February 11, 2022 7:30 a.m. My child, there are great signs from heaven that come with the changing winds. I tell My Children that the enemy no longer hides but seeks to show his power by taking custody of your soul. My Child, My Children need to take this time to use their voices to defend the truth. Heaven is obtained when the truth is lived out on this earth, when the spirit of fear does not take the reigns over your heart, mind, and soul, when My Children seek to take the path that has been carved out by their Creator instead of waiting in line to be marked for slaughter. It is time to awaken because the hour of greater unraveling is here. If the world does not awaken to My Mercy, it will only arise to My Justice. It is time, My Children, to live the Gospel message and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Nourish yourselves in the Eucharist, for without nourishment you will not sustain the battle that is coming, for I Am Jesus. Take the hand of My Mother, for she will always guide you to My Most Sacred Heart, where you will be protected from a world that seeks to diminish you. This world as you see it now is coming to pass. Do not live in fear. Do not lose hope because I have already conquered sin and death through My Passion, Death, and Resurrection. Come live in My light and keep your eyes fixed on eternity, for I promise your reward will be great in heaven. Pray for those who have not taken heed to My Words of warning. Pray for those who seek the empty rewards of this life and only realize they have wasted time in not fulfilling their mission on this earth. Great change is coming, for the world can no longer sustain itself in the lies of the enemy. Pray for those who have guided so many into the darkness of sin. Pray for those who have placed their trust in a world that does not have the promise of eternal life. I Am calling My faithful to remain strong. Pray for My Priests, My Chosen Sons. Now go forth and live in My light, for I Am Jesus, and My mercy and justice will prevail.