Message of the Queen of the Rosary given to Gisella on September 23, 2024
Dear daughter, thank you for welcoming me once again into your heart.
My children, I ask you to awaken from this torpor, into which you have long since fallen. Evil and darkness have covered the earth. And you go on to live continually in lies instead of following the Word of God, which is the only Way, Truth and Life! You trust in man and no longer in God. You are no longer guided by His Holy Spirit, but by the hypocrisy of the world. My children, clothe yourselves with his light and convert today!
Your actions are attracting chastisements because you do not understand. Be tenacious in prayer – love with all your hearts! Be brothers in Christ and pray for the Church of Christ! Look forward with your eyes toward Heaven.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Most Holy Trinity.
Message of the Queen of the Rosary given to Gisella September 21, 2024
Dear children, thank you for being here in prayer for the consolation of My Heart and that of My beloved Son. My children, the tears of blood are the suffering I feel in seeing many children who do not understand what is happening in the world. Why so much indifference? Take away the pride, envy, jealousy, injustice, hatred and resentment that you have in your hearts, and until justice, love and fairness enter, there will be no Peace in the world, but suffering and death. My children, I beg you, look at Jesus and His continued crucifixion! My children, Jerusalem will mourn together with England, France and Germany. Italy is in great danger ... especially Rome! I ask priests, bishops and cardinals to open their hearts to let the Holy Spirit enter. Please listen to my words. My children – I suffer greatly for that Cross that you were forced to remove because of unjust men – unfortunately, they did not understand that it would be their salvation. I love you and I want you to be saved! That is why I come to guide and instruct you, as Mother, Advocate and Coredemptrix of humanity. Now I bless you, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and cover you with my Blessed Mantle.