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Message from Jesus and Our Lady to Kay

Mass of Reparation – October 17, 2022 (Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch)

As Father begins his homily, Jesus begins to speak:

My dearest child,

When Ignatius was on a ship at a time before his persecution was to take place, he had time to evangelize for a period of 40 years and his time on the ship was his time of prayer before being killed by the lions.

The same is now happening with My faithful clergy, who are now evangelizing the truth, but being persecuted by their superiors of the Church. After their time of persecution, many will also be led to martyrdom, which is soon to come. Sacrifice will be asked of My faithful – not just My priest-sons, but My faithful children as well.

My children will need courage and strength just as Ignatius showed his bravery. I warn you, My children, in a short time, you will soon be facing the cross of martyrdom. Stand strong and firm and turn to Me and I will lead you down the pathway of victory with love, courage of faith, and bravery in showing Me your love of Me through the cross that you may be asked to carry.

My refuge builders have very little time to get their last supplies needed to complete their refuges. Do not waste time or hesitate on what you need to accomplish. Whatever is not accomplished, My Angels will help to complete what is needed. Those of My refuge builders, who are ready and waiting, I ask you to pray fervently for mitigation of all devastation and death that will surround you. Pray for the souls who are lost and those of My children whose souls are without any sign of grace. Confusion and chaos will completely take over the world and so few of My children will have the strength, courage or faith to be able to endure the unholiness of things that will come to pass. My Church leaders will fail so many of My children because there is very little faith left within the souls of many of My priest-sons.

I warn you to go to Confession before these events occur or you will not have the grace needed to get through these desolate times. Do not forget to pray the Rosary, because it is the most powerful weapon of prayer. In times of distress, it is a prayer against spiritual darkness, and while holding the Rosary it is like holding the hand of My beloved Mother. I advise you that in praying the Rosary faithfully, you will win the battle against all evil. Satan would love to destroy this prayer, but in this, he will never succeed. My children, through this beautiful prayer, especially when you meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary, you will show My beloved Mother how much you love her. This prayer is a weapon given to us to use against the evils of the infernal enemy.

I am here for all of My children, who will reach out to Me and ask for true repentance of their sins.

I now see St. Michael as Father begins the Sword of St. Michael Prayer. St. Michael blesses all those in attendance as he normally does from the right side of the church and then turns to the left side. After the Blessing of St. Michael, he looks at those in attendance and says: I will protect and defend each one of you who have faithfully attended in all places where these Masses of Reparation are celebrated. My shield will protect you and my sword will defend you.

Father now goes to the tabernacle to retrieve the Holy Eucharist in the lunette and Jesus is right beside Father. As Father walks down from the altar to the kneelers, Jesus glides right alongside him. As Father places the Holy Eucharist in the lunette upon the forehead of each person, Jesus immediately places His hand upon Father’s hand and Jesus' hand immediately became infused into Father’s hand and I noticed a beautiful light shine forth from the lunette as this was done.

As each person came up for this blessing of healing, Jesus looked down at each of His children and His smile was so tender and loving. Jesus looked at each one who came forth and He said: You are My faithful children and I will help each of you and I hear your pleas to Me. I promise that none of your prayers will go unanswered and they will be answered in the way that will most benefit your soul.

Whenever the young children come up for a blessing, Jesus said that He radiates with such love and He cherishes the "little ones" above all others, because they are the most precious to Him. I love all of My children, but these are the “purest of heart."

I now see Our Lady of Sorrows and she begins to speak:

My Sweetest Children:

I am truly a Mother of Sorrow and I cry tears of blood for all my children, but especially for those who are lost souls and who do not trust in the infinite mercy and patience of my Divine Son. So many of Our children are following the evil ways of your world. The world will very soon feel all the chastisements that will come as punishment for the abhorrent sins committed against the Commandments of God and those committed against the Laws of my Divine Son's Holy Church.

