August 26, 2021
7:15 p.m. My child, I come to tell the world that if you desire peace then begin to pray. If you desire love, then first you must come to know your Heavenly Father because I am the Source of all love. If you desire patience, then you must first pray for understanding. I tell My children that in order to imitate your Creator, you must come to know that My ways are not man’s ways. I am the Author of life. I am the Source that breathes the very first breath that you take and the last one as you leave this earth. You are formed by the very same hands that were nailed to the cross. You were created with a mission to fulfill on this earth. You were sent by Me and for Me. Do not surrender your free will over to kings that have no kingdom. The world only has power over you if you surrender your free will. Your voice was created with a purpose to love, to speak, to sing hymns of praise to your Father in heaven. If your voice is being silenced, it is because the enemy does not want to hear truth. There are many Herods roaming this earth that have silenced My little ones, but I tell you this: I am coming, I am coming and woe to those who have been authoring the death of My little ones. It is time to repent, My children, and come to the fountain of My mercy, for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail. August 25, 2021
4:15 p.m. My child, I am not a God who acts in haste rather I am a God of patience, mercy, and order. I am the one who separates day from night, the weeds from the wheat, darkness from the light. It is time to prepare your hearts, My children, for history only begins to repeat itself when My children remain complacent. I have come to tell you that mankind has ushered into a new time, a new era in which the weeds are being separated from the wheat; a time when a great cleansing will come forth. My child, My heart is weeping because so many have been led astray. So many have allowed the fear of the enemy to overcome the knowledge and judgment that I have infused in their soul. Be on guard, My children, because the page of history is turning, and as this comes, so will a great shaking. The walls that have guarded this evil will be destroyed. I will shake every corner of this earth. Nations will crumble, governments will cease to exist as the deception that has been placed upon My people is removed. Those who have remained steadfast in their prayers, faith, and remain close to the sacraments and the Gospel message will have the courage to help those who are lost. This will be an era when I will summon the prophets written in the Gospel message to guide mankind. I tell My children: where there is confusion there is the devil; where there is no peace there is the devil; when you are inundated with fear, there is the devil. I am a God of order and peace. Where does your trust rest? In a world that seeks to destroy your soul – or in your Messiah? For I am Jesus, the Savior of the world. Now go forth and be at peace, for it is My mercy and justice that will prevail. August 23, 2021
12:30 p.m. My child, the world is soon to be inundated with water. It will not come from the rains but will be from the tears of My people when they see what has been done to My little ones; when the world begins to recognize that the blood of the innocent will not go unpunished. My child, the sins of man are many but when pride remains, they will devour themselves in the pit of misery. I am coming to remove the blindness that has covered this world. I am coming to extinguish the confusion, and in the blink of an eye, the world will come before the Judgement Seat while on this earth. The days of evil harboring in the hearts and minds of My people will no longer be. I speak in warning that those who fail to recognize the time of My visit and continue in their wickedness will drown themselves in the eternal pit of darkness. The time is approaching when all light will be extinguished except that of which I come with, because I am Jesus, the light of the world. I am coming to shine the light into each and every soul on this earth – not one will be spared. This is a time of truth, and when the world begins to weep is when healing begins. This will be the greatest act of mercy bestowed upon humanity since My passion, death, and resurrection. I tell My children to repent today for the hour is upon you, for I am Jesus and my mercy and justice will prevail.