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Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi: A Great Sign

Tokyo (Japan); October 13, 1996

Anniversary of the Last Apparition at Fatima

Spiritual Exercises in the Form of a Cenacle with the Priests of the M.M.P. from Japan

"With great joy I gaze upon you, priests of my Marian Movement of Priests of Japan, who have come here to live with me these days, in a continuous cenacle of prayer and brotherhood. You are bringing your cenacle to an end today, on which you are observing the anniversary of my last apparition which took place at Fatima and which was confirmed by the miracle of the sun.

There appeared in the sky a great sign: signum magnum.

I am the great sign which appeared in the sky: I am the Woman Clothed with the Sun, with the moon beneath my feet, and with a crown of twelve stars upon my head.

- A great sign in the terrible struggle against all the forces of evil, which have joined together against God and against his Christ. And so, close to the great sign of the Woman Clothed with the Sun, there appears also that of the Red Dragon, of the ancient serpent, of Satan, who is now manifesting himself in all his extraordinary power. It appears that the great Dragon has won his victory, because he has led humanity to build a civilization without God; he has spread everywhere the cult of money and pleasure; he has seduced minds with pride and with errors; he has violated souls with sin and evil; he has hardened hearts with egoism and hatred; he has corrupted all the nations of the earth with the cup of lust and impurity. Satan has succeeded in bringing his wicked kingdom upon the entire world.

But in the furious struggle of these last times, this struggle between heaven and earth, between the heavenly spirits and the demons, between the Woman and the Dragon, I appear as a great sign of my greatest victory.

- A great sign of the victory of God over every form of atheism, theoretical and practical, of good over every form of evil and sin, of love over every form of violence and hatred, of truth over every form of error and falsehood.

For this great victory, I have formed for myself the cohort of all my little children who, from every part of the world, have responded to me with a yes. With my Marian Movement of Priests, I have brought my invitation to the farthest confines of the earth, and I have formed for myself my victorious army.

Even in this great country, almost completely pagan, my little children have responded to me with joy and great generosity. My motherly Heart trembles with love and tenderness for them. I open up for them, also, the way of salvation, and with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, they will enter into the one sheepfold of which my Son Jesus is the Good Shepherd.

- A great sign of light in these times of dense darkness. For this, I invite you to walk along the road of prayer and penance, of confidence and of your very great abandonment. Once again, I have sent you this little son of mine, to bring you the gift of my motherly tenderness. By means of him, I offer to your Church and to your fatherland a sure sign of my assistance and of my motherly protection.

With those dear to you, with those entrusted to your ministry, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

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