My child, the good will die with the bad, but eternity for our faithful children will have a completely different outcome than the spiritually lost and dead souls who have refused to repent. All who die in God's grace will eventually enter into Heaven which is the ultimate end and the fulfillment of the deepest human longings. It is the state of supreme and definitive happiness. Those in Heaven will also experience the beatific vision. It was through my Divine Son's Death and Resurrection that Heaven was opened for all of Our children. All of Our children should first seek the Kingdom of Heaven before anything else. It should be the principal goal of all Our children.

My children, your world is full of evil and you are being led by the evil one through temptations of sin. Pray to Jesus and ask Him to help you avoid all temptations, but you should always remember to be vigilant to stay away from tempting situations. God is faithful and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but through the temptation, He will also provide the way for you to avoid these desires of evil. Pray to resist the devil and pray through the Holy Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, so glorify your God in your body.

I ask you to put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the tactics of the evil one and stand firm in truth and righteousness. The evil one prowls around you like a roaring lion and he will devour you without your armor or protection of prayers. I say to you, my precious children: do not allow Satan to lure and entice you through your own desires. Pray that you may not enter into temptation.

I warn you, my children: there is no time left for you to become complacent. You must be alert and watchful; be on guard and stay awake for your enemies can strike at any time and you can do nothing without the help of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All of your enemies, both of physical and spiritual nature, are ready to wage war against you and the rest of the world.

My children, many of you will feel the power of natural disasters. There will be earthquakes in various places; some will be caused by volcanoes that are ready to erupt. There will be famine. You are already facing fuel shortages and there can be no travel with your fuels and there will be no deliveries of any kind to your businesses. You will also have your financial collapse and this will begin your hardships in abundance. There will be civil unrest throughout your country. Nations will rise up against other nations, kingdoms against other kingdoms, and wars will erupt. There will be calamities, terror and chaos throughout the world. Your earth will smell like death and you will witness total destruction.

I am truly a Mother of Sorrows as I watch so many of my children perish; I will witness blood flowing into your streets and rivers, and, as a Mother who so loves her children, my heart will be pierced with extreme sadness. I ask you, my precious children, to humble yourselves before Jesus and beg for His Mercy before the wicked evils of your world devour you and cause you tremendous pain and possibly the loss of your souls.

There will be such sorrow and heartache along with death and devastation. Do you think I want to bring these words to you? No, my children; it truly breaks my Heart to give you these words of warning. You can no longer avert these crosses that are coming, but through prayer you can mitigate the events that are coming. Pray, pray, pray for the entire world and pray for the reparation of the sins of your world. Pray for your own souls and ask for repentance and pray for the Mercy of my divine Son. He so loves His children, but His Justice will soon be upon the world. There will be no one who can hide from these chastisements.

There will be much sorrow during this tribulation and it will be both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slaves; but God will seal all who trust in His Son as Savior by placing the Holy Spirit in them. Rejoice in hope because this seal will designate that you belong to God.

My Divine Son has tried to warn His children of the coming events, but many do not want to hear anything that they might find uncomfortable or some of Our children do not want to believe that God would ever allow these things to happen. The Bible speaks of all of the coming events and foretells of the chastisements because of the sins of men, who are ready to destroy each other through nuclear holocaust.

Wake up, my dear children; you are facing World War III along with other chastisements because you will not get on your knees and pray, pray, pray. You would rather enjoy the short time on this earth through the evils that are brought before you.

I am so sorry that I am speaking to you in this way. I do not want to bring pain to your hearts, but you must be ready for all that is coming and you must get down on your knees and pray for your families and for the reparation of the sinners of the world. I love you, my precious children, and the pain and sorrows of my Heart are greater than you can imagine.

You are my precious and loving children and I will place you within the Love of my sorrowful Heart

I see Our Blessed Mother turn around and I notice that St. Joseph is waiting for her and he has Baby Jesus in his arms.

I see or hear nothing further.

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