By your example and your words, bear witness to the Love of Jesus. Embrace His Gospel and the teachings of the true Magisterium of His Church. Be attentive so as not to be deceived. In God there is no half-truth. You live in a time that is worse than the time of the Flood. Turn to the One who loves you and waits for you with open arms. Do not forget: Your victory is in the Eucharist. Onward, without fear! I will pray to My Jesus for you. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
August 17, 2023
Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer for what comes to you. The day will come when men and women of faith will search for the true treasure, but the true treasure will be hidden. What is false will spread everywhere and many will be deceived. I ask you to keep the flame of your faith alight. Remain firm on the path I have pointed out to you and do not allow the mire of false doctrines to drag you into the spiritual abyss. Pray. Seek strength in the Eucharist to be great in faith. The Eucharist is the great treasure of the Church. Be attentive. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.