12/30/05 7:30 PM
My chosen sons, My peace be with you. I come to you today to tell you that the hour is growing shorter when many will come and culminate the pews and confessionals of My Church.
The hour is growing shorter when My mercy will come forth in its fullness and many will see how they have pierced Me by their rejection. My sons, it is time to truly take heed to your vocation. It is not a time of laziness, rather a time to be attentive to your words and actions. A time to be attentive to your sheep.
It is time to speak of My mercy and to guide My people to it. And yet a time to preach on My justice. Many are confused, many are lost in this dark world. Many are in search of light and the only true light they will come to know is the light that will pour forth from the rays of My Most Sacred Heart, the light of My mercy, and following that will be the hand of justice.
This world cannot continue on this same path for humanity is destroying itself. My sons, you must take heed to the mission you have been called to do for I will come and strike the weeds that have taken over My Church.
I will strike those bishops and priests who have so willingly neglected to guide My people in the right way. Those who have sought to shepherd without the guidance of their true shepherd for I am Jesus. Open your eyes, My sons, for this world is passing away.
It is a world that has become consumed with evil and a lack of morals. Speak to My people, speak to them in love by allowing My voice to be your voice, My hands to be your hands. Pray for your lost brothers and sisters, pray for My Church that will be purified of its filth.
Take heed to the guidance of your brother, the Holy Father, for with him I am well pleased. Be My humble and loving servants for I am Jesus your Master and My mercy and justice will prevail.
12/1/05 2:45 PM
My chosen sons, My peace be with you for I am Jesus. My sons, when you bring My people to the altar of My mercy, you are bringing them to the fullness of My love. Tell My people that My mercy is open to all who desire it. The time is drawing closer when the fullness of My mercy will pour out to all mankind.
This is a time when you need to move away from the money and focus on saving souls for so many of My children are lost in this dark world. So many turn to sin to bring them comfort yet they do not realize how they are endangering their souls. Arise to your vocation for you are in a battle to save souls.
Your persecution has only begun. You must live your vocation prepared for crucifixion. The world seeks to guide you by their teachings yet I say to you, shepherd them from the pulpit. Spend time in the confessional so that My people take heed to the opportunity.
Allow My people to receive the Sacraments now more than ever. Place in the chalice of My love all who have strayed away for you have a great responsibility to pray for your lost sheep.
You have an even greater responsibility to speak to My people about My Most Divine Mercy for it is the hour of mercy, My sons, for the doors of justice have opened up and My light is soon to pour forth upon every nation, upon all people, for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
11/11/05 3:10 PM
My chosen sons, My peace be with you. Rise above the persecutions and respond to your vocation. As this dividing line becomes more evident, the greater your persecutions will be for, as I have told you, in order to walk the road to Calvary you must be prepared for crucifixion.
Take heed to My words, My sons, for you have a great responsibility. You have been chosen amongst all men to guide My flock closer to the Kingdom. I have created you to be My chosen son. I bless you with many gifts.
Do not fear using your voice and hands for Me for I am Jesus. Reach out to the sick and suffering. Bring My people to the altar of My mercy. Respond with compassion and love. Come to Me more in prayer for many of you are lacking time in prayer.
My graces I give you. It will be in the midst of great chaos that My children will come running for your voice and hands will be called more than ever. For the pages in history have begun to turn for what has been written in the Gospel message will soon come to light.
It is time to teach My people the Chaplet. Say this prayer over the sick and dying. You are the instrument in making My message of mercy known, yet so many of you fear, so many of you are lukewarm.
Take heed to the guidance of your brother, the Holy Father, for if you are not taking heed is where you will be caught off guard. Be at peace, My sons, come to Me and spend time in front of My Most Blessed Sacrament for I am waiting for you to simplify and in silence I will speak to you. I will penetrate the depth of your soul with the wisdom and understanding of how to respond to all that I desire of you. Now go forth for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
10/30/05 10:20 AM
My chosen sons, speak to My people with love and compassion. Reach out to your flock with the arms of your Master. My sons, you do not realize how many eyes are watching you and the many ears are listening and the number of souls you are called to bring to Me. You have an even greater responsibility to pray for your sheep, pray for those who have strayed.
Stand firm in your message from the pulpit. Tell My people of My mercy, tell My people of My justice. Tell My people how precious their soul is to Me for I am Jesus. Bring My people to the altar of My mercy and guide them to My banquet table. All are called yet few accept their invitation. Tell My people that their seat is awaiting them at their eternal place in paradise for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
10/23/05 5:45 PM
My chosen sons, I am Jesus, I am mercy itself. I have been preparing for the time that this world has moved into, this time of purification. My sons, move away from the money changers and into the hearts of those who have turned away. Take time to truly listen to those who seek your love and guidance.
Each time one of your sheep come to you and seek your assistance you are looking into the eyes of your Master. My chosen sons, the time is coming when many of My Church doors will close for the financial means of My people will be spread too thin.
These times of winter will bring forth great difficulty for many of My children. The great divide in My Church is soon to come forth for the world will soon know who My true chosen sons are. Guide My people to the altar of My love. Have confidence in your prayers for you are favored amongst all My people.
Speak the truth and begin at the pulpit for the truth must begin with you. Call upon the Holy Spirit to assist you for I will guide your thoughts, I will guide your words. Now go forth for I am Jesus and prepare for the days are coming forth and My mercy and justice will prevail.
9/30/05 12:00 PM
My chosen sons, My peace be with you. I come today as your Master and Shepard for you have a great responsibility to bring to Me souls. If you are not bringing My people to the altar of My mercy, then you will be brought to the altar of My justice.
Woe to those of you who are not guiding your flock according to the true teachings of My Church. Woe to you who focus on the moneychangers and not on the Sacraments for justice is upon you. My sons, you are to imitate your Creator, you are to shepherd in love and compassion.
The time is coming when many will come running and you must be prepared to guide them. Woe to you Bishops who have turned away from your brothers and are not seeking to guide them in the right way. To turn away from Rome and her teachings is to turn away from your Master.
Take heed to the guidance of your brother, the Holy Father, for he speaks in discipline and love and seeks to shepherd those who have strayed back to My light and love. Come to Me and open your heart in prayer. I speak to all who are open to hearing My voice and I come when your heart is silent.
Show My people the mercy of your Master. I have called you for you have been chosen. Take heed to the gifts you have been given. Do not fear reaching out and using your voice and hands for Me. Welcome persecution for, again I say to you, prepare for crucifixion.
Today I desire for you to teach My people the Chaplet of My Most Divine Mercy. Witness My love from the pulpit and shepherd your flock in accordance with My Church for I am Jesus and all will be done according to My will for My mercy and justice will prevail.
9/19/05 10:00 AM
My chosen sons, you have been given a great responsibility to guide your flock. You have been given a responsibility to speak the truth and to warn My children that if they do not amend their lives and turn back they will suffer grave consequences. My sons, take heed to My words, take heed to your flocks for to deny My words being spoken through My chosen instruments all around this world is to deny the saints that are coming at this time.
My Churches are empty and images of My Most Sacred Heart, images of My Most Blessed Mother are being removed and the focus has moved toward money and those who have it. It is time to diminish the collection of money and move to the collection of souls.
I will grant My Church the means to move forward if My chosen sons would emphasize the Sacraments and not the ways of the world. Time is closing in, the hour has come and many of you are not prepared for the number that will begin to pour through the doors in search of light.
Begin at the pulpit for many of your flock need to be disciplined in love. You are the shepherd to My flock, yet so many of you are allowing My people to shepherd you. Listen and take heed to your Master for time is truly at hand. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace for My mercy and justice will prevail.
8/10/05 7:05 AM
My chosen sons, prepare for division. I come to warn you that it will not only be amongst your brothers, it will be amongst your sheep. This is the hour to guide them into the light of My love. This is the hour to be an example to those who come in your path. Allow your words to be My words.
Take heed to this time, this hour that has been given to you for My words will soon expire. My sons, there must be consistency from the pulpit. Speak to My people as though you are speaking to them the only words of love they will hear. Do not refrain from speaking the truth, rather become truth by bringing My people to the Tabernacle of My love.
Now go forth and take heed to My words today for I am Jesus and it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.
7/9/05 8:40 AM
My chosen sons, today I desire for you to bring My people to the tabernacle of My love. Bring to Me the souls of your flock and offer to Me all who have strayed away. My chosen sons, a true shepherd knows where his lost sheep are. My sons shepherd your flock, each one of them. Do not turn away from those who persecute you for your teachings rather love them in their weakness and offer prayers for them. Do not shy away because of their judgment rather be strong in your witnessing and example.
My sons you must take time to witness to your flock how precious their soul truly is. Draw them into the light of truth that each person is given one life, one soul and a mission to fulfill. Time is truly at hand so now is the hour to stand up and witness to the times in which you live. My people are hungry My sons and you must feed them. Multiply the ears that need to hear My words and the hearts that need to be converted.
