God is both infinitely merciful and infinitely just (only earthly men seem confused on this issue). The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament. Purgatory is an expression of both God’s Mercy and Justice.
The mystic Maria Simma of Austria (1915-2004) was given the difficult task of being visited by the poor souls in purgatory. They want out of purgatory “yesterday” – so as not to suffer anymore, but, more importantly, to be united forever with the One they love so much.
Her mission is important for the aforesaid reason, but also to warn men on earth that actions have consequences. One can be forgiven of all his or her sins but Divine Justice must be satisfied, so they are punished in purgatory, where time is slowed down greatly due to the suffering. This is why God calls some people to be victim souls – to save souls and/or rescue them from eternal damnation before it is too late. Jesus said many follow this path to hell and few choose the path to heaven. St. Thomas Aquinas, the greatest mind the Church has ever produced, taught in the 1200s that the majority of people go to hell. Clearly we are in a much worse state now.
Yet when people die, we always hear that he or she is “in a better place now.” Universalism is the heresy that all are saved. And worst of all, priests themselves preside at “canonization Masses” virtually every time a person dies. On the contrary, literally almost on one goes straight to heaven. So it behooves us to know more about what we can expect when we die, for, as Scripture says, nothing imperfect can be enter heaven. And this is what happens to “good people” and “good Catholics” because almost none of us reaches perfection on earth.
Knowledge of purgatory rightly puts the fear of God into sinners. Jesus says in the Book of Revelation that He spews the lukewarm out of His mouth.
Never despair ... and never be presumptuous: both are sins regarding God’s Mercy. Have great hope in God’s Mercy if you are willing to “walk the walk” in this life and/or have them forgiven by a priest. We are the ones who choose where we go. Be wise…
Here are the words of Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM, from Medjugorje on this book:
“Dear reader, What you are now holding is a most interesting book. The world beyond is speaking. It is offering advice, asking for help, and giving answers. It exists and speaks about life – our life here and of possible consequences of our behavior. It tells us that it is not the same to be humble, loving, good, merciful, loyal and honest as it is to be proud, loveless, bad, merciless, betraying and dishonest. At death this is not forgotten but rather remembered in total clarity. Not only is the punishment, or better yet the cleansing, spoken about; but also the length of this cleansing and so very much more!! ...all personal doubts disappeared once I too had met and spoken with Maria Simma. She is true...”
Maria Simma is a true expert on purgatory. Below is a compilation of an interview with her, special prayers, special novenas, and a section on the serious error of receiving Holy Communion in the hand. Get Us Out of Here!! is one of those books that are essential to read. Get it today!
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