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Two New Messages Revealed to the Messenger Sam

Updated: Aug 6, 2024

June 26, 2024 YEAR V, Week 15 of Virtual Rosary United with Others All Over the Country live streaming from the barn. (S. with the grace of God was able to set up a GO TO MEETING Virtual Rosary with the prayer-group and others who wanted to call-in and join.  We are now with ZOOM and are all connected with S., V. and L. electronically and can be heard by everyone united on the Call.) 

Sam was told/shown during the Rosary: 

God the Father was on His throne with both hands extended over all praying electronically or at home in unison. 

The Mother of Perpetual Light was in the heavens.  Most of the front-line, except for a few that came to be with their special people, and our four unborn were present in heaven; Fr. D., Fr. L., Fr. G. and

Fr. R. were praying the rosary in heaven.   

Luisa Piccarreta was behind the Divine Will Rainbow holding a rosary and Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s petition books. Three huge baskets full of rosaries were next to Luisa with St. Padre Pio by her side.   

Aborted babies in countless numbers were praying the rosary in heaven.  

The souls that were released from purgatory by praying a Hail Mary while passing a cemetery were in heaven waving to us. (Please continue to pray. Sam has been told that now not only souls from a particular cemetery are being released here, but an equal number of souls are also being released from other parts of the world. When a cemetery is depleted, the souls are released from some other one.)    

Fr. S. was in the barn sitting in his favorite chair; the barn was filled with angels and the relic saints.

A dome of angels was over the barn and each person’s home of those participating this evening including S.G.’s who was live streaming from the barn, also over S.’s religious goods store, and over those who worked on the barn property, J. and his crew and J. (sound system).

J.S.’s father was at the white mountain, as usual.  

Fr. S. led the first decade with S. and his parents from heaven responding. (It was prerecorded by S. at the very beginning of the virtual rosary.)

All the petition books were glowing. Everyone’s petitions were absorbed into Jesus’ and Mary’s hearts.   

Nine petitions are in the process of being answered.  

Eight new prayer requests (Please pray in advance.)  

Two good phone calls  

This evening’s rosaries were multiplied by 1,000, and 10,000 souls were released from purgatory for each person united in praying this evening. 

1,000 abortions were prevented world-wide this evening due to this evening’s rosary. 

20,000 deaths were prevented due to the coronavirus world-wide.  

The sparks from all the lit, blessed candles of the participants, during the rosary, are contributing to saving countless souls.

This evening’s rosary prevented the fatality of 1,000 people of those vaccinated.

The Blessed Mother said, “Escalation of war is becoming more intense; your rosaries are your only defense.”

Flaming arrows from every direction were deflected by the rosaries of those praying in union with the barn.

After WWIII breaks out, a large part of the earth will appear like a massive cemetery.

Children will begin to abandon their families related to the vaccines.

J. responded to the rest of the Joyful Mysteries.

Soon, paper money will be worth less than toilet paper.

This rosary prevented a young child from drowning.

K. and her father H. were steering the Little Noah’s Ark, prayer-group’s boat, in massive storms.

K. and her parents led the Finding Jesus in the Temple decade.

Extra angels were sent to family members of all those united in praying the rosary this evening.

The Luminous mysteries were responded to by S.

Gasoline prices will eventually lead to $10 per gallon and only will be available in limited supplies.

A. led the Institution of the Eucharist decade as tears of joy fell on the participants’ rosaries.

Much of the baby food is in the process of being contaminated.

During the Sorrowful Mysteries, Luisa with the three baskets of rosaries holding the two petition books and St. Padre Pio were united in prayer with the prayer-group. Many rosaries were being absorbed into Blessed Mother’s heart for K.   

Also, during Sorrowful Mysteries, a drop of blood fell on the participants' rosaries as well as on S.'s and K.’s beautiful roses.  

A special blessing was given by the Holy Trinity to those united this evening and upon their family members with an outpouring of multiple graces which also included the landscaping and barnscaping crews and their families and the grandchildren of all united this evening. 

The blessing also included S.’s and K.’s beautiful roses with a grace for healing. 

T. and her mother L. responded to the Sorrowful Mysteries.

Extra angels were assigned to K. and her family as well as J. and her family to escort them on their travels.

A family dog helped to prevent a serious injury to a small child.

Soon, airlines will be transporting passengers into locations which were not requested by them.

Soon, almost all school instructors will be AI robots.

Also soon, you will be able to purchase a doctor’s degree and act as a physician.

The price of water will continue to increase, and no more free refills of water at restaurants will be offered.

During the Glorious Mysteries, all were in the palm of God the Father’s hand and immersed in light as the same light was also streaming towards their family members as well as the landscaping crew and the barnscaping crew and their family members. 

S. and parents were responding to the Glorious Mysteries.

The Resurrection decade was led by A. and joined by M. as usual. M. still had the red rose pressed to his heart as he said, “Thank You, dear Jesus, for each and every day when A. and I are united to pray the rosary.”

Fr. S. said to his niece M.V.: “Joy! Joy! Joy! We are together again.”

Extra angels will be escorting L. as she moves to Seattle.

J. and S. were joined by their parents in praying the Coronation decade. 

Six angels with a chariot were waiting above the church to pick up J., R.’s mother, to escort her to heaven during the Consecration of her funeral Mass. (Thank you for praying for the family during the mother’s last days.)

Fr. S. said, “Joy! Joy! Joy!” 

Special blessings and multiple graces were bestowed on all united and their family members by God the Father.  