Go beyond the walls of My Church and go out on a limb and be My witnesses in the world. My sons, you must follow the guidance of your brother the Holy Father. You must turn away from those who seek to diminish My Church and truly offer them up in prayer. Satan seeks to diminish your vocation so remain on guard for the temptations will multiply.
Keep the doors of My Church open so that My people may see My light shine through. Multiply your time in the confessional so that My people can seek the opportunity to cleanse their soul. My sons, many evil souls linger to kill. Many evil souls seek to diminish My Church for, as I have told you, the bells of My Church will soon be silenced for the money changers seek to be your master. Listen, listen to My words proclaimed in the Gospel message for what has been written will soon come to light for I am Jesus and all will be done according to My will.
7/1/05 6:30AM My chosen sons, gather your flock and guide them under the true teachings of My Church. My sons, how can you gather your lost sheep if you too have strayed away. Live your vocation, not the one the world has called for you, rather the one of a true shepherd. My sons, you must be prepared for crucifixion for the dividing line is becoming more evident. You must begin at the pulpit by pastoring the people. So many of My Churches are lacking true leadership because My sons are in fear of persecution. My sons, you too must learn to draw the line and not let evil diminish your vocation.
Learn to walk in the footsteps of your Master by living My will and not your own. Do not focus on money for My Church was built on rock and not on sand. My sons, you must have eyes of faith and surrender everything to Me. Do not lack in time of prayer, rather multiply it for prayer is your only strength. My sons, you will only draw your flock by the truth. Allow your actions to reflect your words for it is only through your witnessing and example that souls can be saved. My sons, teach My people how to pray, teach My people the Commandments. Teach My people the Rosary and the Chaplet of My Most Divine Mercy. Bring to me the souls of My children for My wounds are bleeding because of your lack of leadership. Model your brother, John the Baptist, for, as I have told you, you must be prepared for crucifixion. Now go forth and respond today for I am Jesus your Master and all will be done according to My will.
6/21/05 9:50 PM
My sons, bring to Me My children for you will not gain reward in My Kingdom if you are not responding to your vocation. The truth begins at the pulpit. The truth begins with Me for I am Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life. Money does not bring Me souls for one cannot buy their way into the kingdom of heaven.
My sons, if you speak words that are My words yet your actions do not witness and reflect them, then you are not My disciple. Witness My words to others by your example. Time is closing in for My words will soon expire and come to light. This is the hour to warn your flock. You must not soften your message of repentance, yet speak in love.
Speak the truth, My sons, and one by one draw your flock into the light. Multiply your time in the confessional, multiply your time in front of My Most Blessed Sacrament. You must shepherd your flock with the strength of your Master for fear does not come from Me for I am Jesus. Focus on the Cross, focus on your mission for the confusion will multiply.
Live in the light so that your words are My words. Now go forth and take heed to My words for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
6/11/05 10:10 PM My chosen sons, I desire for you to come to Me more in prayer. I desire for you to open your hearts to My will, as My chosen one, My disciple. My sons, prepare for your flocks will come running. Prepare for those who have strayed will come to see the light of My love and will ask for your assistance. My sons, bring My people to the altar of My mercy. Bring to Me as many souls as you can. Go out and shepherd your flocks by seeking to imitate your Creator. Seek your flock with the compassionate heart of your Savior for I am Jesus. You will not draw souls by imitating the ways of the world for that is when confusion comes forth and when confusion come forth so does the evil one, the true prince of darkness of deception. Always seek to bring forth the light by seeking to live in the truth. Do not hide behind a bushel and walk the middle line for the middle line will no longer be. My sons, listen to your Brother in Rome, the Holy Father, for the bells of My Church will soon be silenced. Take heed to this opportunity that you have been given for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
5/17/05 10:30 PM My chosen sons, bring My people to the altar of My love in My Most Blessed Sacrament. Draw My people to My light, draw them to the Eucharist for I am present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Shepard your flocks by seeking the guidance of your Master for I am Jesus. You will not draw souls closer to Me by seeking the ways of the world. Simplicity, My chosen sons, simplicity, for it is only through simplicity that you will find refuge. It is only through simplicity that you will find peace.
My son, your only mission on earth is to manifest My message of love, to manifest My love by drawing souls closer to Me by your witnessing and example. If you fall to the ways of the world in order to draw souls, you are living in a false light. Speak the truth and surrender all your trials at the foot of the cross. You cannot carry your cross alone for it is only through Me that you will find your strength. Do not consume your time with distractions for that is where Satan seeks to trap you and diminish your mission. Seek the will of your Master and you shall find favor in heaven. Seek to step ahead of Me and all will crumble at the hands of the serpent. Now go forth and take heed to My words for I am Jesus and all will be done according to My will.
4/14/05 1:00 PM My chosen sons, listen and take heed to My words for I am Jesus. Listen for it is an imperative time for prayer. Pray that you remained focused on the right path. My sons, I told you that you must take heed to the guidance of My son, the Holy Father (Pope John Paul II), who has now been called home. My sons, he was a true model of how one is called to be My disciple. I come with these words out of love because I am your shepherd and you are called to shepherd your flocks in love. This is the hour of great change in My Church. This is a time when you will see the division of those who remain on the right path and those who choose to diminish the true teachings of My Church.
Pray, pray for My Church and pray for your brothers. Pray to the Holy Spirit to guide you to remain true to your vocation and not to fall victim to the world. Begin by teaching My people the Commandments. Begin by bringing My people to the Sacraments for if the doors are not open My people will not come. A sinner may not repent if the door to the confessional is closed. Teach My people the Chaplet of My Most Divine Mercy and its message. Teach My people the Rosary. Teach My people that I am present in all the tabernacles of the world. Bring in adoration of My Most Blessed Sacrament. Listen, listen to My words for this is the hour to implement these things daily to My people.
My sons, My wounds are bleeding profusely when the doors of My Church are closed and My people do not come. I am the most rejected amongst you. Come stand with Me and unite yourselves with the truth for it is only in the truth that you shall find peace. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace for My mercy and justice will prevail.
3/24/05 7:00 PM My chosen sons, as this time of Lent comes to an end it is not a time to return to your old ways. It is time to come to Me more in prayer for too many souls need to be saved. This is a time of true division for all My faithful servants are on the front lines of the battle. My sons, speak the truth and use your voice. On Easter Sunday speak to My people of how it is only through the way of the cross that one will resurrect into eternal life in My kingdom. Heaven is only gained through suffering. The lukewarm soul does not persevere into paradise for it is only the soul that is faithful to Me.
My sons, listen, listen to the guidance of your brother, the Holy Father, for he will not be with you much longer. Welcome My Passion, death and Resurrection as a beginning of the novena of My Most Divine Mercy. On the first Sunday after Easter open the doors of My Church to Divine Mercy Sunday. Teach your flock that it is only through the rays of My Most Sacred Heart that My oceans of love and mercy are poured out upon mankind. Teach My people how to say the Chaplet of My Most Divine Mercy and tell them to recite this daily for not only their salvation but the salvation of their neighbor.
Speak to your flock about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Tell My people about My endless love for them that is shown through the Eucharist for I am Jesus who is present in all the tabernacles of the world. I am present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
My sons, go forth and model your brothers who have journeyed this path before you. The ones who have truly gone out on a limb to be a witness and example of My love and mercy. Days of great change are coming closer for it is on the horizon and it is time to shepherd your flocks in love according to the true teachings of My Church. Now go forth and be at peace for I am Jesus your master and it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.
3.16.05 1:00 PM My chosen sons, I am Jesus, the light of the world that is soon to come and shine My light into the world covered in darkness. My sons, prepare for the time is coming when many of you will stand for persecution. This is not a time to run in fear; rather it is time to go out on a limb. Come take My hand for if you keep your focus on Me you will not fall.
Persevere to the kingdom by fulfilling the mission you have been called to do. There will be much chaos amongst you for the division amongst your brothers has begun. Unite yourselves with those who stand by the Holy Father. Unite yourselves to those who stand for life at all stages. Now is not the hour to focus on the ways of the world, rather a time to focus on guiding your flock into the light of My love.
My sons, in order for you to truly carry your cross, you must be prepared for crucifixion. There are many who seek to bring down My Church. Many of your brothers who seek to diminish the presence of the Holy Father. The way of My Church is soon to diminish for there are many evil souls who walk amongst you.
Live your mission by building the foundation of your priesthood on solid rock for I am Jesus. Come to Me for, again I say to you, My hand is here to guide you. Place your trust in Me for I promise you will find favor with My Father in heaven. This hour of preparation is nearing the end for the just hand of My Father is about to strike.
