December 13, 2022 – Tuesday – Rosary Prayer Group – St. Anne Catholic Church
My sweetest children:
I thank you for your prayers of love and devotion.
I assure you that I hear all your pleas and concerns to me and know that my Divine Son is beside each one of you as you carry the burdens that are upon you and the crosses you are asked to carry.
The days ahead are full of sorrow and much danger to your world. Pray, pray, pray for your country, whom I still hold dear and near to my sorrowful Heart.
America the Great is no more, but the love I have for her is still close to my heart. My faithful children – who have purity of heart and patriotic feelings for her – will always remain faithful and true to what she originally stood for. It was once the great nation that was created “One Nation Under God.” As well as the values and integrity for her people and for which her Constitution affirmed to serve its citizens. Of course, this no longer exists, and as each day passes you lose more and more of your freedoms.
Oh, my faithful children, pray for the events that will soon befall your nation. Those of our children – who have been asleep or who refused Heaven’s cries to them – will soon awaken from their slumber and will be brought to their knees as they watch the destruction and devastation surrounding them. They will witness immense horror as so many of our children die suddenly and without any chance of a quick prayer of forgiveness from their Lord and Savior.
All events that are to take place will be without any further warnings. The warnings have been given throughout many years and so many of our children took no heed to listen to these messages of Heaven.
Pray for mercy on these unrepentant sinners because my merciful Son does not want even one of His children to be lost. Pray for the Church, as she goes through her purification. Pray especially for the Pope, hierarchy, bishops and all priests. Many of our religious leaders are oblivious to what their judgment will be. They are in such darkness and are following the evil tactics of the evil one and his cohorts.
My children, pray as much as you can to mitigate these painful and sorrowful events. Trust my words that your nation will suffer the greatest devastation of all and no nation will come to your aid or defense.
Remain close to my Divine Son, pray the Holy Rosary, go to confession regularly. Your churches will close soon, so go to the Holy Mass daily if you can and visit Jesus in Adoration as often as you can. Pray for reparation of all sinners around the world.
I am here speaking now to warn my children to repent before these events occur.
I am your Heavenly Mother, who is suffering greatly for what is going to occur very soon.
Pray, pray, pray my faithful children for I am counting on you to save many souls through your prayers and sacrifices, no matter how meager you may think they would be. These prayers and sacrifices will be greatly appreciated through my sorrowful Heart and the gratitude and thankfulness by my Divine Son will be immense.
My sweet children, know that I have placed each of you in the love of my sorrowful Heart.
I bless you in my Son’s Name.