The Holy Dove circled three times and flew up.




6-19-2024 YEAR V, Week 14 of Virtual Rosary United with Others All Over the Country. Live streaming from S.’s home. (S. with the grace of God was able to set up a GO TO MEETING Virtual Rosary with the prayer-group and others who wanted to call-in and join. We are now with ZOOM and are all connected with S. electronically and can be heard by everyone united in the Call.  About 40 joined in the rosary conference this evening.)

Sam was told/shown during the Rosary: 

God the Father was on His throne with both hands extended over all praying electronically or at home in unison.   

The Mother of Perpetual Light was in the heavens.  Most of the front-line, except for a few who came to be with their special people, and our four unborn were present in heaven; Fr. D., Fr. L., Fr. G. and Fr. R. were praying the rosary in heaven.  

Luisa Piccarreta was behind the Divine Will Rainbow holding a rosary and Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s petition books. Three huge baskets full of rosaries were next to Luisa with St. Padre Pio by her side.    

Aborted babies in countless numbers were praying the rosary in heaven. 

The souls that were released from purgatory by praying a Hail Mary while passing a cemetery were in heaven waving to us. (Please continue to pray. Sam has been told that now not only souls from a particular cemetery are being released here, but equal numbers of souls are also being released from around the world. When a cemetery is depleted, the souls are released from some other one. Not one soul but THOUSANDS are being released at one time.)

The barn was filled with angels and relic saints.

A dome of angels was over the barn and over each person’s home of those participating this evening as well as over J.’s house and the homes of the rest of the crew who helped to clean up the barn property, and over S.’ store.

J.’s father was at the White Mountain praying the rosary.

Fr. S. said, “M., Joy! Joy! Joy! Glad to see you again.”

Fr. S. led the first decade, which was pre-recorded by S. at the beginning of the rosary over 4 years ago. S.’s response was also pre-recorded. 

The petition books were glowing. Everyone’s petitions were absorbed into Jesus’ and Mary’s hearts. 

Six petitions are in the process of being answered.

Eight new prayer requests (Please pray in advance.)

Three good phone calls

This evening’s rosaries were multiplied by 1,000, and 10,000 souls were released from purgatory for each person united in praying this evening. 

1,000 abortions were prevented world-wide this evening due to this evening’s rosary.

20,000 deaths were prevented due to the coronavirus world-wide by this rosary. 

All prayer-group rosaries are preparing safety areas to deflect demonic weapons and shield the faithful warriors from harm.

K. and her father H. were steering the Little Noah's Ark in severe storms. 

This evening’s rosary prevented the fatality of 1,000 people of those vaccinated.  

Many residential homes will be deliberately set on fire. Rosaries and holy water are critical to prevent these events.

A massive comet is getting closer to the earth.

K. and her parents led Finding Jesus Teaching in the Temple decade.

S. responded to the Joyful Mysteries.

Countless fatalities are not being reported related to contaminated food supplies.

Public beaches are also contaminated and contribute to multiple illnesses.

The blessed-lit-candles were contributing to saving countless souls. (Sam was shown many lit candles burning during the rosary in different locations.)

New tracking devices will be mandatory to be installed in automobiles which will regulate and control where they intend the vehicle to go.

E. joined his mother N. as she responded to the Luminous Mysteries.

P. and J. led the Wedding Feast at Cana decade as J.’s parents joined in.

Time is approaching when the barn will be occupied.

Gasoline, in the coming days, will also be contaminated contributing to many complications.

A young child will have a prophetic dream.

The rosary prevented an explosion in an occupied hotel.

Rosaries will be classified as illegal weapons, but if they are used to pray, they will not be seen.

The Institution of the Eucharist decade was led by A. as tears of joy fell on each participant’s rosary.

The countless souls that were released from purgatory by praying a Hail Mary while passing a cemetery are praying for the intentions of those who helped to release them.

T. and her mother L. responded to the Sorrowful Mysteries.

During the Sorrowful Mysteries, Luisa with the three baskets of rosaries holding the two petition books and St. Padre Pio were united in prayer with the prayer-group. Many rosaries were being absorbed into Blessed Mother’s heart for K. 

Also, during the Sorrowful Mysteries, a drop of Jesus’ blood fell on each person praying. 

John Paul II was offering Holy Mass for the family members of those praying united this evening. 

A special blessing was given by the Holy Trinity to those united this evening and upon their family members with an outpouring of multiple graces which also included the landscaping and barnscaping crews and their families and the grandchildren of all united this evening. J., who worked on the sound system in the barn, and his family were also included.

During the Ave singing, the cemetery souls were singing along.

The combined prayer-group rosaries helped to find a missing item.

This evening’s rosary helped to prevent a passenger plane from crashing.

During the Glorious Mysteries, all were in the palm of God the Father’s hand and immersed in light as the same light was also streaming towards their family members as well as the landscaping crew and the barnscaping crew and their family members. 

A. led the Resurrection decade as M. with the red rose pressed to his heart said, “My dearest Anne, you are always with me, now and forever throughout the eternity.”

S. and his parents responded to the Glorious Mysteries.

During the Assumption decade, M., J., and P., who held a rosary in one hand and his petition book in the other, led the decade. P. wrote his father’s petition in his book.

J., S.’s brother, led the Coronation decade. S. and J. were joined by their parents. 

Fr. S. said, "Joy! Joy! Joy!"

Special blessings and multiple graces were bestowed on all united and their family members by God the Father.  

The Holy Dove circled three times and flew up.

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