Messages from Jesus to John Leary
November 5, 2024: (my birthday, at the polls all day)
Jesus said: “My people, in Luke’s Gospel the master was calling people to come to his banquet. There were some who gave earthly, material excuses not to come, but he filled his place with Gentiles, the poor, and the lame. When I call you to come to My Wedding Banquet, put your love and worship of Me first before all earthly things. Earthly things will pass away, but My ways and blessings are eternal. Those people who are faithful to Me and seek My Kingdom first will be granted eternal life. Repent of your sins in Confession as you strive to keep your soul pure for your judgment.”
November 4, 2024: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said: “My people, your country is making its big decision for President tomorrow, and there are many disagreements on how your country is being run. After the election, your people will need to work together without violence. When I call you to strive for perfection, I call you to love everyone, even those people who think differently than you. I know there is evil in the world, but you still need to love everyone because I dwell with every soul, even though you are all sinners. The evil ones will have their control leading up to the tribulation time, so you know your country will go down. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who will want to kill My followers. I will have My angels protect you at My refuges. You will suffer much, but I will bring My victory in the end.”
(Funeral Mass for Antonio Barilla) Jesus said: “My people, Antonio died at a relatively young age of 64, and he suffered the loss of his wife with a difficult ALS disease. I have taken mercy on his soul so he will only have a short time in purgatory. He is concerned about his family, as My angels will help guard his family. Pray for him and have Masses offered for him.”
November 3, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before how everything in heaven is all about love relationships. On earth you are dealing with evil people, but I still call you to even love your enemies. You have a weakened nature because of Adam’s sin, but you need to try and love the soul in each person despite their actions. Pray for all souls to be saved, just as it is My desire to not lose one soul to the devil. You all have free will, so each person is responsible for their own judgment. Encourage people to love each other despite your faults.”
November 2, 2024: (All Souls’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, one of the results of Adam’s original sin is that your body will die one day. You all have mortal bodies, but your soul is immortal and it will not die. At death your soul is separated from your body. Very few people go straight to heaven, and only those people who are saints or they did their purgatory on earth go to heaven. If you follow the directions of St. Faustina on Divine Mercy Sunday, you can receive a plenary indulgence that forgives all of your sins and punishment for your last year. In the Book of Maccabees you read about praying for the souls of the dead, so you are quick to have Masses offered for the deceased. Pray that when you die, you can have Masses offered for your own soul. Pray for the poor souls in purgatory every day.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have called you to set up a refuge for the tribulation time of the Antichrist. You have followed My instructions for your water well, your solar power, your storage of food and fuels, as well as your bedding. I have told you that you will be using all of your preparations, even your new solar generators that will give you light at night and during the winter. You were warned to have backup power when the evil ones will shut down your electricity. Remember to remove your cell phones, TVs, and computers after the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion so you do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist who could control you otherwise. Trust in Me and My angels for your protection at My refuges, and I will multiply your necessities during the tribulation.”
November 1, 2024: (All Saints’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you all are called to be saints one day with Me. By following My Commandments and repenting of your sins in Confession, you can be on the right path to heaven. I came on the earth to offer My life so I could bring salvation to all of My people. Because of Adam’s original sin, My people have to be cleansed in purgatory or on earth from any reparation due for sin. Then you can be joined with Me, the saints, and My angels in heaven. You will be with Me in heaven for all eternity. Rejoice in this reward for being My disciples of love.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been hearing so many lies from Harris and the Democrats so that you cannot trust anything they are saying. Now the latest jobs numbers are showing you the real story of a failing economy under Biden and Harris. It is up to the American people to decide between communism under Harris, or freedom from the elites with Trump. It is the cheating at the ballot box with non-citizens voting and illegal absentee ballots that could determine the outcome of your elections. Pray that My angels could go forward to give you a fair election.”
October 31, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, if you are one of My believers, then you are called to preach My Gospel of love to the people in your words and your actions. Even if others are hypocrites or lie constantly, My faithful must be honest and true to My Commandments. I give you My strength in the graces of My sacraments so you can go forward against all adversities that come into your lives. So no matter what hardships you may face in life, I always give you what is needed, because you will not be tested beyond your endurance. Trust in Me to lead you through life to carry out the missions that I have given to you in this life.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been occupied with your Presidential election, but the wars in Israel and the Ukraine will quickly take the spotlight. Your country could soon be put on a war footing making armaments and warplanes as in your vision. If Russia and China get involved with this war, you could soon see a World War III that could destroy America. If you see bomb threats, I will bring My Warning to prepare My people for the coming tribulation at My refuges. Trust in Me to protect My believers at My refuges with My angel protection.”
