Message from Jesus to Kay
Note: This message that was given to me this past Saturday, 1-25-25, is related to a message that I received over a period of a couple of months during the year 2021 (March and April).
In the 2021 message, Jesus warned me that a “STORM” would eventually come (I believe to the United States) and Jesus wanted me to pray against this “Storm.” Jesus told me that this “Storm” would be a terrifying event and would kill thousands of people. I did not understand exactly what type of a storm it would be, but Jesus had just asked me to pray against this storm and then I knew Jesus did not want to give me any other explanation of this event at that time. These messages were given during the Lenten Season of the Church as well as Holy Week and Good Friday of the year 2021. Good Friday was an exceptional day when Jesus was very adamant that I needed to pray against this storm every day from that moment on.
I had gone into the hospital with “Covid” on 4-12-21, which was the day after Divine Mercy Sunday. I was in the hospital for eight days and during those days, Jesus spoke to me at 3 a.m. each day, reminding me that I had to pray against the “Storm.” I was very sick and decided to do a Divine Mercy Chaplet each day for this intention that Jesus had asked of me.
While in the hospital, Jesus asked me to offer up my suffering for all priests. He also told me that Rome was going to fall and it would burn. I received this two different times while in the hospital.
I do remember asking Jesus what type of a storm this would be and I heard nothing from Jesus concerning the question I had asked each and every day. Once I got home from the hospital, Jesus would again ask me to pray against the “Storm,” but did not seem to want to inform me of what type of a storm this would be. I remembered that Jesus was talking about asteroids and meteorites, but He mostly spoke of meteorites falling from the sky. I honestly did not understand what Jesus was talking about and was confused.
I was in constant contact with Fr. X. regarding this matter and he did give me permission to speak to John L. regarding this matter, but the first time I spoke to John, I could not explain what he needed to know to help me discern these messages. There was one day when Jesus spoke to me and explained that I was not familiar with the atmosphere and my mission was to pray rather than try to figure things out. I normally did not question Jesus regarding the messages He gave to me, but this was something that bothered me, because I wanted to understand what I was praying on and why.
About one week after being home, I asked Jesus if this was going to be a physical storm or a spiritual storm/battle or a combination of both. Jesus did not immediately give me an answer to my question, but daily Jesus would bring up this storm to me and He finally responded to me by telling me that the storm would be of a physical nature that would take thousands of lives and it would also be a spiritual battle that would be in the form of a storm. So, in essence, this storm would be a combination of both – physical and spiritual. I did feel that this storm was for the United States.
Jesus said, “This storm will be violent and would come about very suddenly and we may not be forewarned.” I felt that it was very important that we pray against this storm every day. Jesus said that the physical storm is going to come upon us very quickly and it’s going to be huge and massive, and that we are not going to expect it. Jesus said that He cannot say these words enough times to me. I feel that Jesus is saying this to me again and again because He wants me to know how important this is for us to pray against.
Jesus gave me a vision, because I was not exactly understanding the meaning of the atmosphere regarding asteroids and meteorites. This vision was given through my soul and I did not physically see this with my eyes. I saw a circular ball that was “white” in color, it was spinning around, I suddenly saw pieces of this ball breaking off and falling down. I then saw a large “hand” – I knew that this was the Hand of God – and as this ball was spinning, I saw God’s Hand begin to put His Hand forward and stop this ball from spinning and then He would lift His Hand up so the ball would continue to spin again. This would happen again and again, and then the vision stopped.
I tried calling Fr. X. and he was not home at that time, so I called John L. and told him what I had seen and John was able to help me this time, informing me that I was possibly seeing asteroids. I told him that Jesus kept calling them meteorites, but I did not understand what a meteorite was. John had asked me it the word “meteorite” was singular or plural and I told him it was plural. He said to me that what I was explaining to him made sense and he said that the Hand of God that I witnessed was God taking control of where the meteorites would fall upon the earth.
I have continued to pray against this storm and decided to pray the “Storm Prayer” that is in the Pieta Book, which we also pray every week with Our Mother of Perpetual Help Prayer Group.
Almost one year later, another visionary by the name of Anne of the Green Scapular received a very similar message (March 20, 2022) Sunday at 10:36 p.m.
I was astounded by this message because it was the message I had received a year before, but her message was so much more detailed concerning the atmosphere and what happens within the atmosphere. She spoke of “THE STORM” that Jesus gave to me and I asked Jesus why He did not give me all the information that He had given to Anne. Jesus then said to me, “My child, you do not understand what the atmosphere is all about and it would have been difficult for you to understand to the degree that I spoke with My child Anne.”
I made a copy of her message at that time and stapled it to my message from the year before and was very happy because I had the confirmation I needed and I was able to speak to both Fr. X. and John and Carol about it.
“My Child:
‘The Storm’ that I spoke to you about a few years ago is about to take place.” (This does not mean it is going to happen soon, but that it is coming. We must remember that Heaven’s time is not our time.)
“I have asked you to pray against this storm many times, but it was not that I would not allow this storm to take place, but to pray to mitigate its strength” (both physical and spiritual). “The strength of this storm could kill thousands upon thousands, but if it were mitigated, it could lessen this chastisement. The spiritual part of this storm could also kill our children, because they are so far away from God that they could die of fright or from the atmospheric events.”
“My child, this major event will awaken my children as well as My Church. There has never been anything like this ‘Storm’ in the past and it will shake My children to their core. Again, I warn My children, there has never been a storm such as this.” (I am feeling that this is going to be a global event, although in my previous message in 2021, I felt it was for the United States.)
“Everything is changing very fast. Look around you, My children – do you perceive these times as normal? I as well as My Beloved Mother come before you to warn you of many dangers that lie ahead. The physical dangers will be frightening and terrifying and many will die in the blink of an eye, but it will be the Spiritual danger that you should fear the most, because it could cost Our children the ‘death of their soul.’”
“My children will have many questions, but it will not be a financial collapse or World War III.”
I ask you to continue to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for all of My children, because this event will be catastrophic.
I love you, My child.
I bless you in My Father’s Name.”