Messages from Jesus and Mary to John Leary
December 10, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, when I come again, I will renew the face of the earth by leveling the mountains and the valleys will be filled in. My glory will be revealed to all of mankind. (Isaiah 40:3-8) In the Gospel of the lost sheep (Luke 15:3-7), I am the Good Shepherd when I would leave the ninety-nine sheep in the desert and I would search for the lost sheep. I do not want to lose even one soul. There will be joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, more than over ninety-nine just who have no need of repentance. So reach out to help save souls by your good example, and even evangelize people so they can come to know and love Me as you do.”
December 9, 2024: (Immaculate Conception of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, today you are celebrating my Immaculate Conception, so I was without sin by God’s design for my life. During my life I was without sin as well, so I could present a holy place in my womb for God’s only Son. As a consequence of Adam and Eve’s original sin, all of mankind, except me and my Son, have original sin at birth that is cleansed with Baptism. It was my Son’s death on the cross that cleansed sin from your souls for those people who repented of their sins. As you prepare for Christmas, be thankful for my Son’s gift of salvation.”
(Hour of Grace) Jesus said: “My people, today in this Hour of Grace you outstretched your arms and you read Psalm 51 three times. You are repenting of your sins and your soul is gaining in graces from this hour. You trust in Me to heal you of any sickness, and I will help you with any financial problems as well. It is your strong faith in My power that will answer any of your requests that will be answered in My time and in My ways. Keep praying your rosaries for your many intentions.”
December 8, 2024: (Second Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist was My messenger who prepared the way for Me in the desert. He wore camel’s hair and ate locusts and wild honey. He preached repentance for sin and baptized sinners in the Jordan River. At one point he baptized Me as well. He called Me the Lamb of God, and he pointed Me out as the coming Savior for all of mankind, especially to some of My apostles. St. John the Baptist was later beheaded by Herod for telling Herodias that she should not be married to Herod. Before he was in prison, St. John the Baptist said: 'I must decrease, while Jesus must increase.'”
Jesus said: “My people, there is a new takeover in Syria as Assad had to flee to Russia. You also saw your forces in Syria were attacking places in anticipation of future attacks by the rebels. This is a dangerous area where Russia is involved in Syria. Pray that there are no more wars in Syria with this new takeover. You do not want any conflicts between Russia and America. Defending your troops in Syria could cause some conflicts while you still have a weak leader in Biden. Some of these warring nations are ready for a cease-fire because of the loss of so many troops in the Ukraine. Keep praying for peace.”
December 7, 2024: (St. Ambrose)
Jesus said: “My people, on December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Peal Harbor and started World War II for America. This war killed many people in America, Europe, and Japan. World War II ended in 1945. Now you are on the verge of a possible World War III with Russia in the Ukraine, and in Israel. The evil people are pushing for war so the weapon makers can make their blood money. Keep praying for peace and that Trump could have a cease-fire in these wars. Pray also that nuclear weapons are not used that could kill many people as you saw in Japan.”
December 6, 2024: (St. Nicholas)
Jesus said: “My people, you are waiting to receive Me as the infant King at Christmas. The people of Israel waited a long time until I came on the earth at Bethlehem. My people are only weeks away from your celebration of Christmas. This is a good time to put your life in order spiritually, as you come to seek My forgiveness of your sins. I am truly the Judge as in your vision, but I have mercy on your souls when I forgive your sins. Be thankful for the many blessings I bestow on you every day. I love all of you so much, and I heal those people who cry out to Me in faith, just as I healed the two blind men in the Gospel.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have read about St. Nicholas who shared gifts with people, and he started a practice of hanging socks to be filled with gifts. This gift giving has made a big business for the shopkeepers around Christmastime. It is a beautiful sharing in the spirit of My birth when the Wise men brought Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. You can also offer your prayers as gifts for your friends and relatives. Pray also to stop the wars that are going on in Israel and the Ukraine. Praying for peace on earth is a good cause around Christmas.”
