Messages from Our Lady to Eduardo Ferreira
July 13, 2024
Beloved children of my sweet Immaculate Heart, on this day spent in prayer, I, your Mother – the Mystic Rose, the Mother of the Church – wish to bless you in a very special way.
Children, call me Mother!
I am your Mother and I wish to be close to you, both in sadness and in joy.
My children, on this day, I invite you to join me for the peace within the Church.
My children, do not forget: you are my beloved children.
My Heart overflows with joy on the celebration of the 77th Anniversary of my first Apparition as Mary the Mystic Rose to my daughter Pierina, in Montichiari hospital, on July 13, 1947. (1)
On this day, I visit all the seminaries, convents and institutes that, with love and trust, have made the Thirteen-days-Novena, and also you here who have put this request into practice.
I wish to thank you.
I love you very much.
I send down upon you here a shower of graces that comes from the Heart of my divine Son Jesus.
My children, start praying for the new Pope right away.
Pray, pray, pray.
I am the Mother of Love, the Mother of the Word.
Pray for my chosen sons, the priests.
Pray for my seminarians.
Pray for peace in your families.
I am the Mystic Rose, the Queen of Peace.
I bless you with love.
(1) Webmaster: Considering that no mention whatsoever is made here to the approval of this private revelation by the Vatican on July 5, Our Lady’s silence is deafening.
July 12, 2024
Dear children, peace.
On this day, I invite you to pray for the families.
Families continue to be a target by the evil one’s attacks.
Many houses are bombarded by discord, vice, and many other evils that our adversary tries to sow.
I ask you: what are you doing to ensure that these evils are not sown in the families? Are the families praying? Are the families living the gospel? Are they going to Mass?
Well, if these attitudes do not change, your families will be defeated by our adversary.
My children, I am here as a Mother and I wish to help you.
It is necessary to pray a single crown [five decades] or the entire rosary (all the mysteries). Without prayer you will lose the battle.
Set aside a time for the family prayer.
Parents, teach your children to pray, talk to them about God, read a passage from the Gospel with them, even if you don’t know how to explain it to them.
Sow the Word of God in the hearts of your children; sow peace, harmony and love.
Have courage.
Bring peace and love into your homes.
It is a time of Grace and Mercy.
I am Mary, the Mystic Rose, the Queen of Peace.
I bless you with love.
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