Prepare today by preparing your flock by your witnessing and example. Now go forth and be at peace, My sons, for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
3/5/05 10:35 AM My chosen sons, walk the road to Calvary and live your mission as My chosen son. This road will become difficult for great division is about to come upon you. There will be a great dividing of My Church, yet all will know who My true chosen sons are. All will see those who walk in My light and those who live their vocation according to the ways of the world. You are all called to be like John the Baptist. You are each called to be a rock like Peter for the world did not choose you to be My chosen son, it is I, Jesus, that formed you to be My chosen son. Now go forth and imitate your Creator.
Live, live the Gospel message by your witnessing and example. Do not allow the world to dictate your mission, rather allow your Heavenly Father to dictate your mission for mankind. Speak the truth from the pulpit and do not hide your face in the bush, rather let your voice be heard in the world for where your voice is there is Mine. Teach your flocks the Commandments. My people need to understand the Commandments. Follow the guidance of your brother, the Holy Father, for he is guiding My Church according to My will.
My sons, those of you who deny My words and deny the truth, deny Me. Do not be foolish in your actions for all will be held accountable. Now go forth and take heed to My words for I am Jesus and My peace be with each one of you My chosen sons.
2/21/05 10:00 AM My chosen sons, teach your flock the Chaplet of My Most Divine Mercy. The hour has come for you to teach your flock the significance of this prayer. My sons, place the world aside and focus on your vocation. Do not fear being mocked and persecuted for it is through your persecution that you are seeing you are My true disciple.
Take head, take heed to My words. Take heed and follow the guidance of your brother, the Holy Father, for I speak through him to guide you so you may guide your flocks according to My will. You reject his guidance, you reject Me for he has been chosen, just as each one of you have been chosen.
My sons, allow My people to come to Me in front of My Most Blessed Sacrament for it is there they can go to feel the warmth of My love and hear My voice calling them into the desert. Be at peace, My sons, for the hour is coming to a close and many of your lost flock will come running to be guided in the right way.
My sons, there is no middle line so focus on your vocation of truly walking in My light. Now go forth for I am Jesus, your Master, who was and is and is to come and My mercy and justice will prevail.
2/15/05 9:00 PM My chosen sons, prepare for your flock will soon come running. Take heed to your brother, the Holy Father, by being obedient to his guidance. It is time to defend the truth for there is no middle line. There is a time to be obedient and a time to be obedient to the truth and the true teachings of My Church.
Days of great change are upon you. You will be tried in the fire by the authorities who represent this false messiah, this antichrist. You will be called to your time of crucifixion of martyrdom. This is not a time to run in fear for this is why you were called, just as Peter, to defend My Church, to guide your flock closer to the kingdom.
Welcome My words of love for it is only through love that you will be given the strength needed to move forward. It is only through Me that you will guide your flocks into the light of My love. I am calling each one of you to expose My Most Blessed Sacrament to My people.
I ask that you teach your flock the Chaplet of My Most Divine Mercy and ask them to recite this prayer in adoration of My Most Blessed Sacrament. Multiply your time in the confessional and allow My people the opportunity to cleanse their soul. This is not a time to deny your flock the ability to come closer to Me through the Sacraments. Listen, listen to My words for I am Jesus who was and is and is to come and it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.
1/20/05 10:05 PM My chosen sons, where are your flock? Go and gather your lost sheep. The time is soon approaching when many will come running and ask for your guidance. Many of you believe that you are being a true disciple, yet you do not go out on a limb as your brother John the Baptist.
My sons, your flock are confused for the ways of the world have overshadowed the true laws of My Church. Teach My Commandments. Teach My people the Commandments. Teach My people the significance of the Sacraments. Guide them with love, imitate the guidance of your brother the Holy Father. Your days of persecution are upon you and many will be martyred for being My disciple.
My sons, there is no greater love than to lay down your life and many of you will be called to stand for crucifixion. Many of you who walk the middle line will perish for My Kingdom does not welcome lukewarm disciples. It is My way or the world's way. Today I am asking that you respond to your vocation. Today I am asking that you spend more time in front of Me in My Most Blessed Sacrament.
Guide your flock closer to Me through adoration. Show your flock the depth of My mercy by teaching them the Chaplet of My Most Divine Mercy. Tell My people that I have fire of divine love for them and they are protected under My Heavenly graces for all who respond and take heed to My words. Now go forth, My sons, and respond to your Master for I am Jesus who was and is and is to come.
12/28/04 7:30 PM My chosen sons, now is the hour to begin to speak to your flock on repentance. Now is the hour to speak to My people about eternity. Your job, your mission is to guide your flocks closer to the Kingdom and My Kingdom is forever. You cannot show weakness in guiding your flock for where you are weak the devil is succeeding.
My sons, do you fear the rejection of My people for speaking the truth? Or do you fear being held accountable at your hour of judgment? Gather your flock, speak the truth for hiding your true voice does not reach your flock. You must defend the Commandments and you must speak about them. Teach the significance of each Commandment and the consequences for diminishing them.
My sons, so many of you are on the wrong path, so many of you are being seduced by the false light of the world. Live your vocation, go out and truly be My chosen son. You must love your Father in Heaven above all things if you truly want to be My disciple and shepherd your flock. Open the doors of My Church, allow My people to come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament. Listen to your sheep with the compassionate heart of a father. If you cannot be a father to your flock then you are not witnessing as My chosen son.
Do not fear the world for the world is not your final judge. Listen, listen to the cries of My people. There is great suffering amongst My people and you must reach out through actions of love. Be the gentle hand to guide them and allow My words to flow from your heart. Do not allow Satan to destroy your vocation, rather allow me to mold you and form you into My true disciple. Now go forth and prepare today by taking heed to My words for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
11/30/04 8:04 PM My chosen sons, where are you, where is your flock? Where is the truth in your message? My son, you are to model the guidance of your brother the Holy Father. You are to model your Creator. It is I, Jesus, who came and paved the way in order for mankind to have eternal life. My sons, those of you who choose to walk the middle line and diminish your vocation will see much darkness. The hour has come to wake up and accept your vocation.
Take heed today to My words for the division amongst you will be evident. Do not justify your teachings if they do not follow your brother the pope. Do not justify your actions if they do not follow each and every law of My Church. My sons, the hour has come for it is time for My Most Blessed Sacrament to be exposed at all times for My faithful to come hither. It is time for My sons to bring in the Sacrament of Reconciliation daily so My people have the opportunity to cleanse their soul.
It is time for My sons to teach My people the significance of the Chaplet of My Most Divine Mercy. Speak the truth, My sons, for you cannot draw souls closer to Me by leading them with the ways of the world. A true chosen son does not fear being mocked and persecuted but rather he welcomes it. My Crucifixion is a testimony to the truth of how My sons are called to be. You must be willing to suffer if you are My true disciple. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace for today you must begin to take heed to My words for the day of great light is upon you and your flock and My mercy and justice will prevail.
11/18/04 9:45 PM My people, the light shall come and fall upon mankind. Each ray of light that shines from My Most Sacred Heart will awaken your soul. The days are coming for you will see how the earth will respond according to the depth of man’s sins. You will be plagued by disease and insects that will annihilate many areas. You will see fire fall from the sky and areas that have become the harvest of such evil will disintegrate like ashes in a fire.
You will see a million man war and the coming of the one who will claim he is Me and bring many to their death. You will be gathered and numbered and denied the right to speak anything that is of Me. You will be seduced by his false miracles and many will come and claim they are sent by Me, yet you are being misguided, misled for they are false prophets who come to claim greater glory and honor.
You will witness the fall of one who was chosen to lead and, as this time comes, your financial institutions will come to a halt. Nation will rise up against one another and yet, through all this destruction, this world is being cleansed of its filth. I will come and weed out those of My chosen sons who have denied their vocation and shine an even greater light into those who remain true to the cross and are willing to be martyred for speaking the truth for all of humanity will know that I am the true Messiah.
All of mankind will see the wounds he has added to My Most Sacred Heart. This world will not rest until mankind is restored back to the way I intended it to be. You must not step ahead of your Master for all will be held accountable at their hour of judgment. My places of refuge are being prepared all around this world and it is important that they are consecrated to My Most Sacred Heart.
It is important that My faithful be praying daily for the conversion of sinners for so many do not realize the awakening they will endure. Prepare! Prepare, My people, for this world will soon be awakened. The day shall come yet you do not know the hour for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
11/8/04 8:15 PM My people, the new day shall come when all of creation will respond to My voice. The new day shall rise and one by one mankind will be brought to its knees. My people, the hour has come and in what consists in one beat of man's heart you will see the wounds that you have added to My Most Sacred Heart. Do not fear, do not fear these words I give you for I come to warn you out of love.
I have come to warn you that you have taken heed to a world that spares you of heaven and brings you to hell. I have come to warn you that surrounding yourself with worldly things is only depriving what your soul is truly missing, Me.
My people, unless your words to another speak in love, you will not speak words of Me. If your actions do not reflect staying true to the Commandments, then your actions do not reflect Me. I am the way, the truth and the life. It is I Jesus who sees your weakness, yet you are given the opportunity to repent. You must be willing to repent for My kingdom does not welcome prideful souls.
