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Sam – “Priests right now are the primary target of the evil one.”

Updated: Aug 5, 2024

July 10, 2024

Sam was told/shown during the Rosary: 

God the Father was on His throne with both hands extended over all praying electronically or at home in unison.   

The Mother of Perpetual Light was in the heavens.  Most of the front line and our four unborn were present in heaven; Fr. D., Fr. L., Fr. G. and Fr. R. were praying the rosary in heaven.  

[The Servant of God] Luisa Piccarreta was behind the Divine Will Rainbow holding a rosary and Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s petition books. Three huge baskets full of rosaries were next to Luisa with St. Padre Pio by her side.    

Aborted babies in countless numbers were praying the rosary in heaven. 

The souls that were released from purgatory by praying a Hail Mary while passing a cemetery were in heaven waving to us. (Please continue to pray. Sam has been told that now not only souls from a particular cemetery are being released here, but equal numbers of souls are also being released from around the world. When a cemetery is depleted, the souls are released from some other one. Not one soul but THOUSANDS are being released at one time.)

The barn was filled with angels and relic saints.

A dome of angels was over the barn and over each person’s home of those participating this evening as well as over J.’s house and the homes of the rest of the crew who helped to clean up the barn property, and over S.’s store.

The petition books were glowing. Everyone’s petitions were absorbed into Jesus’ and Mary’s hearts. 

Nine petitions are in the process of being answered.

Seven new prayer requests (Please pray in advance.)

Three good phone calls

This evening’s rosaries were multiplied by 1,000, and 10,000 souls were released from purgatory for each person united in praying this evening. 

1,000 abortions were prevented worldwide this evening due to this evening’s rosary.

20,000 deaths were prevented due to the coronavirus worldwide by this rosary. 

The blessed, lit candles were contributing to saving countless souls. (Sam was shown many lit candles burning during the rosary in different locations.)

When the prayer warriors begin to enter the refuges and settle in, no matter what nationality they may be, they will understand each other.

This evening’s rosary prevented the fatality of 1,000 people of those vaccinated. 

This evening’s rosary prevented a suicide attempt.

The recent hurricane that created many hazardous events was developed and activated by the New World Order.

Another hurricane is in the process of being activated.

The rosary helped to find a missing child.

People will be filling their gas containers not knowing that the gasoline is water filled with chemicals, not pure gasoline.

During the Sorrowful Mysteries, Luisa with the three baskets of rosaries holding the two petition books and St. Padre Pio were united in prayer with the prayer-group. Many rosaries were being absorbed into Blessed Mother’s heart for K. 

Also, during the Sorrowful Mysteries, a drop of Jesus’ blood fell on each person praying. 

John Paul II was offering Holy Mass for the family members of those praying united this evening. 

A special blessing was given by the Holy Trinity to those united this evening and upon their family members with an outpouring of multiple graces, which also included the landscaping and barnscaping crews and their families, and the grandchildren of all united this evening as well as J., who worked on the sound system of the barn, and his family.

Drinking water will become more expensive than alcohol.

Two prophetic dreams still pending.

Locks on residential homes will soon be illegal.

During the Ave singing, the cemetery souls were singing along.

The Blessed Mother said, “You, My dear children, are getting closer to the Rainbow.”

Extra angels were sent to all united with this evening’s rosary and to their family members.

One passenger plane will vanish and not be recovered.

The Blessed Mother said, “Take care of your pet animals; they will be very supportive in the days to come.”

During the Glorious Mysteries, all were in the palm of God the Father’s hand and immersed in light as the same light was also streaming toward their family members, as well as the landscaping crew and the barnscaping crew and their family members, and J. and his family.

The rosary prevented a choking accident in a child.

Fr. S. said, “Joy! Joy! Joy!"

Special blessings and multiple graces were bestowed on all united and their family members by God the Father.  

The Holy Dove circled three times and flew up.




July 3, 2024

Sam was told/shown during the Rosary: 

God the Father was on His throne with both hands extended over all praying electronically or at home in unison.   

The Mother of Perpetual Light was in the heavens.  Most of the front line and our four unborn were present in heaven; Fr. D., Fr. L., Fr. G. and Fr. R. were praying the rosary in heaven.  

Luisa Piccarreta was behind the Divine Will Rainbow holding a rosary and Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s petition books. Three huge baskets full of rosaries were next to Luisa with St. Padre Pio by her side.    

Aborted babies in countless numbers were praying the rosary in heaven. 

The souls that were released from purgatory by praying a Hail Mary while passing a cemetery were in heaven waving to us. (Please continue to pray. Sam has been told that now not only souls from a particular cemetery are being released here, but equal numbers of souls are also being released from around the world. When a cemetery is depleted, the souls are released from some other one. Not one soul but THOUSANDS are being released at one time.)

The barn was filled with angels and relic saints.

A dome of angels was over the barn and over each person’s home of those participating this evening as well as over J.’s house and the homes of the rest of the crew who helped to clean up the barn property, and over S.’s store.

Extra angels were sent to the family members of the prayer group who were traveling this week.

The blessed, lit candles were contributing to saving countless souls. (Sam was shown many lit candles burning during the rosary in different locations.)

The Blessed Mother said, “Make sure that your rosaries and holy water are in your possession; it will shield you from demonic consequences.”

The petition books were glowing. Everyone’s petitions were absorbed into Jesus’ and Mary’s hearts. 

Seven petitions are in the process of being answered.

Seven new prayer requests (Please pray in advance.)

Three good phone calls

This evening’s rosaries were multiplied by 1,000, and 10,000 souls were released from purgatory for each person united in praying this evening. 

1,000 abortions were prevented worldwide this evening due to this evening’s rosary.

20,000 deaths were prevented due to the coronavirus worldwide by this rosary. 

This evening’s rosary prevented the fatality of 1,000 people of those vaccinated.  

Soon, many churches will be occupied by less than 50% of what they have been due to health or transportation issues.

The price of food will double and then triple because of the falsified purification process.

Priests right now are the primary target of the evil one. (Please pray.)

Soon, pet animals will be injected with toxic chemicals that will contribute to infecting the owners.

This evening’s rosary prevented an innocent person from going to jail.

Soon, one country will completely disappear.

Also soon, most of the homes of the rosary participants will be shielded by a dome of angels on a permanent basis until the evil one is defeated.

During the Sorrowful Mysteries, Luisa with the three baskets of rosaries holding the two petition books and St. Padre Pio were united in prayer with the prayer group. Many rosaries were being absorbed into Blessed Mother’s heart for K. 

Also, during the Sorrowful Mysteries, a drop of Jesus’ blood fell on each person praying. 

John Paul II was offering Holy Mass for the family members of those praying united this evening. 

A special blessing was given by the Holy Trinity to those united this evening and upon their family members with an outpouring of multiple graces, which also included the landscaping and barnscaping crews and their families, and the grandchildren of all united this evening. 

During the Ave singing, the cemetery souls were singing along.

A young child helped to save his parents’ lives.

This rosary helped to prevent assassination attempts on high-ranking government officials.

Two prophetic dreams are coming to two different rosary participants.

This rosary also contributed to two miraculous healings and helped to deflect a nuclear missile.

The new virus is another demonic infection that will be shielded by the rosaries.

During the Glorious Mysteries, all were in the palm of God the Father’s hand and immersed in light as the same light was also streaming toward their family members, as well as the landscaping crew and the barnscaping crew and their family members. 

Fr. S. said, "Joy! Joy! Joy!"

Special blessings and multiple graces were bestowed on all united and their family members by God the Father.  

The Holy Dove circled three times and flew up.

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