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The Sure Road

Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

Caravaggio (Bergamo, Italy); May 13, 1996

Anniversary of the First Apparition at Fatima


“Priests and faithful of my Movement from the region of Lombardy, you are gathered today for a great cenacle of prayer and fraternity in this venerated shrine, and in this way you are observing the anniversary of my first apparition, which took place in the Cova da Iria in Fatima on the thirteenth of May 1917.


I came down from heaven to point out to you the way along which you must journey in this century, in order to attain peace: that of conversion and of a return to the Lord, through prayer and penance. I came down from heaven to give you my Immaculate Heart, as a refuge in which to take shelter and the sure road that leads you to the God of salvation and peace.


- The sure road in these times, when many other roads are being pointed out, easier and traveled by many, but which are unsafe and do not lead to an encounter with the God of salvation and the Father of divine mercy.


- The sure road that leads you to accept all the truth contained in the Gospel of my Son, Jesus. Along this road, pointed out by me, you are drawn by the splendor of the truth and become profoundly transformed by grace, which brings into your life the divine fragrance of sanctity.

Thus you become shining examples of the lived-out Gospel and courageous witnesses of Christ, who draws you to follow Him, in the daily actualization of his divine word.


- The sure road that leads you to renounce every form of sin and evil, to have a concrete experience of grace, of love, and of purity.

In the pagan world in which you live, submerged by materialism and hedonism and by the feverish search for pleasure and impurity, you spread the light of holiness and purity, of the mortification of the senses and of penance, and thus you offer to all the help that my Immaculate Heart gives you, in order to attain a communion of life with God, your Redeemer and Savior.


- The sure road that opens up for the full communion of love among you all, made brothers by the bond that unites you as children of one and the same Father, redeemed by one and the same Son, sanctified by one and the same Spirit, and become children of one sole Mother.

My Immaculate Heart, above all in these times, becomes the sure road that leads you to a reciprocal communion, to an understanding, to a rejection of egoism and every kind of division, so that the new commandment that my Son, Jesus, has given you might at last become a reality: `Love one another as I have loved you.' (Jn 15:12)


As you celebrate today this great cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests, in this region from which it has spread to every part of the world, and as you recall my first apparition that took place at Fatima, where it was born, I want again to offer you my Immaculate Heart as your refuge and the sure road that leads you to God.

It is the sure road that leads you to the God of salvation and of peace, to the God of truth and holiness, to the God of communion and of unity.


On this sure road, walk – each and all – with me, in confidence and in certain hope, in joyous expectation of the greatest triumph of God that will take place with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.”



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