You must realize that there is no man amongst you without sin, but it is the foolish man that does not repent, that does not claim the rewards of the kingdom. My people, so many rejoice when one is healed of disease or illness, yet all of heaven rejoices when one sinner repents and saves his soul.
My people, the way to heaven is through living the Commandments, living the Gospel message and by cleansing your soul often. Each of these things I tell you is a way for you to come closer to Me. Spend time in prayer, spend time in front of My Most Blessed Sacrament. Each time My chosen sons deny My people of daily Mass and daily confession My wounds begin to bleed for it may be the most hardened sinner standing at the door of My house, waiting to repent.
My people, stand for the truth and be My witness in the world. Do not fear being a beacon of light to those around you. Allow My light to always shine through you. Do not fear for you are in the hour and My word is about to be fulfilled. My words will come to light upon all mankind. Behold for the day shall rise with great light upon a world plagued by darkness of sin. Do not make light of your failings, rather take heed to them and repent for you do not know the day or hour. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace for My mercy and justice will prevail.
10/15/04 8:00 PM My people, anyone who tries to diminish My creation, My plan, will see their light of judgment. Those of you who commit adultery, fornication, will come to face your Father in Heaven. This world is on the verge of a great chastisement. This world with all its sin and filth is about to see the just anger of My Father for continuing to try and step ahead of Me.
My people, you cannot fulfill your mission if you live the ways of the world. Those of you who choose to destroy marriages that are blessed by Me will be brought to your knees for any marriage that is destroyed by sin is destroying Me. Each time My chosen sons deny the true teaching of My Church and live their ways instead of mine are destroying Me. Each time a mother aborts her baby and chooses herself over her unborn child is destroying Me. Each time My Commandments are broken you destroy Me.
My people, I suffered My scourging at the pillar, My persecution, and I stood and watched while others spoke false things of Me and yet I did this for you. My agony in the garden was a suffering of the sins that you now pierce Me with. I was sent by My Father to shine My light into a world that had been plagued with darkness and this darkness is soon to be cast into hell for all eternity. Just as I gave My angels in heaven the free will to choose My way or theirs, so you too are given the same opportunity, yet My angels were only given one chance, you are given a lifetime.
My people, those of you who choose to step ahead of Me will be sent to your eternal destination of eternal fire. My kingdom does not welcome sinful souls. My kingdom does not welcome the unrepentant sinner. Just as your hands work left to right so does My way or the worlds, there is no in-between. You cannot walk the middle line and claim you are My disciple. You must be the John the Baptist and you must not fear the consequences of speaking the truth for there is no consequence on earth that will diminish your reward in My kingdom. You must be prepared to be simplified for you have not seen the hour of hardship you are about to endure. You have yet to see your greatest trials and sufferings.
My people, mankind has yet to see the war that is about to be unleashed upon this earth. The battle for your soul is on. Now is the hour to choose right or left, the world or Me, for your eternal destination is in your free will. Do not waste this hour for the hour is at hand. Now go forth for I am Jesus the light of the world. Now be at peace for My mercy and justice will prevail.
10/5/04 6:30 PM My chosen sons, prepare for battle. The hour has come and so many of My people are not prepared for My light that will soon come and awaken their souls. So many of My chosen sons who have been blind to their vocation will not know what to do when your sheep come running to seek their shepherd’s guidance. Now is the hour, My sons, for you have been given this time and it is now the hour to shepherd your flocks. You must deny your ways and tend to My people. It is I, Jesus, who gave up My life in order for mankind to have eternal life. Now go forth for the winds of change are coming to a world that has so willingly turned against its Creator.
My sons, if you are truly My disciples then each and every one of you would be following the direction of the Holy Father for he will not be with you much longer. If you were truly My disciples then you would realize that your ways have no merit over Me. You must model your Creator in order to come into the light of My kingdom. Now go forth for the days of enlightenment are upon you. Be at peace for I am Jesus who was and is and is to come.
10/1/04 1:15 PM My chosen sons, I have told you to take heed to the guidance of the Holy Father for he will not be with you much longer. His time is coming for he has guided My Church and you, My sons, according to the will of My Father in heaven. He has guided you well, yet so many of you have neglected to take heed.
My sons, those of you who choose your ways instead of mine and choose to misguide your flocks according to the true teachings of My Church will crumble. Your sheep are lost and so many of you need to get down on your knees and conceive if you are being a true shepherd. So many of you need to learn to be compassionate to those who continue to reach out to your rejecting heart. I come to you, dear sons, to warn you that your Master is coming to weed out those of you who continue to try and step ahead of Me, yet you say you are My disciple.
My sons, each time one of your sheep come to you it is I, Jesus, who is standing there awaiting your assistance for each and every human being is created in My image and likeness for when your sheep are neglected I am neglected too. This is the hour to spend time in front of My Most Blessed Sacrament for it is there that you will feel My hand guide you. It is only through silent prayer that you will find strength to remain in My light.
My sons, My people have begun to see the division amongst you so now is the hour to decide which side you are on. Now go forth and take heed for I am pleading with you to awaken from your selfishness and laziness and come live in My light. Now go forth for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
9/2/04 9:45 PM My chosen sons, now is the hour to bring your flocks in front of My Most Blessed Sacrament. Now is the time to guide them to Me by your witnessing and example. My sons, so many of you have become lazy in guiding your flocks. You do not become a worthy disciple by diminishing My message and turning away from the true teachings of My Church.
My sons, if you are not following the guidance of the Pope completely, then you are not a follower of Me for I am Jesus. Listen and take heed for the Pope will soon see the light of My Kingdom and you will need to begin relying on what you have been directed to do now. You must use reverence at Mass for I am there in true presence, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Teach My people that they must dress modestly and show reverence in My House for My House is not a sanctuary of conversation, but a House of silence and prayer. My House is a place where My faithful are to focus on Me in order for their prayers to be heard. Guide your flocks, My sons, by the truth and speak to them in love for you do not realize how so many are not prepared to meet Me. Now go forth and do as I have asked and be at peace for I am Jesus who was and is and is to come.
8/12/04 2:30 PM My people, today I am asking you to be humble children. Today, I am asking parents to love each one of their children just as I love you. Do not place love for one child over the other for it is those that are in the distance that I am closest to. Your job as a parent is to guide your children to the kingdom of heaven. Your children will not want to walk in My light if you mock and criticize them. Speak to them in love for then you are speaking to Me. For just as each one of My chosen sons will be held accountable for neglecting their flocks, parents will be held accountable for neglecting their children for I have entrusted them to you.
Open the eyes and hearts of your children by molding them when they are young. Guide them through your witnessing and example and be gentle on them when they fall just as I am gentle with you. Teach your children how to show respect to those around them for I am in each and every person that comes in their path. I am the face of the sick and the dying. I am the face of the poor and the lonely. I am the face of the one you choose to say cruel things about and the face of the one you choose to love. And just as I am in the face of each one of My people, darkness can linger in their soul for where the wheat grows the weeds grow too. Many times because of your own selfish desires the weeds overtake the field.
Each day as you strive for holiness meditate on the Gospel message, meditate on My passion for it is there that you will gain the focus and find the strength needed to fulfill the mission you were sent to do.
My people, as I have told you, parents are responsible to guide their children to the kingdom of heaven. It is by molding them for the time when they will marry and have their own children that the next generation will continue to be guided in the right way to fill the kingdom of heaven.
For each one of My children has a place waiting for them at My banquet table. Now go forth and take heed to My words for the hour is about to strike a world that has so willingly turned against its Creator. Now be at peace and do not fear My words. Do not fear these signs for if you are walking in My light you shall find peace. All who strive each day yearning to see My face I have placed you in the palm of My hand for I am Jesus who was and is and is to come.
7/24/04 8:25 PM My chosen sons, today I am asking you to set aside a place for My faithful to come and visit Me in My Most Blessed Sacrament. My house should be a place of reverence and a place for My faithful to always find the door open. So many tabernacles are empty and this is a time when I am calling each one of My chosen sons to reach out to your flocks. Now is not the time to close doors but rather open them to allow My light to shine through. This is a time to allow Me to be present at all times for My faithful to come and strengthen their prayers in silence. Take heed My sons for the hour is drawing closer and today I am asking My faithful to spend more time in prayer. Today I am asking My chosen sons to live their true vocation. Too many of My sons have been neglecting the importance of living the Commandments and living the Gospel message and diminish the heart of My message from the pulpit. As My chosen sons you are called to be My witness in the world. You are a chosen instrument to bring your flock closer to the kingdom. And just like any instrument it will not be strong if it is not guided with the right hands. Allow My hand to guide you for it is only through Me that you will be given the strength and wisdom needed to be a strong chosen son. Now go forth and respond for I am Jesus who was and is and is to come and My mercy and justice will prevail.
