Rosary Prayer Group – Tuesday, June 28, 2022 – St. Anne Chapel - Jesus Speaks to the Prayer Group
Jesus begins to speak at the beginning of the 4th Decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary (The Carrying of the Cross).
My dearest children:
I have chosen to speak during this mystery of the Rosary, because I have to ask you to carry your crosses that will soon become heavier and your burden much more sorrowful. I am your Lord and Savior. I ask that you carry your cross and follow Me the rest of your suffering days. Walk alongside of Me and I will help you carry these crosses of love and suffering. Remember that I will not give you any more than you can bear.
The events that I have spoken of are upon you, but the “Season of the Fall” will bring about more devastation and many of My children will die. Pray for the salvation of all souls, but especially for the reparation of all sinners and those of your country.
Pray for My Church and in particularly for the “traitors” of My Church; they will suffer greatly and without your prayers, eternal damnation will be their judgment.
You will hear news of the Vatican that will bring about more chaos and confusion within My Church. Pray for the Pope, the hierarchy, and all of the clergy of My Church. The schism that is soon to come will bring about a split so severe and many will leave the one true Catholic Faith.
Do not fear, My faithful children, and receive My Holy Eucharist as often as you can, because this will be your strength for the many trials and crosses ahead.
The lock down will soon come upon you and My Holy Eucharist will not be available to most of My children. I ask that you pray the “Spiritual Communion Prayer” every day that you cannot receive My Precious Body and Blood.
Prepare yourselves, My children, for your country will suffer severely and the war will come to your own land.
Pray that you and your families will be spiritually prepared for the Warning. Many who are following the evil of your world will die of fear. Pray for these lost souls.
My children, do not fear; I will be with you throughout these desolate times. I will never abandon any child of Mine who comes before Me with a contrite heart and asks for My help and protection. Faith is the truths revealed by God and a virtue that My children need to pray for in their own lives. Your faith needs to be strong through your confidence and trust in Me.
My children, the Sacred Traditions, True Doctrines, and True Magisterium must be your guide; keep your commitment to these truths. Follow the traditional teachings and dogma of My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Allow Me to come into your life and surrender everything to Me, because I am in control of all things. Trust in Me, My children, and have confidence in the love I have for each of you.
I bless you in My Father's Name.