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"I am the beginning of the new times"

Updated: Mar 1, 2023

Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

January 1, 1985

Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God

"Beloved children, you are united today with the whole Church in venerating me as true Mother of God and your Mother, in the order of the supernatural life of faith and of divine grace.

On this day, which for you marks the beginning of a new year, while all of you in the Church - bishops, priests, religious and faithful look to me as to your Mother, I say to you if that is what I am and if you honor me as such, I must be loved, listened to, and followed by each one of you.

And so it is today, on the solemnity of my Divine Maternity, that I wish to give a message to the Church to be heard and welcomed by her.

It is a message of trust and of hope.

Notwithstanding the difficulties and the sufferings which the Church is called upon to bear, and the painful hours of agony and of passion which mark the time of her bloody purification, the moment of a renewed splendor and of a second Pentecost is in preparation for her.

My dearly beloved children, never lose confidence and hope. Beneath the great and vast clamor which evil is managing to spread everywhere, many sprouts of goodness and holiness are budding forth in silence and hiddenness. These precious sprouts of new life are being daily cultivated in the secret garden of my Immaculate Heart.

However be on your guard against three serious dangers which are threatening your growth in goodness and which have been pointed out to you by me many times: that of departing from the true faith by following the many errors which are being taught today; that of separating yourselves from the interior unity of the Church through contestation directed against the Pope and the hierarchy, which is still spreading within ecclesial life; and that of falling victims to secularism and moral permissiveness, which leads you to yield in the daily struggle against evil and sin.

If you allow yourselves to be led by me, you walk along the sure road of love and of holiness.

It is a message of comfort anti of consolation.

Entrust yourselves, all of you, to your heavenly Mother that you may be consoled. In the great battle which you are fighting, find strength and comfort there, and never lose your courage in the face of the difficulties which you meet.

During the new year, the trials and sufferings which await you will become even greater, because you have already entered into the final phase of what I have foretold to you. A great and bloody trial is about to shake the whole earth, to prepare it for its complete renewal in the triumph of my Immaculate Heart.

But the more severe the trial will become, the greater will be my presence at the side of each one of you, that you may be comforted and encouraged by me. If you live in my Immaculate Heart, nothing that can happen will be able to disturb you; within this motherly refuge of mine, you are

always safe, wrapped in the light and the presence of the Most Holy Trinity, who loves you and surrounds you with its divine protection.

It is a message of salvation and of mercy.

You must be my powerful help, which I wish to offer today to all humanity in order to lead it to return along the road of goodness and of love.

I am the way of this, its return. I am the doorway of divine mercy. I desire that, through you, all my lost children may be able to come back to the Lord, who awaits them with the anxiety and the joy of a Father who loves them and wants to save them. Thus you become also instruments of divine mercy, in these times in which the greatest triumph of the merciful love of my Son Jesus is in preparation.

It is in order to be your trust, your consolation, and your salvation in the last times through which you are living, that I am manifesting myself today in such a powerful way, through the messages which I am giving, by means of this little son of mine and the apparitions which I am carrying out in a continuous and extraordinary way in many parts of the world.

Believe in my invitations; accept my messages; and look at my signs! I am the Queen of Peace; I am the beginning of the new times; I am the dawn of the new day.

With the Pope, the first of my beloved sons, I bless you all today in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."


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