7/14/04 12:50 PM My people, so many of My tabernacles are empty. So many doors are closing, so many pews are empty. Where are My children? So many have turned to the world and have lost their willingness to turn to Me in prayer. My people, so many souls are suffering because too many have turned to the false promises of the world and are filling their souls with everything but Me.
I hear the cries of My unborn children being murdered at the hands of these evil doctors. My people, if you count the number of wars since the beginning of creation that has killed man it does not exceed the number of My little ones being killed through abortion. The time has come the hour is about to strike for My just hand will wipe these evil abortion temples from the face of the earth. My people, these are temples to sacrifice My living creations in order to fulfill a mother's own selfish desires; they are temples of death. So many mothers believe that they are solving their problems, but oh how I warn you that it is an earthly deception brought on by the world for your eternal punishment will be far greater unless you repent and change your ways.
I am loving and merciful and I welcome each sinner to mend his ways and to begin living the mission you were sent to do. I have seen how so many believe that they are the dictator of the destination of their soul. Mothers I say to you, it is better for you to lose your life for your child than to risk your soul to the fires of hell. My people, as I have told you, My Churches are empty and so many doors are permanently closed. You are beginning to see the purification stages of My Church. Take heed to the opportunity to receive Me in My Most Precious Body and Blood. Take heed to the opportunity to come to Me in My Most Blessed Sacrament. Take heed, My people, to the direction of the pope for he is chosen for this time in which many changes are on the horizon.
My chosen sons, take heed to the direction of the pope for he will not be with you much longer and it is important that you follow his direction now for the times ahead will test your true devotion as one of My disciples. My people, listen! Listen to My words for I am Jesus your Master for you do not know just how numbered your days are before My light shines into the souls of so many who are covered in darkness. Now go forth and be at peace for I am Jesus who was and is and is to come.
7/12/04 7:30 PM My people, simplify, simplify, simplify for this world will no longer be as you have come to know it. Nations will rise up against nations and much of mankind will be annihilated by war. I will raise My hand and the seas will rise with great might and fire will come representing us, your Triune God. I have come to claim the world back to the way I intended it to be. Man will use the fruits of his hands to harvest the fields. Man will use his hands to reach out to his neighbor to those who will suffer for not taking heed to My words. My chosen sons will learn of their true vocation for they will be called more than any other time in the history of My Church to tend to their flocks. You will learn to use your voice and hands for greater glory and honor to your Heavenly Father.
Those who live for themselves are the ones I am asking today for My faithful ones to pray for. Those of you who speak My words and then go off and relish in the ways of the world will soon witness your awakening. I have come to you My people because so many of you have ignored My Mother's pleas. I am coming to you with My words to show you how truly merciful your Savior is.
Today I am asking you to get down on your knees and come back to Me. Today I am asking you to place your will aside and live the mission you were sent to do. For just as you can be sure that the hours of the day come and strike by, know that the hour of warning is about to strike mankind. And as this time of warning will come and go, a great simplification is on the horizon for a world that has so willingly turned against its Creator.
Take heed for as day turns into night your warning turns into a time of great darkness for mankind. Now go forth for you do not know the day or hour when My Father will send his Son to shine My light into the souls of mankind. Now be at peace for I am Jesus who was and is and is to come.
6/30/04 3:15 PM My people, if you walk each day in My light you will see eternal light. It is I, Jesus, who comes to bring My words of love. It is I, Jesus, who is the light of the world and will soon shine My light into a world covered with darkness. My people, you are being given the warning because the very core of creation is being destroyed. The heart of the family is being diminished and humanity cannot survive. So many souls have been lost to eternal darkness because My presence is absent in the home.
The heart of the family is in the home and yet so many homes are broken. Children are being rejected and denied the right to life through abortion. So many of My people are engaging together outside of marriage that My children are missing the model of two parents. So many families are broken because too many place themselves over their spouse that there is no longer the commitment of giving oneself. So many today are denying and destroying the union between a man and a woman in order for life to come forth that the science of man has overcome My ways.
My people, wake up and get your lives on the right path for your sinful ways will not continue. My wounds continue to bleed and you continue to pierce Me by your offenses that My just hand is about to strike a world that has so willingly turned against its Creator. Your lack of covering your body, your distribution of birth control and your lack of teaching your children is why this world is in need of cleansing, is why millions of souls are headed toward eternal fire. Many of My chosen sons are neglecting their flocks and living the ways of the world.
Many parents place no time aside to teach their children. Parents, your children are first and you are second to them. Allow Me to help guide you for this world is yet to see its greatest trials and sufferings. Parents, your children are falling and families are being destroyed at the hands of the true prince of darkness. Your job is to guide your children to the kingdom of heaven. The greatest gift you can give your children is your prayers for it is through your prayers that their eyes will be opened by your witnessing and example. Live your life modeling the saints for the time is getting shorter and the hour is steadfast and your time of warning is near. Take heed My people for I will come in glorious splendor and claim My faithful children. Now go forth for I am Jesus who was and is and is to come.
6/29/04 5:25 PM My chosen sons, if all of My sons were truly living their vocation, the pews would not be empty. So many of you are not modeling your brother the Pope. You are not modeling Peter your first brother of My Church. My sons, your flocks are lost and so many of you have neglected them to fulfill your own selfish desires. You are on a mission to bring souls closer to Me for your mission is not part time disciple. You are a chosen son until you are called to stand before Me. You are given a mission to reach out to your flocks and guide them by My ways, not the ways of the world.
My sons, focus on the mission for if you could see the number of souls that are headed toward eternal fire you would place yourself aside and live the mission. If you could see the punishment that will come for your lack of direction with your flock you would be down on your knees asking for forgiveness. You would be living by My way and not diminishing My message to the ways of the world. Take heed! Take heed now for your flocks will soon be awakened and you need to be prepared. The time is soon coming when the world will know who My true chosen sons are, for you will understand what it means to be My true disciple for your hour of awakening is near. Now go forth and respond for My mercy and justice is about to prevail upon mankind.
6/10/04 8:50 AM My people, do not cling to your worldly possessions for your time of preparation is nearing the end and this world will be simplified greatly. Comforting yourself with worldly things is only denying your soul what it is missing, Me. Take heed to My words for your time of warning is near and so many are not prepared to witness the filth that I see on their souls. So many who have been blind to the signs will have the most difficulty in these times ahead. This time of warning will call My chosen sons to truly live out their vocation because millions will come running and need your assistance.
My people, do not be caught off guard for as you see the death of one leader many more will follow. This is a time to pray for your world leaders and My Church for much more attack is heading your way. There will be a worldwide cleansing of those of My chosen sons who are denying their vocation and the world will soon know who My true chosen sons are. I will wipe away these areas that have become the harvest of such evil and have glorified themselves with their riches and powers.
Those who are living a life of simplicity are those who are most prepared for your worldly ways will soon come to an end. Now go forth and prepare today for the pages in history are about to turn and mankind will be restored back to the way I intended it to be. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace for My mercy and justice will prevail.
6/3/04 12:30 PM My chosen sons, now is the time to speak the truth. Now is the time to open the eyes and hearts of your flocks. You must stand for the truth and the true laws of My Church. When you witness people engaging together outside of marriage and living together, tell them of the grave sin they are committing. When you see man engaging with another man and a woman engaging with another woman, tell them of the grave sin they are committing.
Your flocks do not gain the rewards of the kingdom if you remain silent and do not defend the truth. Live the Gospel message for again I say to you: if you look at another with a lustful eye you yourself have already committed adultery. Your flocks are lost and if your message opens the eyes of one of My people that is one more soul headed to the kingdom for all of heaven rejoices when one more soul is saved. If you are silent in order to remain well liked, you are not a useful disciple for in order for mankind to be restored it needs to begin with you My chosen sons.
Remain consistent in your message. Remain consistent in your direction for if you speak words that are My words, but your actions do not reflect them, you are causing confusion. If you do not keep Mass holy and reverent then My people will not respond by coming for I bestow many graces upon My people through Mass. Tell My people to spend time in front of My most Blessed Sacrament and you do the same for you need to spend more time in silent prayer for the division in My Church is being brought to light. If you remain true to the cross and follow the direction of the Holy Father, the pope, you have nothing to fear. My sons, look to your heavenly Mother for she is a true model of what it means to be a humble and loving servant. Teach My people the rosary and guide them through it so that they may continue in their own prayers. Now go forth and My peace be with each one of you My chosen sons.
5/23/04 3:00 PM. My people, My words do not only come through these messages, but are reiterated through the Gospel message. You are continuously being warned that your period of warning is imminent. During this period of warning it will seem to be a dark time, but know that it is I Jesus who is the key to bringing the stain on your soul to light. So many will fall, so many will come running and My Church, the true Church, will be brought to light. This has been a time of much division in My Church but know that through this warning those of My chosen sons who have neglected their flocks will be brought to their knees.
