Message from Jesus, Mary, and St. Michael to Kay
Mass of Reparation Notes – July 15, 2024 - Monday
As Father approaches the pulpit to begin his homily, I see the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary standing behind Father. I watch as Jesus raises His hand to bless Father as he begins his homily.
Jesus looks out at all of His children, who took the time to attend this Mass. He raises His hand once again and blesses all those who are in attendance.
Our Lady looks out at her children and she smiles so tenderly and she said:
“I am so pleased with my faithful children, who come faithfully each month to pray for the reparation of the sins and sinners of your world. The graces for your charity of heart for the prayers for these lost souls will benefit you and your family. My divine Son needs these prayers desperately, because our children are so caught up in the evil of your world that they no longer think of sin or punishment due to those sins. These same children no longer pray – nor do they think of My divine Son, who died and gave His Life for them.
I come before you on this day to tell you of my love for all of you and to thank all my beloved and faithful priest-sons for celebrating these extremely important Masses of Reparation. I also come before you as a Mother of Sorrow. It is so sad to see my once-great and beautiful America come down to the level of evil that it has. The Eternal Father blessed and graced your gifted nation and hoped and created America to be a source of inspiration to the rest of the world. Your country was founded through your forefathers as “One Nation Under God” and you were once a righteous nation and praised God for your existence and your nation had shown great hope to the rest of the world.
It is now that all of Heaven weeps over the level of evil that has taken control over so many of our children throughout the entire world, and as a result, many have given over their free will to Satan and his cohorts. In America, there are some of your government officials that have tried to follow the Laws of your Constitution, but there are many others who have become weak and no longer follow the Laws of your Land. I warn you that a nation without God will eventually fall and those who are governing your country have fallen prey to evil and have become corrupt, and their willingness to act dishonestly for money or personal gain is unscrupulous. The sovereignty of your nation is being taken over by the radical left and the so-called elite who will lead your country into Communism. Your evil leaders are determined to destroy your Democracy.
The corruption within your world shows a state of spiritual decay and moral dishonesty that results from sin and expresses itself through disobedience toward God. Humanity continues to wear blinders and refuses to comply with Heaven’s requests to live their lives through the Will of the Father.
My children, pray, pray, pray, because without prayer and sacrifice the evil will rise up against God and all that stands for good. I want to draw all of my children nearer to my Heart, so that they will listen to the words of My divine Son who is calling them to convert, and calling them to allow the Holy Spirit to guide them, so they will bear witness to the Divine Love of the Holy Trinity.
There is so much chaos, division and confusion because our children have forgotten their Jesus. My divine Son’s Sacred Heart has bled because of the afflictions against Him and His Holy Eucharist. His own Church is trying to re-crucify Him, but the Eternal Father will not allow the Mass to be celebrated as a “circus” within My beloved Son’s Church. The Father will not allow the debauchery, and the immoral and unholy manner in which some priest-sons are living their lives, as they no longer follow their Sacred Vows – nor believe in the True Presence of My divine Son’s Most Precious Body and Blood in His Most Holy Eucharist. Why have they forgotten the Words of My divine Son as He said, “Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Me.” My priest-sons must deny themselves and give allegiance to Jesus down to the very depths of their being.
Your Heavenly Mother's Heart is sorrowful because my children have forgotten to pray for my beloved priest-sons. O, my children, I beg all of you to pray, sacrifice and fast for those of my priest-sons who are falling fast into the eternal flames of hell. Many have given their lives over to the way of your evil world, because of their want of power, greed, and sexual gratification. Pray, pray, pray for my priest-sons, as they are blinded by the evils that are surrounding them.
My children, please pray for the pope, as well as the hierarchy, bishops and all priests, because they need your dedication of prayers, and for many of them, your prayers will be their saving grace.
My divine Son's Church leaders have caused division and confusion within the Church and many of them are not following the Sacred Traditions or the True Magisterium of the Church. Because of the poor leadership of the Shepherds, they are not preaching or teaching the truths in order to give spiritual nourishment to the souls of their flock. The Holy Eucharist is the true nourishment for our children's souls.
It is a sacrament in which Jesus is truly Present. The Eucharist will help our children build a strong bond and connection with Jesus. Jesus instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist because He loved His children and wanted His children to become united with Him through the Humanity of Christ.
My divine Son's Church will soon be going through its final purification and it will be a time of great mourning. My divine Son will be victorious and His Holy Church will rise in Great Glory.
