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The Message of Fatima Is Reaching Its Fulfillment

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

Fatima (Portugal); May 8, 1997

Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Birth of the Marian Movement of Priests

"I receive with joy the homage of the Marian Movement of Priests, which you are offering to me, on this day which recalls the twenty-fifth anniversary of its birth. You are here in the very same place, before the little Chapel of the Apparitions, where I have revealed to your heart the great plan of love and mercy of my Immaculate Heart. I have chosen you, my poor little child, to be, you yourself, the instrument of this plan of mine.

Thus, during these years, I have led you through all parts of the world, and with toils and sufferings without number, you have visited several times many of the countries of the five continents.

Now my plan is about to be completed. With my Marian Movement of Priests, I have called all my children to consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart.

It is the message of Fatima which is reaching its fulfillment and is being realized everywhere, through the merciful action of your heavenly Mother. Through it I have asked for the consecration to my Immaculate Heart, as a sure means of obtaining conversion of heart and of life, and of leading humanity back along the road of its full return to the Lord.

By means of my Marian Movement of Priests, this consecration, willed and requested by me, has now been made in every part of the earth. Thus I have been able to form for myself the cohort of my little children, with which I will bring to completion my greatest victory.

It is the message of Fatima which is being fulfilled in the spread, now on a world-wide level, of the cenacles which I have asked of you, in order to gather you together in prayer, made with me and through me. With great joy I accept today from your hands, my little son, the homage which you are offering to me in these cenacles, which are being multiplied everywhere, among priests and faithful, among children, youth and above all in families.

With these cenacles, you are able to obtain the grace of conversion for many poor sinners, especially for those most in need of divine mercy.

With these cenacles, you offer a great force of intercession and of reparation to your heavenly Mother, who has intervened many times, in an extraordinary way, to shorten the painful time of the great purifying trial.

With these cenacles, you invoke the gift of the second Pentecost, which is now close at hand, because my Immaculate Heart has become the new spiritual cenacle, where this divine prodigy for the Church and all humanity will be accomplished.

It is the message of Fatima which is being fulfilled in your pledge of love, of prayer and of unity with the Pope and with the Church united to him. Here, I have predicted and have shown in a vision to the little children to whom I appeared, the sufferings, the oppositions, and the bloody trials of the Pope. These prophecies of mine are being fulfilled above all in this Pope of mine, John Paul the Second, who is the masterpiece formed in my Immaculate Heart.

With your pledge of love and prayer, you are his comfort and his consolation at the moment of his greatest sacrifice. With your docility and obedience, you become his most effective means of assistance, in order that his Magisterium be everywhere received, heeded and followed. With your unity with him, you are confirmed in remaining in the true faith, in the present times foretold here by me, when the faith is being lost by many of my children, because of the errors which are being taught and spread about more

and more.

I have caused to spring up here, for twenty-five years now, my Marian Movement of Priests, so that the message of Fatima, often contested and rejected by many, might in your days come to its complete fulfillment.

Its fulfillment is necessary for you, my children, threatened and stricken, so that you may attain salvation. Its fulfillment is necessary for the Church, so wounded and crucified, so that from its painful and bloody trial it might emerge all beautiful, without spot or wrinkle, in imitation of its heavenly Mother. Its fulfillment is necessary for all humanity, so that it may return to the arms of its Father and come to know the new times of its full communion of love and of life with its Lord and God.

As of now, this plan of mine is being fulfilled with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.

I bless you, my little son, together with my Pope, with the bishops, the priests and the faithful of my Movement, spread through every part of the world. I bless you with love and joy. I bless you with the gratitude of a Mother, who has been listened to, followed, consoled and glorified by you."​

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