My people, as I have told you the signs are upon you and the motions of the day are moving ever so quickly to show mankind how in a blink of an eye you may be standing before Me. And just as I created the world in seven days the world can be brought to its knees in seven days. Do not take comfort in the world rather take comfort in a clean soul knowing you are prepared to meet your Heavenly Father. Multiply your prayers; get down on your knees for then you will not be caught off guard. You do not realize how fragile your time is for you are so easily tempted and distracted by the evil one. Now go forth for your moment of awakening is near. Now be at peace for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
5/19/04 2:00 PM My people, as you visualize a fire burning on a warm night you see that in this darkness there is nothing but fire. Even in the heat of the fire it does not compare to the true fires of hell. My people, for those who have gone before you to the fires of hell, it is an eternal punishment with no escape. I come to reach out to you with My words of love because, while you walk this earth, you are given an opportunity to repent and save your soul. Read the Gospel message, live the message, for it is there that you understand My ways and can respond by living them. Just as you feel the heat from a fire, you also see how good versus evil is on the rise as well. There is a true dividing line, between heaven and hell and if you are not living My ways, then you are with the world and all the evil that dwells in it. My people, I continue to come, I continue to warn that your punishment will be severe and swift for your lack of morals. Man has continued to try and step ahead of Me, but it will be by the just hand of My Father that mankind will be awakened, will be restored.
Nation will continue to rise against nation and the earth will respond according to your sin. This is the hour to prepare for not one will be spared of witnessing their soul as I see it. So many allow their own will to take precedence over mine, for as I have told you, I am the first, the last, the beginning and the end.
My Church will be cleansed of its filth when I weed out those who are not My true chosen sons. Those who have fallen to fulfill their own selfish desires will see each and every soul they have neglected. They will see how they have neglected their mission. Take heed to My word for you do not realize how fragile your time is. Now is the hour to prepare for so many of you need to weed out the good from the bad and cleanse your soul. Now go forth for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
5/18/04 8:50 PM My chosen sons, when you reflect on the wedding at Cana you see how I blessed My people with changing the water into wine. My sons, as you reflect on this moment when I walked this earth, I ask that you reflect on your own “glass of wine". See how I bless it and always keep it full, full of My blessings upon you. If you are living the ways of the world then your “glass of wine” will soon be empty for I will not bless anything that is not of Me for you cannot live the ways of the world and claim you are My disciple.
Listen to My words and remain obedient to the guidance of the Holy Father for I guide him too. You must continue to stand firm on the laws of My Church for the division is increasing and the world will soon know who My true chosen sons are. You must stay united with your brothers who stand for the truth, the true ways of My Church. If you are altering your ways to walk the middle line to be well liked, then you better examine who your true vocation is for, for I did not come and walk the middle line.
Now is the time to extend your hands and reach out to your flocks for millions are falling into the trap of Satan for he seeks to destroy My Church and he has begun with you, My chosen sons. My sons, the hour is at hand for so many do not realize the awakening you will endure. Prepare! Prepare your flocks and begin by living your life more pleasing to Me for I will guide those of you who have chosen Me above the ways of the world. Now go forth in peace for I am your merciful Savior Jesus whose mercy and justice will prevail.
5/15/04 2:15 PM My people, great darkness shall come and much of mankind will perish. Great trials and sufferings are on the horizon because so many continue to reject My pleas, My words of warning. For many of My faithful I shall be your light in this time of great sadness, great darkness. My wounds continue to bleed because so many are blind to their own sin. So many are choosing the ever-widening path to eternal darkness. So many alter My laws and continue to strip the full meaning of each and every Commandment.
Woe to you, My people, for the time is rapidly approaching when your sinful ways will come to light. Woe to those who deny Me and My chosen sons who have abandoned Me to fulfill their own selfish desires. Prepare, My people, for your days are growing shorter before the awakening of mankind. Take heed now because so many of you will be caught off guard. Go forth and prepare, prepare your soul, for you do not realize the awakening you will endure. Now be at peace for it is I, Jesus, whose mercy and justice will prevail. 4/18/04 3:23 PM My chosen sons, as you reflect on this day of devotion to My Most Divine Mercy, it is important that you grab hold of your rosaries and teach My people how to say the rosary. Teach My people the chaplet of My Divine Mercy. Teach My people each and every Commandment. Teach My people the significance of each commandment, not just the ones you feel are most important.
Your sheep are lost so listen to Me for I am Jesus your Master and just as I taught My disciples, and the thousands who came to hear the good news, I am telling you to teach your flock for so many these prayers will be their saving grace. Now go forth and continue to do all that I am asking of you and be at peace for the hour is coming to a close for the awakening of mankind.
4/12/04 2:35 PM My people, the hour is continuing to wind down. There will be great sadness coming for many of you have ignored My words of warning, ignored My pleas. So many are being misguided by My chosen sons who have fallen into the ways of the world. My chosen sons, if you are not following the direction of your brother, the Holy Father, then you are not in line with Me. So many of you have changed My Church, My house, into a worldly place of prayer. You strip Me from the cross and remove images that remind you of your Heavenly Mother, your Lord and Savior Jesus and Saint Joseph the true models of family.
My Church, My house is not to be altered to the ways of the world, rather the ways of the world are to alter to Me and My laws. My people, My chosen sons, take heed for the time is vastly approaching for the awakening of mankind. Now go forth and have peace and believe and trust in Me.
4/8/04 12:00 PM My people, My beloved children, each day of your life should reflect My passion for it will be in eternal life that you will be with Me your risen Savior Jesus. Each day you are to pick up your cross and follow Me for there is not one day where you do not share in some moment of My Passion. My people, as you draw into this ending time of Lent greater trials and sufferings will begin. You have seen this war in the middle east that is becoming more deadly, more unstable. Many innocent lives are being taken away over a war that was supposed to bring peace. My people, you cannot win evil with evil. It is only I who can bring peace for you should resolve your problems with prayers to your Heavenly Father than with the means of the world. You have begun to see division between family and friends because so many do not understand why you would put the world aside and follow Me.
My people, prepare for this world will no longer be as you have come to know it. My Father’s wrath will fall upon mankind and parts will disintegrate like ashes in a fire. The earth will begin to tremble, the seas will rise and the disease of insects will multiply. The good will be divided from the evil and many will be martyred for their willingness to defend the truth. You have a free will and you are given a free will until the end of your life on earth. Your decisions will reflect what is and what is not pleasing to your Heavenly Father. If your actions and your words do not reflect obeying My Commandments, and anyone who is not in a state of grace, will perish.
I have come with My words of love to reach out to you, My people, to guide you to the Kingdom. I have come with messages for My chosen sons to stand up and to teach their flocks the significance of mortal sin, to teach their flocks the Commandments for these are My laws and nothing should take precedence over Me. I came to save man from his own sin yet so many neglect to even see their sinful ways. My people, those of you who have been blind will soon see the light for the time of warning has come and in the light you will see the state of your soul. I am your loving and merciful Savior Jesus, but I have no use for the unrepentant, selfish sinner in My kingdom. You have just one God, one Father, and those who choose to say they are here on their own doing will see the truth. Those who deny Me will see the darkness for you are here on a mission and that is to come to know and serve Me. Meditate on My Passion and unite yourself to the cross. Follow the path of your Messiah the One who suffered for your sins in the garden, the One who was scourged at the pillar and the One who bore the weight of the Cross and walked the road to Calvary. For it is I, Jesus, who had the nails driven through My hands and feet as I watched My Mother weep below because she knew how the sins of mankind pierced Me. She knew this was the will of your heavenly Father.
My people, it is I, Jesus, who suffered that for you. Now come to Me in silence and prepare your soul. Pick up your cross and allow Me to assist you in your mission. Do not fear for the Scriptures are about to unfold and be revealed and all who live for the truth will be saved. Now go forth and be at peace for My mercy and justice will prevail.
4/5/04 7:45 PM My people, each one of you have a mission. Each one of you needs to live the Commandments for as I have told you the Commandments are your invitation into the kingdom. So many of My people have been misled, have been misguided by My chosen sons. Call upon the Holy Spirit so you can be led in the right direction. My people do not become like so many of your lost brothers and sisters. Do not allow the world to interfere with your willingness to pick up your cross for this world will become a much more confusing place. So many believe that they will not be held accountable for their actions, but I say to you that you do not completely understand how only the cleanest and purest of white may enter My kingdom.
My people, when you look outside at the sun you cannot look for very long because otherwise you will be blinded by the light. When you stand in My presence you will also be blinded by the light, the light of My love. When your soul is clean and pure the light of My love then reflects off of you and those who have clean and pure souls may enter My Kingdom. So many of you tend to your bodies and yet do not tend to your soul for again the world has misled you to the physical things and not the eternal thing, the state of your soul. Live the Commandments! Live the Gospel message!