I love all of my children and I ask you to stand strong in your Catholic Faith, because you will need your faith and strength in the love of your God to get through what is soon to happen.
I will keep you within the love of My Sorrowful Heart.”
I see St. Michael move to the center of the sanctuary and he lifts his beautiful and bold sword upward towards his face, and as he begins to turn to his right side and lowers his sword and points it towards the people sitting to his right, he blesses them. He then turns towards his left side and points his sword to those in attendance and blesses them. St. Michael brings his sword back to his side and he begins to speak:
“Children of God: I am Michael, the Defender and the Guardian of the One, Holy, Catholic Church and I ask you to return to the Sacred Traditions of your Catholic Faith. You will soon be tested beyond your imagination, and without the strength of Jesus and the true teachings of your Catholic Faith, you will not survive the forces of Satan and his minions. Remember the Sacraments of the Church, especially the Sacrament of Confession, because you will need absolution for your sins before the Illumination of Conscience comes upon you.
Do not ignore these warnings from Heaven, because the rage of what is about to happen will cause great fear and confusion among you. God's children will suffer greatly through the calamities of destruction and pains of sorrow will flood your world.”
I now see Jesus and, as Father retrieves the Eucharist in the lunette, Jesus follows Father to the kneelers, as the Eucharistic Healing Service will now begin. As Father places the lunette upon the forehead of the first person to be blessed, I see Jesus place His hand upon Father's hand and it immediately becomes infused into Father's hand, which again is so amazing to see. We all know that Jesus is the true healer, but this act of Jesus indicates to me that each and every priest represents Jesus, and Jesus has given the power over to His truly ordained priest-sons in all of the sacraments. The most important prayer of a priest is to represent the sacrifice of Jesus during Holy Mass. Priests are shepherds who take on the pastoral care of the faithful.
I watch Jesus as He blesses each child who kneels before Him, and His Face is so radiant and the love for His children is so enduring. Jesus is so pleased with His children who come to these Masses of Reparation, because He knows that they truly love Him and want to honor Him through the prayers of reparation for the sinners of the world. He looks at me and He said: “My child, the time is very short and I ask you to write down everything that I say to you, because these messages will be coming to a close very shortly, and My children, as well as My priest-sons, need to hear and be obedient to what I will say to them.”
Jesus says: “My children, the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) will be My final act of Mercy upon the whole world, and it is just around the corner. I have asked you to store at least a three-month supply of food and water, because both a famine and a financial crisis with banking panics will arise. Your government is following the agenda of the One World people, leading your country into Communism. The political and economic ideology that positions itself in opposition to liberal democracy and capitalism can only be called a communist state. Their agenda is to depopulate your world through vaccines, and there will soon be a pandemic for which I have given most nations around the world an antidote to cure these plagues. Your government will try and force everyone to once again take these deadly vaccines, which I warn you not to take.
I have told you that you must fight for your freedoms, and do not let them take away your freedoms without a fight. However, you are losing the battle of keeping your freedoms, because most of our children no longer pray or believe in their Jesus. The evil of your entire world has taken over any sense of logic, and many have been stripped of any goodness within their hearts.
My children, you must trust in My Love for you, and have confidence and trust that I have provided a place of refuge and safety for all of My faithful children. I have never forsaken any one of My children who has turned to Me with a contrite heart and with total trust in what I can do for them. My children will all be told at the Warning the truths of what they need to know, and they must convert their lives back to Me. I ask My children: how much more is the Body and Blood of Christ in the tabernacle to be honored and adored except through the reverence of deep awe and respect?
I AM YOUR GOD. I AM the Magnificent and Holy Sacrifice through which My Body and My Blood are transformed through the Consecration of the Holy Mass. All prayers that are addressed to Me (by the priest) should be prayed to Me while facing My Holy of Holies (the tabernacle). I want you all to understand why I feel rejected in My own Church. Why do My priest-sons celebrate the Holy Mass with their backs to their God, their Lord and Savior in the tabernacle? Why is it that My priest-sons face the people, who are the worshippers of Me? Why is the focus on those present, instead of the focus on their God, Who is Jesus in the tabernacle?
