Message from Our Lady to Eduardo Ferriera
February 12, 2024 – São José dos Pinhais
My children, peace!
On this day of prayer, dedicated to me with the title of Mystic Rose – the Queen of Peace, I invite you to pray for your families.
My children, pray for peace in your homes; pray so that there may be harmony between the spouses.
You parents must have the Holy Family of Nazareth as a model.
It is necessary to pray in the family.
Give witness to your children.
You will not be able to ask them anything in the future if your witness today is not the best.
This is a time of grace for your families. This is a time of change.My children, do not lose heart in face of obstacles, whether they are illnesses, losses or even life changes.
Know, my children, that I am here and I walk with you.
I repeat it once again: this is a time of grace that God is giving to this nation [Brazil]. These are my apparitions in São José dos Pinhais.
My children, call me Mother.
I am your Mother, the Immaculate Conception.
During these 36 years that I have been coming to Brazil, I have brought the blessings of Jesus to each one of you.
To my daughters I say: keep on using the veil*, both in Church and in moments of prayer. Be obedient. I am glad to see you wearing the veil.
Every day I fight against our adversary, so that you remain close to me.
It is necessary to pray and a lot, my children.
Without prayer, you will not achieve the victory.
Be careful of the enemy’s traps.
Pray every day, a single crown or the entire rosary (all the mysteries), as I have already asked you here.
I am Mary the Mystic Rose – the Queen of Peace.
Be careful, my children – banish from your mind any doubt regarding these apparitions.
Give good witness to all those who approach you.
On this very special day, I wish to bless all those who, with love and selflessness, have made this Sanctuary a place of welcome.
I am the Queen of Peace, the Mother of the Word.
Do not let discord grow among you.
Pray – pray so that peace may remain in your hearts.
Bring this peace that I bring you from Heaven, this peace that my Jesus gives to all your family members.
Love without measure!
Sow love, peace and charity wherever you go.
I rejoice in the presence of each one of you today here in my Sanctuary.
I bless you with love.
*The obligation to cover the head in Church has never been formally abolished, but since 1983 the Code of Canon Law no longer mentions it.
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