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Eduardo Ferreira – Message and Act of Consecration to Mary

Message from Our Lady to Eduardo Ferreira

November 12, 2023

Peace! My children, I invite you once again to pray for your families. Pray! Children, give me your love and your trust. My children, I am here and I wish to help you. Trust in your Mother, the Mystical Rose – the Queen of Peace. I am here to spread the graces that are most necessary for the soul of each one of you. You ask me for what is most useful to you, and most of the time it is matter of material and insignificant things. I am here to help you. I, your Mother, recommend to you: ask for the gift of love. With this gift, you will have the grace of forgiveness and charity. My children, do not forget: if you are faithful to my messages, you will come closer to my Heart. I wish to be the guardian of your heart and your family. I bless you with love.


CONSECRATION OF OUR LADY, QUEEN OF PEACE AND MEDIATRIX OF ALL GRACES (taught by Our Lady to brother Eduardo on August 21, 1996) Virgin Mother, Queen of Peace and Mediatrix of All Graces. I offer and dedicate my body and my soul, my heart, everything I am, everything I have. I devote myself to you for love and to love. I offer up myself to your Motherly care. Just like Jesus did all his life, I want to honor you, united with your Heart. O Mother, above all I want to imitate your purity, your humility; in short, all of your qualities. O Mother, I want to dedicate myself to fight under your command so that the Kingdom of God comes. Mother, welcome my act of consecration, accept me as your son, and offer me to the Heavenly Father along with Jesus. Help me to be faithful until I die. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.

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