Go forth and repent for you have nothing to fear if you are striving to live a life in a state of grace. You have nothing to fear if you live for the kingdom. Now go forth and prepare for tomorrow just may be your hour of judgment. Now be at peace for I am Jesus and My peace be with each one of you My people.
4/1/04 2:24 PM My chosen sons, you must be like your brother Peter and feed your flocks, feed your flocks the truth. Do not go against the direction of the Holy Father for I guide him to be head of My Church. My sons meditate on My Passion for there is so much for you to learn. You are My chosen sons yet so many of you have fallen victim to changing the laws of My Church so you can fit in with the world.
You are not called to be a chosen son so you are well liked amongst My people. You are called to be a chosen son because My people need to hear the truth. My people need to be led by your witnessing and example. You need to take the time to reach out to your flock because, if you are trying to imitate your Messiah, I did not reject those who needed My assistance. Take time to be in silent prayer and listen to My voice for it is I, Jesus, who will guide you. Do not rush your words, rush your prayers, for Mass is a time of meditation on My Passion, Death and Resurrection. Offer each Mass to your Heavenly Father and speak to Me with your heart. My sons, you must become more focused on your calling for the hour is coming to a close. Many will come running and you will be called more than ever to reach out and assist My people for they will fall to their knees and beg for forgiveness. Many of you who have become blind to your vocation will not be able to bear the sight of your own soul for you have neglected so many of My people. Now listen to all that I am telling you for you do not realize how close the time has come. Now be at peace for it is My will for you to stand up and accept your true vocation, not the vocation the world is asking of you. Go forth and be at peace for I am Jesus and My hand is upon each one of you My sons.
3/14/04 12:45 PM My chosen sons, you cannot use My Church to hide your sins. My Church is rapidly approaching its moment of truth for the world will soon know who My true chosen sons are. You cannot live the ways of the world and be My disciple. This is the time to decide whether you will live out your true vocation.
Your vocation is to guide your flock closer to Me not to confuse them by altering My laws, the laws of My Church, to what the world says so you are well liked. If you are well liked amongst My people because you try and walk the middle line then you better get down on your knees and examine the state of your soul. Your flocks do not get to heaven by speaking My words but living in the ways of the world. Too many of you use My Church to try and hide your sins because of your fear of rejection.
My people are hungry for the truth and My punishment for your laziness and selfishness will be far greater than any rejection the world may give you. Look to your brother, the Holy Father, for he is a true model of what it means to be My chosen son. He is the true model of what it means to live out your vocation. Listen to the Holy Father, your brother the pope, for just as I guided Peter to what My will was I guide your brother as well.
The time of purification is coming and it is time to put your own selfish desires aside and reach out to your flocks. Guide them with love and do not fear being pointed out of the crowd for I stood before the crowd and began to pave the path for mankind to truly know the depth of My love. I paved the way for the world to come to know what the true Church is. Do not waste this time for time is at hand. Come to Me and repent and live out your vocation. Go forth and respond to all that I am asking of you and be at peace for I am Jesus.
3/8/04 8:35 PM My child, go and write this message and deliver it to My chosen sons. My chosen sons, it is important that you remain obedient to the laws of My Church for the division in My Church has already begun. My chosen sons, the time is upon you when My people will come running and will be looking to you for guidance. If you are not practicing the true laws of My Church then My people will be led astray. You are responsible for guiding your flock with love to the Kingdom of Heaven. You are in a battle and you will have to decide which side you will stand on for lukewarm is not My true disciple. Many of My chosen sons have become so fixed to the ways of the world that they no longer speak the truth. So many of your flock are hungry for the truth and yet many of you are causing more doubt and confusion.
My chosen sons, this world has lost its morals and it is time for you to speak My Commandments. Witness My words of love and reach out and save souls. When you speak the truth My people will come. My people will respond to your witnessing and example. Those of you who choose to remain in your selfish and sinful ways will see the many souls you neglected to guide in the right way. Now is a time to listen and take heed to all that I Am telling you because My wrath will soon fall upon this earth and My Church will go through an unprecedented purification. Go forth, My sons, and focus on your mission for you are each a chosen son to guide My people. Do not ignore your mission. Do not bend the truth for the truth is about to be made known. Now listen to your Master for I Am Jesus and be at peace.
1/8/04 6:51 PM My child, the war is on between heaven and hell and My people are facing the greatest spiritual attack since the beginning of creation. My people need to decide where it is they want their soul to end up. For as soon as the body dies your soul goes to your eternal resting place. My people, grab hold of your children and pray for them. For your duty on earth is to teach your children to come to know and serve Me and to teach them My Commandments. For it is while your children are on earth that you may know where they are; but as soon as they die, you do not know the destination of their soul and the greatest attack is on the family.
The family is My creation My plan and Satan wants to destroy all that is of Me. Mothers and fathers mold your children and show them the way to Me through prayer, for prayer is their greatest strength. My people, these times you are in will test your faith. It is a time to test your true love and devotion to Me. And as you become more drawn into this moment of truth you must meditate on My Passion and remember My Agony in the Garden. My people, I too was tempted by the devil the true prince of darkness; but it was My love for you and the Will of My Father that helped Me remain focused on the mission I was sent to do in order for each one of you to be with Me in paradise. Your attacks my people will be so great that you will need to rely on Me for the grace and wisdom to withstand these moments. Many of you My people are so focused on the physical changes that you do not realize there is a spiritual war going on as well; and it is a war that is coming from all directions.
My people, the sin in this world is so grave that the earth is showing you the signs of the depth of your sins for as I have told you there will be storm after storm, and earthquake after earthquake, great disease and famine. There is also the spiritual test taking place for you see, even My chosen sons are at war with each other and My Church is undergoing a great purification. You see the greatest sin of all is the rejection of My creation My plan through abortion and the world will be purified for the greater survival of humanity. My people, this is why I have told you to prepare, not to fear, for Satan will feed you with doubt and confusion and he wants you My faithful ones. Now focus, focus on the Cross and pray, pray for your loved ones for so many will be called to stand before Me in great numbers. My child, continue to write for I will give you the continued strength to write these messages for the world. Now go forth and continue to trust in Me for I am Jesus, My peace be with you.
1/5/04 6: 25 PM My child, it is imperative that My chosen sons receive this message I give you. My chosen sons, you have begun to see the division in My Church but the time is coming when your true devotion to me will be tested. You will be asked to decide if it is My Way or the worlds. My chosen sons, reach out to your lost brothers and call upon My intercession for these brothers are causing this division in My Church. I have told you that you’ve been given this time of preparation for my people will come in great numbers.
You will see several events taking place for as I have told you, there will be earthquake after earthquake, and there will be great disease and famine. You must prepare for so many souls will be called to stand before Me, for My people will come in great numbers. You will experience My warning for all the world to see their soul through My eyes and so many will come running when they witness the filth on their soul; and you will be called at this time more than any other time in your mission to show you are My true disciple.
My chosen sons, you have a mission and to many of you have become lazy in your work. For your time of rest will come when you’ve gained the true rewards of the Kingdom. Come to Me and meditate on My Passion and I will open your eyes to all that I am asking of you. Your moment has arrived when so many will come running for the hour of preparation is coming to an end, and the world will know who My true chosen sons are. Take heed to these words I give you for I love each one of you and ask that you remember what your true vocation is.
I walked this earth and reached out to the lame and lowly. You must not be focused on your time; but rather how many souls you can witness My love to. For too many of you spend your time in leisure and not being a true example to your flock. Now listen, listen, listen to My words for I am your Shepherd and it is only through Me that you will be rewarded in the Kingdom. Now be at peace for it is My will, not your will that will be done. My peace I bestow upon each one of you My chosen sons.
12/30/03 1:38 PM My child, you are being shown a vision of the hell My people will suffer on this earth but My people nothing you will endure on earth can compare to the true fires of hell. You will endure earthquake after earthquake and these events will be catastrophic. You will see storm after storm after storm for that is why I have told you to set some food and water aside for when the storms come.
My child, I am showing you this vision because My chosen sons need to be prepared for the times ahead, for as I have told you My people will come to Me in great numbers, for there will be death in great numbers. You My child are seeing these things so you can help warn My people and pray for them for so many of them will perish because this world has fallen into such grave sin that so many will never see the light of My Kingdom. Too many have comforted themselves with the sin of the world that they will not know how to live simply when their lives become simplified. My people, you will soon realize the depth of your sins and for many of you the sight alone will lead you in My presence.
My people you will be seeing more signs that all in this world is not pleasing in My eyes for even My chosen sons have turned away from Me and are choosing to lead My people down the wrong path. It is only through prayer, prayer from your heart that will enable you to stay on the path to the Kingdom. My people, man alone will not be able to explain or understand these storms that you are about to endure. My people, go out and gather the things necessary to prepare for the times ahead and I will multiply your gifts in great numbers.
