December 25, 2022 (through the visionary Jakov)
“Today, when the light of Jesus' birth is illuminating the entire world, in a special way, with Jesus in my arms, I am praying that every heart becomes a stable of Bethlehem, in which my Son will be born, so that your lives become a light of His birth. Little children, you live in peacelessness and fear. That is why, little children, today, on this day of grace, implore Jesus to strengthen your faith and to become the ruler of your lives; because, my children, only with Jesus in your lives will you not be looking at peacelessness but praying for peace and will live in peace; and you will not be looking at fear, but at Jesus Who frees us of all fears. I am your Mother who ceaselessly keeps vigil over you and I am blessing you with my Motherly blessing.”
December 25, 2022 (through the visionary Marija)
“Dear children! Today I am carrying my Son Jesus to you, that you may be His peace and a reflection of clarity and joy of Heaven. Pray, little children, to be open to receive peace because many hearts are closed to the call of the light, which changes hearts. I am with you and am praying for you to open yourselves to receive the King of peace, Who fills your hearts with warmth and blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
July 1982 and January 1983
Our Lady of Medjugorje spoke on the subject of Purgatory:
“There are many souls in Purgatory. There are also many souls of consecrated persons, both priests and religious men and women religious. Pray for their intentions – at least the Creed and the seven Pater-Ave-Gloria. There are many souls who have been in Purgatory for a very long time because no one prays for them.”
“In Purgatory there are different levels; the deepest level is close to Hell and the highest level is near Paradise. It is not on the feast of All Saints, but at Christmas, that most of the souls are freed from Purgatory. In Purgatory there are souls who pray to God with great fervor, but for these souls he does have on earth any relative or friend to pray for him. God allows them to benefit from the prayers of others. Moreover, God allows them to manifest themselves to their own different ways in order to remind them that Purgatory exists and that they must pray that souls may approach God, who is just but good. Most people go to Purgatory; many go to Hell and only a relatively small number goes directly to Heaven.”