Messages of Jesus, St. Michael, and St. Joseph to Kay
December 18, 2023 – Mass of Reparation
Father’s homily was beautiful and such an interesting description of the life of St. Joseph. As Father was giving his homily on St. Joseph, I saw St. Joseph standing behind Father and he was holding a staff with a white lily at the top of the staff. St. Joseph was smiling while Father spoke and I noticed that every time Father spoke the name of “Mary,” St. Joseph smiled with a tender love. I looked up at him and saw what I can only describe as a twinkle and a love so deep just at the mention of the name of “Mary.”
St. Joseph now begins to speak:
“Father’s homily gave me a great sense of honor in how he spoke of me and I am grateful for his kind words, as well as his devotion to me. I have been given the mission of being Father’s protector and I will guide him through the “darkness” that will soon be felt. His Guardian Angel will also help him. The Holy Spirit will infuse him with knowledge of enlightenment to guide him to help God’s children. St. Michael will also shield him with his powerful sword from the attacks of the infernal enemy.
My Foster Son, Jesus, has asked me to take care of all of His children who come to me through their prayers of devotion. I will help these children who ask for the guidance and direction of their lost children.
Dear children of God, stand firm in your faith and have no fear, worry or anxiety, because Jesus will not abandon any of His children. Also remember that the Holy Eucharist is your strength and will keep you close to His Sacred Heart.”
As Father finishes his homily, I notice that St. Michael glides over to the pulpit and kneels on one knee and places his hand across the left side of his breastplate. It is in this way that he shows reverence to Father. He now stands and glides over to the center of the sanctuary and blesses all those present in the same manner that he normally does. After St. Michael blesses all those present at the Mass of Reparation, he begins to speak: “Children of God, do not worry about the timeline of events – the passage of events is due to happen in God’s timing. It is what God’s children do with the timing that is left that is important. Children of God, do not ignore the Sacrament of Confession, because it is through the absolution of this sacrament that you will experience and acknowledge the holiness of God and of His mercy toward sinful men. When you are sincerely sorry and confess your sins, it provides the penitent reconciliation with God and allows you to live in the grace and light of God.
There are some children who are identifying time within their own judgment and this is leading some of God’s children to accept a timing that could be confusing and misleading. Some of you are feeling that you have more time and you are not worried, as you have not experienced any of these events and you feel there is plenty of time to live your lives the way you see fit and you do not worry about these events that are being warned and spoken of. I inform you to watch the events in the Church. It will be the Church’s authority of evil that will cause the greatest events of devastation and destruction. This does not mean that other events will not happen before then, because prophetic warnings from Heaven are about to be fulfilled.
I, Michael, the leader of the Army of God and the fierce warrior and defender of the children of God, warn you to prepare yourselves, because all of these events will creep up upon you when you are least prepared. I warn you not to let your guard down and stay alert at all times.”
Father is now going to the Tabernacle to retrieve the Lunette that holds the “PRECIOUS BODY AND BLOOD OF JESUS IN THE HOLY EUCHARIST.” I now see Jesus glide alongside Father and follow him to the kneelers where Jesus’ children kneel for the Eucharist Blessing and Healing. As Father places the Lunette onto the forehead of the first person, I see Jesus place His hand onto Father’s hand and it immediately becomes infused into Father’s hand and I see an illumination of a bright light from Jesus’ hand into Father’s hand.
I look up at Jesus and He looks into the eyes of each of His children and no matter how many times I witness this, I can feel such a deep tenderness of love that He has for each one of His children. I want it noted that Jesus does not speak to me with words from His mouth, but rather with His eyes.
Jesus begins to speak:
“My dearest children:
I warn you to prepare for what is coming. I am your God. I am the Magnificent and Holy Sacrifice through which My Body and My Blood are transformed through the Consecration of the Holy Mass. All prayers that are addressed to Me should be prayed to Me while facing My Holy of Holies, the Tabernacle.
Many of My children did not attend this Mass because they are busy preparing for the Christmas Season; although some of My children did not come out of laziness or because they were afraid of the unpredictable weather. Regardless of the circumstances, it is important for you to understand the importance of these Masses of Reparation and why you should try to attend each and every one of these Masses. The purpose of these Masses is to offer up reparation for the sins of your country as well as the sinners of your country. Think about what this means – not only for yourselves, but for the family members that you are all so desperately praying for. The significance of these Masses can be very effective in saving many souls that may not have had the chance otherwise to be rescued from the pains and tortures of hell.
My children, I know that your lives are busy, but if you would realize the importance of these Masses that are celebrated only once a month, you would never miss the opportunity of attending the celebration of these Masses. I will inform you that the value of your presence at these Masses can be consequential and vital for the graces needed for those that you are praying for, and those who are precious and cherished by you.
I know that most of you are going through many difficult trials at this present time, but it is essential that you acknowledge and realize the times that you are living in. How long can you bury your head in the sand and say: ‘God would not punish us in this way’ or rather, ‘How many years have these words been spoken and nothing ever happens?’
I warn you: you are living in the times spoken of in the Book of Revelation, and if you read what is written and look at what is happening in your world today, you will recognize the enlightening revelations of the times which you are living in. This last book written in the Bible was not to frighten you, but rather to warn and strengthen the faith of My children and give them the assurance of deliverance from the evil powers that are used against them.