December 5, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, having faith in Me to lead you to heaven is the best path to salvation that you could have for your soul. Those people who follow My words in their actions and repent of their sins are like the people who built their house on rock. When the winds and the flood came, their house will withstand it because the house was built on the rock of faith in Me. Those people who did not follow Me and did not repent of their sins are people who built their house on sand. So when the winds and the flood came, that house was destroyed and they were lost in hell. Learn to follow the wisdom of My words in the Scriptures, and you will be able to solve your problems with My help in prayer.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the 7.0 and 5.8 earthquakes off the coast of Oregon were the strongest earthquakes there in twenty years. There was no tsunami, but some homes were damaged. This is another sign of the end times. Be prepared for more aftershocks and other earthquakes that have been occurring in this area.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are learning that many Federal employees are still working from home. Trump wants them to come to work or they could be fired. There is a DOGE group that will be trying to cut out two trillion dollars of wasteful spending. Your National Debt is getting too high and the interest is the second largest budget item.”
Jesus said: “My people, Biden’s pardon of his son also is a coverup for all the millions of dollars that Hunter received from the Ukraine, Russia, and China. This taking of money from your enemies bordered on treason and is compromising your security. It is Biden’s weakness that has precipitated the current wars in Israel and the Ukraine.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing heavy snowstorms coming off the Great Lakes. This year could see a stronger cold and warm weather that could give you more snow than the last few years. Be prepared for more blizzards of heavy snow as you saw this morning.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President-Elect has a mandate from his election, but he will have an uphill battle to get his Cabinet confirmed with the deep state against him. Keep praying for his protection and that he can get the people he needs to carry out his second term. His new administration will be working to close your borders and remove the criminal illegal immigrants that are causing many crimes.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people put lights, snowmen, and reindeer outside as decorations for Christmas. You, My son, have continued to put your Nativity scene on your porch for many years. This is truly the spirit of My coming to Bethlehem as your infant Savior. I came on the earth as a man so I could be the perfect Sacrifice to bring salvation to all of mankind. This was My plan from the time I promised that there would be a Messiah to save My people.”
Jesus said: “My people, since Trump’s victory there have been some plans to seek a cease-fire in both of these wars. Russia has been threatening to use their nuclear arsenal if the Ukraine keeps sending long range missiles into Russia. I have asked you for some Novena prayers to stop these wars before nuclear weapons could be used. Be prepared to come to My refuges if your lives are in danger from these wars. Wars and rumors of wars are also another sign of the end times.”
December 4, 2024: (St. John Damascene)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Isaiah (Chap 25:6-12) he speaks of a mountain where you will have rich food and choice wines. I will destroy death forever. In the Gospel (Matt 15:29-37), I went up on a mountain and a great crowd came and I healed the dumb, the blind, the lame, and the sick. After preaching to the crowd for three days, I took pity on the them and I multiplied seven loaves of bread and a few fish that fed four thousand people. They collected seven baskets of fragments left over. I was generous to feed them, and this is a prefigurement of when I would institute My Eucharist that you receive at every Mass.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have made you male and female for the purpose of procreation. When you try to change sexes, you are going against My plan for humanity. Trans people do not produce children, so you are making them infertile. This industry is in billions of dollars, as it makes money on the hormones and operations. To those people who are doing this, they care more about the money than the damage they are doing to the children’s lives. Even with abortions, it is the same reason for making money instead of being concerned with the loss of the babies’ lives. Those people who are encouraging trans operations for children and abortions will have to pay for their destruction of these lives at their judgment.”
December 3, 2024: (St. Francis Xavier) [Complete Message]
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the Stump of Jesse as his son David leads up to Me through the generations of people. I am called the Son of David as My heritage. In Isaiah (chap 11:1-9) he speaks of a time when the animals will not eat each other which describes the coming Era of Peace. It will be a time when man and the animals will be vegetarians eating vegetables and fruits with no meat. This Era of Peace will come after the Warning, the Conversion time, and the tribulation. Rejoice when you will have your reward for your service to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing very little water available out West, when they depend on snowpacks on the mountains and the Colorado River for most of their water. As your temperatures have averaged a few degrees warmer, you are seeing more violent weather with more snowstorms out West and in the East. You can tell by your cold temperatures that your heating bills will be getting higher. Paying for heat is one bill that definitely needs to get paid because freezing is not an option. Pray that all of your people can be kept warm this winter.”