Messages from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, to Pedro Regis
April 24, 2024
Dear children, My Son Jesus expects much from you. In these difficult times, seek to be united with My Son Jesus and do not allow the things of the world to drag you into the abyss of destruction. Love and defend the truth. You are walking toward a future of suffering. By the fault of the bad shepherds, disorder will spread within the Church and many will follow their own paths. The false key will not open the door to eternity. The way to Heaven passes through the Teachings of Jesus and His true Church. Flee the wolves disguised as lambs and stay at the side of those who love and live the truth of the Gospel. The seed of evil will spread, but only the seed of truth will sprout in the House of God. Give the best of yourselves and help My poor children who live far from Jesus. He is your everything and without Him you can do nothing. Fear not! Nothing or no one can stand against the Elect of the Lord. Courage! I will pray to My Jesus for you. Whatever happens, do not stray from the path that I have pointed out to you. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
April 23, 2024
Dear children, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother. I have come from Heaven to offer you My love and to conduct you to the One who is your Great Friend. Remember the Wonders of God that have taken place on this land [Portugal] and open your hearts to the Action of the Lord who calls you to live and bear witness to your faith. You are walking toward a future of great spiritual darkness. The great war between the brave soldiers in cassocks [and their opponents] will spread throughout the world. I suffer for what is coming to you. You who love the truth: do not throw away the Treasures of God. I ask you to be part of the little flock that will contribute to the Definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. The great spiritual war will cause death in many of My poor children. Do not forget: Through the blurred mirror you cannot find the truth. Announce the truth of My Jesus, even if you are persecuted and thrown out. Do not forget the great lessons of the past. In them you will find the full truth of God. I want to help you, but it depends on you what I desire to do in your favor. Be attentive! Do not allow your freedom to enslave you. Pray. When you are away from prayer, you become a target for the enemy of God. Onward without fear! Tell everyone that in God there is no half-truth. In this moment, I make fall from Heaven upon you an extraordinary rain of grace. Courage! Whoever is with the Lord and in the truth will win! This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
April 22, 2024
Dear children, give Me your hands and I will conduct you along the path of holiness. Do not lose your hope. God is in control of everything. Trust in Him who sees the hidden and knows you by name. You live in the time worse than the time of the Flood and the moment has come for your return. Turn away from the world, for you are a belonging of the Lord and you must follow and serve only Him. You are in My Immaculate Heart and you must fear nothing. Listen to Me. You have freedom, but the best thing is to do the Will of God. Be attentive so as not to be deceived. You live in the time of the spiritual confusion and only the truth will be your weapon of defense against the enemies of God. Do not throw away the blessings you have received in your continuous encounters with My Son Jesus. Do not reject the blessings received in the Sacraments, the true channels of the Saving Action of My Son Jesus in your lives. Courage! Tomorrow will be better for the just. Onward along the path I have pointed out to you! This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
April 21, 2024
Dear children, I am your Mother and I have come from Heaven to call you to sincere conversion. Listen to Me. You know well how much I love you. Be meek and humble of heart and Heaven will be your reward. Do not forget: To whom much has been given, much will be required. Do not be discouraged. When you feel the weight of the cross, call for Jesus and He will give you the victory. I ask you to be men and women of prayer. In the hands, the Holy Rosary and Sacred Scripture; In the heart, the love of truth. Tell everyone that the Lord will always be faithful to His Promises, but you cannot cross your arms. Welcome My Appeals, for only thus can you contribute to the Definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. You will still see horrors everywhere, but those who remain faithful until the end will never be defeated. Courage! In this moment, I make fall from Heaven upon you an extraordinary rain of grace. Onward in defense of the truth! This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
April 20, 2024
Dear children, God is in a hurry. Do not remain stationary in sin, but turn to the One who is your One True Savior. My Lord expects much from you. Do not fold your arms. What you have to do, do not leave for tomorrow. You live in the time of sorrows and only through the power of prayer can you bear the weight of the cross that is to come. Dedicate part of your time to prayer. Listen to the words of My Jesus and allow the Grace of the Lord to transform you. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of your sufferings. Give Me your hands and I will conduct you to holiness. Do not forget: It is in this life, and not in another, that you must bear witness to your faith. Take care of your spiritual life, always having Heaven as your goal. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
April 18, 2024
Dear children, I ask you to keep the flame of your faith alight. Seek My Son Jesus Present in the Eucharist and you will be strong in faith. Do not allow the darkness of sin to distance you from the Light of God. You are important for the realization of My Plans. Announce the truth proclaimed by My Son Jesus to all those who are far from the path of salvation. You are walking toward a future in which few will stand firm in the truth. There will be great persecution and many will retreat out of fear. Give Me your hands and I will conduct you to My Son Jesus. Do not retreat! I will always be with you. Turn away from the world and live turned toward the Paradise for which ye were uniquely created. Everything in this life passes, but the Grace of God in you will be eternal. Onward! I will pray to My Jesus for you. In this moment, I make fall upon you an extraordinary shower of graces. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
April 16, 2024
Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer for what comes to you. Bend your knees in prayer. Wide doors will open and the enemies will advance, causing doubts in My poor children. My Jesus awaits your sincere and courageous Yes. Do not allow evil to contaminate you. You are of the Lord and you must follow and serve only Him. Humanity walks toward a great spiritual abyss. Sustain yourselves in prayer and in the words of My Jesus. Approach the confessional and seek the Mercy of My Jesus for your lives. Whoever walks with the Lord will never be defeated. Onward without fear! This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.