The people of your country are readily giving away the freedoms that other generations fought so hard to keep. Your generation will soon lose the freedoms you have taken for granted. You have become lazy and you are now relying on your government to take care of you. This is exactly what the One World People have planned, and because of your eagerness to get your ‘free money,’ you will soon witness the agenda of their takeover, and the darkness of evil will cover the entire world.
Rome will lose complete faith, and the city of Rome will be taken over. As it stands now, My sheep are thirsting for the truths, and the lack of knowledge they are presently receiving from their shepherds is a disgrace in My eyes. I detest what is going on in My Church because of the lack of virtues and good fruits within My Church. Many of My children are abandoning the True Faith. They are spiritually lost, because most of My priest-sons have failed to speak honestly from the pulpits, but rather speak on their liberal agendas, which is an abuse of their pastoral position. The obligation of My priest-sons is not to teach errors under the premise of their own liberal views, but rather to feed My flock and reveal the Truth.
My children, I want you to hear My words to you this evening. I want you to follow the three major points I will list for you. (1) Follow the True Doctrines of My Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. (2) Follow the True, Sacred and Holy Traditions of My Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. (3) Follow the True Magisterium of My Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
Do not close your hearts to Me, nor to My One, True, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Do not abandon My Church because of My weak shepherds who are not protecting My sheep through the fruits of My Sacraments, Scripture, and Sacred Tradition.
My children, remember that I say: you are never to judge My priest-sons, but rather pray for them, because it is your responsibility to do so. Remember that the evil one wants to destroy the souls of My priest-sons, because My children can only receive My Precious Body and Blood through My priest-sons at the Consecration of the Holy Mass. (Without My priest-sons, you cannot receive the True Body and Blood of your Lord, Jesus Christ.) I repeat to you that you are never to judge any of My priest-sons, for as you judge, so will you be judged.
I will warn you that darkness will fall upon your country as well as the rest of the world. This second virus will soon be noticed – as it is already in your world – and it will be devastating and take many lives. I ask you not to take the vaccines that they will offer you, because these will kill more people than the virus. The One World People – known as the elite – are out to destroy humanity.
Your food will be scarce and many will feel the pains of hunger and death, and the financial collapse will also be felt around the world. America, you will be scourged through these chastisements that are about to happen.
I ask you to go to Mass and Confession as often as you can while you still can. Pray for your family members and all those dear to your heart. Please come and celebrate these Masses of Reparation as often as you can, so that you pray for the dead and lost souls of those of My children who may die without a moment’s notice. Conversion is urgent for Divine Protection, and I ask that you pray faithfully for all lost souls, especially when attending these Masses of Reparation.
You are My faithful children, but it is very essential that you realize what you must do to help others who are spiritually lost and are not even thinking of their eternal life. There are many of My children who reject Me, because they are spiritually blind and do not seek out the truth. Because of their blindness and rejection of Me, they could be lost forever without your prayers.
Many children are steeped in the things of your world with all its passions and their eyes are blind to the Spirit of God. My children can become easily mired in the affairs of your world and its darkness, so that they become spiritually blind.
Satan is the god of your world. He has destroyed the flesh, and masquerades as an angel of light, and is the cause of all temptation. He is the father of all liars and the evil of deception, and his goal is to devour the weak, who fall prey to temptation, fear, loneliness, worry, depression, and persecution.
I ask you not to listen to those who mock prophecy or those who say God would not punish His children in this way – nor would He try to scare you through these types of messages. I would say to you to look back over the centuries, that many saints that were given prophecy had dire warnings from Heaven. If our children were responding and leading their lives in fullness of the revelation of God, these warnings would not be necessary. These dire messages are needed because our children are not following the Commandments of God and if they do not obey God, then just as Scripture states, ‘All these curses shall come upon you and pursue you and overtake you, till you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of the LORD your God’ […] (Deuteronomy 28:45)
Do you believe that God would not warn His children before these chastisements come upon mankind? God has always forewarned His children throughout each generation and I warn you, My children: when these chastisements begin to happen, you will be grateful for these warnings from Heaven.
My words and the words of My beloved Mother have warned you against all evils that will be coming within My Church as well as the entire world. These warnings have been given to you over many years and now is the time to prepare, especially spiritually. Trust in My Love for you and know that I will never abandon any of My faithful children, who come before Me with a contrite heart. I came to warn you over these many years, because I love you and want you prepared for what lies ahead.
Trust in My Mercy for you and your loved ones. I ask that you pray for humility to be returned to the heart of your loved ones. Pray against the pride that has been placed in so many of their hearts. The graces will be waiting for them, and many conversions will take place during these turbulent times, but most of them will take place after their Illumination of Conscience. Do not give up, and keep on praying for your children and grandchildren.
Remember that My Most Holy Eucharist is your strength and courage for what lies ahead. Pray your rosaries daily, and ask your guardian angels to guide and watch over you during these turbulent times,
Pray to St. Joseph and pray to the Holy Family.
I am your Lord and Savior, and I will guide and protect you. Do not fear, because through Me you can attain all that you are praying for. Offer My Holy Face to the Father, for He will deny you nothing through the image of My Holy Face.
I will place each one of you within the Love of My Sacred Heart.
I bless you in My Father’s Name.”
I hear nothing further.