In April 1957, Our Lord's [Jesus'] words contained this warning:
“My sweet child, unless my children reform their lives, they will suffer great
persecution. If man himself will not take upon himself the penance necessary
to atone for his sins and those of others, God in His justice will have to send
upon him the punishment necessary to atone for his transgressions."
On May 8, I was visited by the Archangel Michael, who spoke in these forceful
"Write! I am Michael, Angel Captain of the Lord God of Hosts. I come to
announce the coming of the kingdom, the kingdom of peace. The time is at
hand. Repent, bestir yourselves, O sons of men, repent and make ready your
hearts that the King may establish His Kingdom within you. Do not delay, or
the time of grace will pass and with it the peace you seek.
"Behold, the Queen of angels and of men comes beforehand to make all
things ready for her King-Son.
"My little sister, the message is a clear one, there is no doubt. Make it known,
do not hesitate. I, Michael, have spoken."
In the evening of August 5, the feast of Our Lady of the Snow, as I knelt in
my room, Our Lady spoke to me about the Divine Indwelling. It was her life
and she lived it perfectly, always conscious of His presence, never forgetting
that all her greatness came from within, from Him Who dwelt there, working,
loving, and doing good through her. This is what Our Lady means when she
speaks of reformation, renewal. It is this about which she is so concerned,
namely sanctification from within.
As Our Lady spoke this, she seemed at the time to be deeply occupied.
Though the serenity of her countenance never left her, she spoke with a gravity
that made her words all the more solemn. She seemed anxious to impress
me with some idea of the greatness of this gift of God to us, namely, His Divine
Presence within our souls through sanctifying grace.