[Our Lady of America private revelation]
July 11, 1954
“My daughter, I am not loved in the homes of men. And because I am not loved, the Divine Trinity refuses to dwell therein.
“Children are not taught to love Me, because those who have charge over them have no time or patience to do so.
“My Heart grieves over My children in the world. Their hearts are being drawn farther and farther away from Me. They will not even listen to My Mother, because they have never been taught to listen.
“I am a Beggar for love, but how few give to Me the means by which to satisfy My divine hunger. I hunger for the love of My own, and I receive only the crumbs no other would accept.
“My Father is angry. If My children will not listen to My Heart, which is a Voice of mercy and instruction, punishment will come swiftly and none shall be able to stay it. The pleadings of My Heart have held back the divine justice about to descend on an ungrateful and sinful generation.
“Woe to parents who set a bad example to their children! Terrible will be their judgment. I will demand a strict account of every soul entrusted to their care.
“Woe to parents who teach their children how to gain materially in this world and neglect to prepare them for the next!
“Woe to children who disobey and show disrespect towards their parents!
“‘Honor thy father and thy mother.’ On this shall they be judged most severely.”