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Message of Our Lady to Gisella Cardia

July 24, 2022

Children, thank you for being here in prayer. I bless this house, for as with the first Christians there is prayer and sharing here. Prepare your refuges [1], for the persecution of Christians has begun, but you need not fear. "Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption; but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." [Galatians 6:7-10] Now I bless you and leave my peace in your hearts. Amen.

[1] Webmaster's note: Refuges are physical places of safety and provision in which the faithful will stay during the brief reign of the Antichrist. God will take care of every need of the faithful during this time, including divine protection. Those being called to make refuges of their homes, shrines, "orthodox" monasteries, etc. need to make all their preparations now; most especially, getting a generator or other source of fuel, such as wood, for heat. God will multiply all that is needed provided the responsible persons do what they can to build their physical refuge. Anyone who owns a house can make that into a refuge. For more information, go here: .

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