Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi
May 13, 1992
Anniversary of the First Apparition at Fatima
"Beloved children, today you are observing the seventy-fifth anniversary of my first apparition, which took place at Fatima, in the Cova da Iria, on the 13th of May, 1917. I want to invite you to live this day in prayer and in filial intimacy of life with me, your heavenly Mother. You are the fruit of this apparition of mine. You are the actualization of this message of mine.
-- At that time, I predicted the times of the loss of the true faith and of the apostasy, which would be spread throughout every part of the Church. You are living the times which I foretold to you.
You are the sign of my presence in the times of the purification and the great tribulation. Indeed, I am calling you to take part in my work of the Marian Movement of Priests, which I myself have spread throughout every part of the earth, in order to transform the children consecrated to me into strong witnesses of faith and courageous apostles of the truth.
For this, I am training you in the greatest fidelity to Christ, and I am inviting you to live and to preach the Gospel to the letter, in a great spirit of unity with the Pope, who has from Jesus the task of maintaining his Church in the truth of the faith. In this way, you become the powerful help which I am offering against the great evil of infidelity and apostasy.
-- At that time, I predicted the times of the war, and of the persecution of the Church and the Holy Father, because of the spread of theoretical and practical atheism, and of the rebellion of humanity against God and his Law
You are the sign of my presence in these times. Indeed, I am asking you to walk along the way which I myself, during these years, have traced out for you, with the messages given to the heart of this little son of mine, so that you may be able to live for the glory of the Heavenly Father, in the perfect imitation of my Son Jesus, docile to the sanctifying action of the Holy Spirit.
Thus you are able to give today a strong witness of love and hope, of faith and justice, of humility and purity. You become the powerful help which I am offering, against the great evil of materialism and hedonism, of egoism and pride, of avarice and impurity.
- At that time, I predicted the chastisement and that, in the end, my Immaculate Heart would have its triumph.
You are the sign of my presence in the times of the painful trial which is preparing the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world. Indeed, through my Marian Movement of Priests, I am calling all my children to consecrate themselves to my Heart, and to spread everywhere cenacles
of prayer: among priests, the faithful, children, youth, and in families.
In this way I am able to obtain a great force of intercession and reparation, and I am able to intervene in order to change the hearts of my poor sinful children; in this way I am bringing about each day the triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
The more this motherly triumph of mine comes about in the hearts and souls of my children in ever increasing numbers, the more the chastisement is put off by you, and the more Jesus can pour out upon the world the torrents of his divine mercy.
For this reason, I invite you all today to follow me as your heavenly Mother who am coming down from heaven in order it I myself may become, in these times, your salvation and your sure liberation.”