Another point that I will make to you, My children, is the fact that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass should not be a time of gathering in human fellowship. This is what you see in the other Christian churches. These other churches of faith do not have the True Presence of My Body and Blood in the tabernacle, and so they gather in fellowship. My Holy Catholic Church has made changes in My Church more to identify with the worship of other religions, rather than showing My children the true meaning of Sacred Traditions within My Holy Catholic Church, which is the True Church of Jesus Christ. I am the Foundation of My Church, and that cannot be said of any other religion or church.
These changes are a reversal of ancient tradition. These changes have been known to practice liturgical abuses or unauthorized methods in many of My churches. It is undeniable that there are serious violations of liturgical practices that exist in My Church today. Look at the attendance in My churches; there are fewer people than ever that come to attend the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. What happened to uniting oneself with Christ “at the foot of the Cross” through the intercession of Christ? My Most Holy Eucharist should always remain the complete focus of the Mass. My Precious Body and Blood should be the most treasured Gift because it was given to My Catholic Church by your Lord at the Last Supper. I warn you now, My children, should these Words that I have given at the Last Supper ever be changed, THIS WILL NOT BE A VALID MASS AND YOU MUST LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.
My bishops have made a slow but sure change into what I will call "Eucharistic Irreverence." Sadly, through these changes, My children no longer show a deep and devoted reverence of My Holy Eucharist. Many of My children act as if they are eating a snack rather than receiving My Precious Body and Blood with the utmost reverence and love; they pop Me into their mouths as though I were a cough drop.
My Most Holy Eucharist is the most important act of worship. Action must be taken to preserve the reverence of My Most Blessed Sacrament.
My priest-sons must reexamine the truths within themselves that My Holy Eucharist is the True Presence of My Body and My Blood, and then follow the external signs of reverence throughout the Mass and in My churches. The fruits of a worthy reception of My Blessed Sacrament is important to be taught to their flock, so that My children can understand the importance of an intimate union with their Christ, Lord and Savior. They are shepherds who are failing to teach their flock the full truths of My one True, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. It is not enough to teach the truths of the Faith; they must be reinforced by the signs and symbols of the Sacred Liturgy. Most of My children do not even know what the signs and symbols mean, because they have not been taught, or simply because they do not reflect on these simple elements, or even realize that they are a gift of God's grace for them.
My children, the time is so short and there is so much for you to learn, but through the watered-down faith and tradition being taught to you, you cannot even profess your Faith with conviction or certainty.
I know that some of you are getting prepared for the events that are being foretold by many of the prophets that I have chosen during this time of the tribulation, but there are still so many of you who are not ready, because so few of My priest-sons are strong enough to preach and help you to understand the evils of this world, and how the evils of this world have been allowed to seep into My Church – through the web of deceit, corruption, and the moral decline of the hierarchy of My Church. My priests have become involved in the riches of the world, and the hierarchy of My Church has been involved in nepotism far too long. Many of My priest-sons have lost all integrity in morals, character, honesty, and truthfulness. Then there are other priest-sons who lost all courage and strength to fight the spiritual battles of darkness. My sons are also allowing fear to take over their sense of goodness, virtue and decency. They are allowing this fear to justify what they know is wrong.
Most of My bishops have gone astray and are being led onto the pathway of the abyss, because of their evil actions against Me and My Church. Their defiance toward those of My priest-sons who have followed the truths of My Church is despicable in My eyes, and they will be severely punished when they come before Me at their judgment. It is hard for Me to watch the abuses of so many of My bishops. I say to them, "You are blind fools; you are hypocrites." You preach, but do not practice what you are preaching. You line your pockets with money and riches; you speak of your burdens and lay them on people's shoulders. You love high places of honor, seating at the best seats, while people greet you. I say to those who hold power in My Church: ‘Change your evil ways, because you are heathens in the eyes of your True God. You are pagans who are worshipping the Evil One by your deceitfulness and corruption. You are not vigilant, faithful or true to Me or My Church.’ I say to those who sit on high thrones of dishonesty, manipulation, degradation, impurity and corruption, while claiming to be working for the Honor and Glory of God: NO, you are not working for Me, but for yourselves. I call you the False Apostles of My Church.
Those in power are following their adversary who is strategically setting up his web of deceit, and he is devouring many of My clergy. Many have gone the way of the world. This is called Secularism, and because they have followed this road, they are doing away with the Divine and the Sacred. They now believe they have to uphold the world, and through this way of thinking, they are forgetting the Sacredness of My one, True, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
I warn all of My clergy: If you are one of the lukewarm, and straddle the fence, whether through fear or compromise, and you do not stand up for the righteousness of God or the Holy and Sacred Traditions of My Church, you will be brought down through My wrath, and you will witness the heavy-handed harshness of My Judgment.
