[Above is one of several bizarre red Northern Lights photos taken in northern Maine (U.S.A.) in October of 2024. But the “fire” spoken of below is to be taken literally; in the approved apparition of Our Lady of Akita in 1973, She said: “Fire will fall from the sky”.]
Message of the Queen of the Rosary given to Gisella on January 3, 2025
My children, my children, thank you for listening to my call in your hearts. My children, thank you for bending your knees in prayer – how much Faith in your hearts! I ask you to return to God! Do not waste time – it is urgent now; only in this way can you change and find Grace. My children, many of you have received many graces and often you do not realize it... do you believe that you have been good? Do you not believe that the Lord listens to your heart and if the request is good for your life, He gives you Grace? My children, you often ask me what to do to have protection for what is to come. I tell you to pray, be humble, give love, share with your brethren, do not judge, be close to the Sacraments, discern the Presence of my living Son, and consecrate yourselves to me – and that is how you will be protected when fire rains down from Heaven and the living envy the dead. My children, I ask you to pray for the priests – that they may have faith and courage, because soon the churches will empty. Pray for Switzerland. My children, be prudent and beware of crowded places. Now I leave you with my motherly blessing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Now is the time to bear witness.
September 12, 2022
My daughter, thank you for having welcomed me in prayer. Now the time of battle has come, you have given birth to a godless humanity, you have allowed an idol to enter the Church in place of God and you have worshipped it in His place. My children, be united in the true doctrine of the faith without losing heart; open your hearts to the Holy Spirit; be constant and be warriors. This will cause marginalization and persecution for you, but do not be afraid – my Son will intervene. I am near you every day and will preserve you from the scourges. Now I leave you with my motherly blessing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
September 6, 2022
My children, thank you for responding to my call in your hearts, where my other children are! Pray and fast – the world is a shell of many sins beginning with abortion; pride; no respect for one's own body, temple of the Holy Spirit; unbridled lust; war; conflict; and materialism. The rulers are caught up in evil – the priests no longer have respect for my Son Jesus. You are caught up in the things of the world and do not care for your soul. I touch the earth to warn you – the wrath of God will be great, especially for Italy and Rome, the See of Peter. My children, I am here and I extend my arms awaiting the repentance and conversion of these children for whom everything would be forgiven if they would return to God. Beloved children, I now bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.