August 25, 2021
4:15 p.m.
My child, I am not a God who acts in haste; rather I am a God of patience, mercy, and order. I am the one who separates day from night, the weeds from the wheat, darkness from the light. It is time to prepare your hearts, My children, for history only begins to repeat itself when My children remain complacent. I have come to tell you that mankind has ushered into a new time, a new era in which the weeds are being separated from the wheat; a time when a great cleansing will come forth. My child, My heart is weeping because so many have been led astray. So many have allowed the fear of the enemy to overcome the knowledge and judgment that I have infused in their soul. Be on guard, My children, because the page of history is turning and as this comes so will a great shaking. The walls that have guarded this evil will be destroyed. I will shake every corner of this earth. Nations will crumble, governments will cease to exist as the deception that has been placed upon My people is removed. Those who have remained steadfast in their prayers, faith, and remain close to the sacraments and the gospel message will have the courage to help those who are lost. This will be an era when I will summon the prophets written in the gospel message to guide mankind. I tell My children where there is confusion there is the devil, where there is no peace there is the devil, when you are inundated with fear there is the devil. I am a God of order and peace. Where does your trust rest? In a world that seeks to destroy your soul or in your messiah, for I am Jesus, the savior of the world? Now go forth and be at peace for it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.