I suffer now within My Church, as I did in My crucifixion, because I see the horrid abuses and the lack of love for My Sacraments, as well as the lack of the Sacred Traditions of My One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. I watch most of My priest-sons take the easy way out, doing as little as possible, because they want to get out into the world and enjoy themselves. They have become lazy and indifferent and are not fulfilling the duties of their vocation, which is to work for the salvation of souls through the Honor and Glory of their God. Many of My priest-sons have no drive or Fire of the Holy Spirit in them, because they no longer have faith. Faith is a gift from Me for My children. Faith is a spring of wisdom that flows within their spirit. Faith is salvation. It is peace and it is truth.
The sins of darkness that are going on within My Church today, and the upcoming abuses of My Most Holy Eucharist, will bring about a "schism" far greater than ever before. The sinful actions or foolish choices of those who follow the web of deceit that is being brought before them, will reap what they sow and they will suffer the dreadful consequences of being lost forever in the abyss of hell.
These bishops of My Church have used their authority for their own agenda, and not for the teachings of My Church. These bishops were entrusted with the ministry and unity of their flock, as well as the oversight of their dioceses and priests. I ask these liberal Bishops: ‘Are you imitators of Me, and do you maintain the Holy and Sacred Traditions of My Church? NO, no, no, I say to you – you have failed to follow and protect My Traditions. You have failed to lead My children on the road of truthfulness, sincerity, or candor. Your ego and pride have become so big that you are following your own insight, rather than the Sacred and Divine Teachings of My Holy Church.’
My children, I say to all of you: ‘You are not to judge even one of My priest-sons, because I am their Judge.’ Should any of you pass judgment on them, you will also be judged accordingly. I AM THE ONLY JUDGE OF ALL MY CHILDREN. You, My children, are also responsible, because you have failed to pray for your priests and the hierarchy of the Church.
I ask you to pray, pray, pray for My Church and all of My clergy. I do not want you to cast one stone upon them, because I will judge those who defiled My Church or My Holy Sacraments.
The crisis in My Church will get worse and My Church will be split in two, and there will come a counterfeit church. This will be the greatest schism ever, and it will increase in size. It will be entering a division from within, because of a change to the words of Consecration at Mass and that will be brought forth.
I have said in past messages that heresies of every kind will come into the city of Rome, which has already begun, and many ruinous results of this false church will arise. Many of My churches will be closed and others used for desecration of all forms, and much oppression will be felt. My Church will be undermined and there will be great darkness, but I tell you, this will not last long, as I will never leave My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against her. There must be a cleansing of My Church, and just as the earth will be cleansed and renewed, so too will My Church be cleansed and renewed.
Beware, because there will be great confusion in My Church. Be strong and prudent; do not follow confusion, and never allow manipulation to cause you to enter into the evils of deception.
DO NOT LEAVE MY CHURCH OR JUDGE HER, because of the sins of contemptible and offensive men; rather, look to your Lord, Who is the Foundation of My Church. My Church was established for all mankind in order to receive Divine Authority under Me, your Lord and Savior.
Remember that the Doctrine of the Infallibility of Ecumenical Councils, which concerns Faith and Morals in My Church, is preserved through the Holy Spirit.
My children, take advantage of My Holy Sacraments as often as possible, because soon your churches will be closed. The Graces that you will receive through these Sacraments will help you to have an intimate relationship with your Jesus, and you will feel My strength within you, and fear of what will happen will diminish.
I ask you to pray for those of My faithful priest-sons who are suffering at the hands of their superiors – they suffer a great sorrow.
You will witness more suffering, and your world will be thrown into complete chaos.
Pray your Rosary every day for your loved ones, and attend Mass as often as you can while you are still able. Go to Confession on a regular basis. I ask that you visit Me in Adoration and bring Me your tears, your fears, and your worries. I know your pain and I feel your sorrow. I do not want you to be afraid of anything, because through your prayers of love and devotion, I will erase your fears and assist you through your trials and sufferings.
My dearest children: ‘Come to Me; I will help you and hold you close to My Heart.’ I love you, My loving children, and I will never forsake you. I will keep you safe and warm in the love of My Merciful Heart.
I bless you in My Father's Name.”
I hear nothing further.