December 30, 2020
10:15 a.m.
My child, I tell you this, that great change is coming. Do not lose hope to this lost and broken world for the drumbeats of justice are marching forward and the counterfeiters of deception are soon to be brought to light. Great shaking is soon to come all around this world for as the tables of injustice are turning over, the world will begin to tremble. The sirens of man will ring out, but the trumpets of heaven will give greater warning to the world that has turned away from the truth, turned away from Me for I am Jesus. I must simplify in order to purify, and I must purify in order to simplify. It is time to awaken from your slumber of complacency, you are here on a mission which is to love and serve your Creator. I came to divide and just as I separated day and night and the land from the sea, I will bring the world to its knees in great humility. I am reaching out in Mercy to warn you that to many of you have given custody of your soul over to the great deceiver. The unmasking has begun, and many are soon to face their hour of reckoning. I have sent My mother to pave the way for My return. She has lovingly warned her children that the earth is not your true home. Come to Me My children and return to the Sacraments. Reconcile your soul before your King. Look inside the manger and you will obtain everything you need for I am Jesus, and My Mercy and Justice will prevail.
December 15, 2020
2:00 p.m.
My child, watch and see, for the one whom I have sent to clean house is about to begin sweeping. The great sweeping has begun, and the whole world will witness the great acts of deception against My people. Now go forth and be at peace, for I Am Jesus, and My Mercy and Justice will prevail.