October 30, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, it is the faith of your parents that has given you your faith in most families. In some families it could be the grandparents that brought the children up in the faith. It is everyone’s personal choice to live a good Christian life, once you were taught. In the Gospel I told the people that they needed to enter My Kingdom through the narrow gate. This means not everyone will be saved, but only those people who repent of their sins and follow My Commandments in their actions. Some of those people who were first may enter last, and those people who were last could end up first in My Kingdom. Keep your souls clean with frequent Confession, so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats are showing their real animosity against Trump and his supporters when Biden called them ‘Garbage’. Your leader’s comment is like all the other negative names the Democrats have been calling Trump. These Democrats have been ruining your country with open borders and overspending that should be reason to vote them out of office. Pray that this division can be healed in your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, if the Democrats cheat again in this 2024 election, there could be a civil war in your country. It is most likely that this will be their means to try and keep their power. Even if Trump wins, you could see violence or a martial law to try and prevent Trump from taking power.”
Jesus said: “My people, the polling in this election is suspect in view of the feelings of your people. The elites control your media and they have a tendency to add more votes in Democrat districts than those who are registered. This should invalidate the vote if too many ballots are recorded per district. Pray for a fair election.”
Jesus said: “My people, you do have a spiritual element to this election when you look at the abortion
stand that is supported by the Democrats and Harris. The Republicans are backing a pro-life position but each state is voting their own decision on abortion. You know this killing is against My fifth Commandment since you are human from conception. This is another part of the death culture that the elites and the Democrats support. Pray to stop your abortions.”
Jesus said: “My people, I hear your prayers to try and save your country from a communist takeover that could harass My followers for believing in Me. You can see in other communist countries how they do not allow public Masses because they are atheists and are siding with the evil one. Pray that your election will choose a democratic republic instead of a communist state.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the communist countries they routinely fix elections so they win every time by cheating that keeps them in power. You may be looking at your last free election if the communists take over your country. If Harris wins, these people could allow the elites to take over your country and put America into the North American Union. This would enable the Antichrist to proceed with the tribulation because his time is short. Do not fear for your lives because I will bring My Warning before the tribulation and My angels will protect you at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned many times how I will bring My Warning before I allow the Antichrist to take over the world. This is why I have called My refuge builders to set up refuges so I can have My angels protect My believers from the evil ones. This is how I will separate the good souls at the refuges from the evil people. When I bring My victory, the evil ones will be cast into hell, and My believers will be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven with Me.”
October 29, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, you are My body in the Church, and you are My Bride and I am the Groom. I have identified My relationship with My Church as its Head, just as the husband is the head of his family. The husband and the wife are joined as one flesh in the love of a marriage. It is out of this love that you bring forth your children. It is under the bond of love in marriage that the children should be conceived, and not living together in sin without marriage. In the Gospel I described My Kingdom as a mustard seed that grows into a large bush for the birds to rest in. My Kingdom is also like the leaven that goes through all of the dough to raise the bread. My believers can rejoice when they will see their reward in heaven with Me for all eternity.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned to My people to have some bicycles on hand to get to My refuges if your cars could not work. In this vision you are seeing people riding bicycles and there were no cars moving. It is possible to have EMP attacks without using atomic bombs, but only in smaller areas. The one world elite are making plans for a takeover of your country, and they could paralyze your people with a power outage. I have mentioned before that when a takeover is intended, that cutting off your electricity would be chosen. Be prepared for any such surprises, but I will protect My people at My refuges from the evil ones.”
October 28, 2024: (St. Simon and St. Jude)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Bible how I chose each of My apostles who came from various walks of life. These were My disciples whom I taught, and I sent them out to tell the people that the Kingdom of God is at hand in My presence as the Messiah. I kept the Messiah term quiet, but by My miracles people knew I was the One from God. Now in these end times, I am sending out My end time apostles to prepare the people for the tribulation and My coming victory over evil. At My Warning and Conversion time I will give everyone an opportunity to be saved. Then I will protect My believers at My refuges with My angels from all of the evil ones. Trust in My coming victory when I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace as your reward.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing some unusual flares from the sun that have caused an increase in the Northern Lights. This vision of a near-miss asteroid is another sign of how close the tribulation is coming. The sun is at one of its peaks for sunspot flares, so the more flares that you see could also be a sign for the coming World War III. Pray for My protection from such a war and from any harm from space.”