My people, the greatest gift you’ve been given, is the Sacrament of penance. So go forth and cleanse your soul and live a life more pleasing to Me. For you do not know the day or hour when you will stand before Me. You are being given this opportunity to prepare so go forth and listen to the message. Do not become like some of your foolish and sinful brothers and sisters who have fallen to the ways of the world. Now go forth and do as I have asked and remember I have invited you to My table in heaven, come to Me and accept My invitation. Now, My peace be with each and every one of you.
12/29/03 10:35 AM My child, go and deliver this message to My chosen sons. My chosen sons you have begun to see the division-taking place in My Church. You have seen how the temptations of the world have affected your willingness to stay on the right path. Many of you have broken away from remaining obedient to your brother the Holy Father. My chosen sons just as a couple makes a vow to remain committed to each other through the union of marriage you made a vow and a commitment to the Church to be one of My chosen sons.
You must listen to the Gospel message and you must remain faithful to your vow and commitment. My chosen sons, you are to be married to the Church and your flocks are the ones who need tending to. Those of you My chosen sons who are trying to alter you true vocation are the ones who have slipped away to the ways of the world and are not tending to your flock. Whoa to you, chosen sons that are not living your vocation.
You have been given a mission to be one of My disciples and to help guide My people to the Kingdom of Heaven now is not a time to think of your own selfish desires but a time to save souls it is a critical time to save souls. Your flocks are lost, confused and are facing much doubt because the evil in this world is at historic proportions and My people need to hear the truth. My chosen sons speak and live the Gospel message for as I have told you their eyes will be open by your witnessing and example. Save soul, reach out and save souls for you will begin to see the earth tremble and so many of you will not know what to do.
Now go forth My chosen sons and do as I have asked and continue to trust in Me for I am He who came to light the way so more could one day see My Kingdom.
12/25/03 7:45 PM My child, the battle is on, the battle is on, for I come to bring these messages for the world just as I came and died on the cross for all mankind. My people the hour is drawing closer and these messages are to help guide you through these events that are about to unfold. You have begun to see the division in My Church for too many of My chosen sons have fallen to the ways of the world. For as I have told you, priests will be against priest and nun against nun. You will see countries that have enormous power fall into ruins and the rise of the antichrist. My people prophets foretold you the coming of the Messiah and My messengers all around this world are writing these messages to help prepare you for the awakening you will endure. My people do not become lukewarm to these events going on around you, for greater trials and sufferings will come your way and you must not be like the foolish man that is caught off guard.
My people there are millions of souls that are suffering in this world; you do not realize how many rejected souls there are. My people go out and be the shining light of My love, for even I befriended my worst enemies. Many will mock and many will criticize, and each time people mock and criticize you, you are sharing in My scourging at the pillar. Each time you suffer unjustly you are sharing in the wounds of My Passion. My people thank Me for this gift, for this gift is bringing you closer to Me and is helping you prepare for times ahead.
Those of you who claim to have your fame and fortune and do not have your share of sufferings are the ones who need to have your lives more pleasing to Me. It is time to get down on your knees and repent; repent of your sins for just as I came on this earth on Christmas day to fulfill My mission, the day came when My mission on earth was fulfilled. I had fulfilled the plans of My Father in heaven. You are only given one life, one soul and your mission on earth will one day come to an end and you must be prepared to meet Me. For it is only those that are in the purest of white, that I will present to My Father in Heaven. My child, continue to fulfill your mission and write My words, now go forth and have peace.
12/11/03 12:51 PM My child, trust in Me, trust in Me. Do not question your mission rather know that I am bigger than all your failings and it is important that you write these words I give you. My people your resources are spreading thin and you will reach times of distressful magnitude. You do not realize how difficult your lives will become. You are witnessing deadly illnesses and times of turmoil, but you must realize the earth is showing you signs of the depth of your sins.
My people, you believe that you are simplifying your lives with all your latest worldly things, yet in the long run you are really causing yourselves more harm than good. You have become reserved in your willingness to pray and rely more on the world to comfort your problems, but My people the world does not grant you eternal salvation. You are merely witnessing a glimpse of what’s to come for your hour is drawing closer and your lives will be simplified greatly for as I have told you darker days are coming for this world is so cold and sinful.
My people, listen and live the Gospel message and witness them to your neighbor for it is by your witnessing and example that souls can be saved. If you are turning your cheek out of anger and frustration you are not allowing Me into your heart to guide your words and actions. For you must love your worst enemy and as these times become more difficult your worst enemy may become your most saving friend.
My people, great darkness will soon fall upon this earth and you will witness much division in My Church, but it will be through this division the world will know who My true chosen sons are. There are so many of My chosen sons that have a deaf ear to these messages that in time will be the foolish men that should have followed the signs.
It is those of you My people that are of this world that I am warning, it is those of you who chose to engage together outside of marriage and them proclaim that it is out of love that I am warning. It is those of you who chose to kill My little innocent ones and then proclaim that it is your life your body that I am warning. It is those of you who chose to destroy the union of man and woman and chose man to man, woman to woman in marriage and then endanger the souls of My little innocent ones into thinking this is acceptable to Me that I am warning.
It is those of you who chose to show images to My young people that are tempting them into mortal sin that I am warning. It is those of you who chose to strip away and pick and choose My Commandments and idol false gods that I am warning. My people wake up and look at the state of your soul. Your lack of morals is causing many souls to burn in the fires of hell. The devil is real and is looking to catch you in his trap. You must repent and continue to look to the Cross, for without Me you have nothing and in time man will know I exist and man will see that he should have led a life more pleasing to Me.
I did not give you these Commandments so you can pick and choose, or try and dictate their true meaning, rather I give you them so you can live them. I did not give you these sacraments so you chose to sin more, I give you these Sacraments so you can become more aware of your sinfulness and come closer to Me for I give many graces to all who come and spend quiet time with Me. My people, take heed to these words for as I have told you the Scriptures are about to unfold and many of these gifts that you have built your life around will be washed away. You will wish you had led a life more pleasing to Me.
My people get down and repent for I have sent My Mother with many messages for some time, yet too many of you have ignored her pleas and I will not send you these words much longer for you do not realize what time is to Me. Do not fear for My words are not to cause fear, rather an opportunity for you to repent and live the way of the Cross for My faithful will be rewarded in My Kingdom. My people live, live the message for it is time to live the message. Do not allow this cold evil world to tempt your soul, for your soul is the most important thing and I am waiting to place you at My table in Heaven.
Look to the saints to assist you, for you are all called to be saints. My people, you are in times of historic proportions so prepare and become like the wise men that followed the sign in the sky for your time is drawing closer, closer. My child, go forth and continue to write these messages for the hour is at hand. Now go forth and share this message with the world, now be at peace.
12/4/03 2:25 PM My child, go and give this message to My chosen sons. My chosen sons do not ignore My Mother’s words; do not stop the truth from being revealed. You have allowed your brothers to step in and influence your thoughts and actions. To many of My chosen sons have fallen into the ways of the world that they no longer know what the truth is. My chosen sons the hour is at hand for you do not realize how important it is for souls to be saved. Your sheep are lost; the world has stripped My people of following the Commandments.
I have sent My Mother with words for My people to wake up and get their soul in a state of grace before I shake this earth. Whoa to you chosen sons who chose to try and stop My Mother’s words, My words from flowing into the heart of the most hardened sinner. Wake up dear chosen sons for your flocks need tended too. I send My chosen messengers all around this world because the Gospel needs to be made known. I send these messengers with words so that you to My sons can awaken for this is not a time of slumber.
Do you not realize you to will stand before Me? Now open your heart and allow Me to lead you and not the world. Allow My Mother’s words to speak to your heart instead of running in fear. For I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first, the last the beginning and the end. Do not try and step ahead of Me, rather trust. Do not run for the evil one knows your areas of weakness. Now listen, listen to My words and reach out and save souls, for the hour is upon you. Now go forth and be at peace.
11/16/03 11:45 AM My child, My peace be with you. Do not become discouraged for these messages are from heaven.
My people, all that has been foretold to you in the Scriptures is about to be revealed. You are in times of historic proportions and man is going to see the wounds he has added to My Most Sacred Heart. Man will know the depth of his sins and wish he had led a life more pleasing to Me. You are a culture that promotes evil and hatred, not love and peace. You are a culture that chooses to settle your differences by destroying My creation.
As I have told you, it is I who will bring forth life and take it away not man. You have tried to copy and have tried to become the dictator of your own destination, but, My people, you are being fooled by the same prince of darkness that tempted Adam and Eve. I am sending you these messages because there is so much sinfulness in this world.
My people, I have told you that this war in the Middle East is not over for it is just beginning. You are living in times where your leaders are causing wars that have caused more harm than good. You are seeing lives that are shortly lived and not granted the ability to fulfill their true mission. Again, I say to you, war is not your answer for you are only destroying My creation and are giving into the ways of the evil one.
My people, as this war continues to break out, you will begin to see the earth tremble for, as I have told you, the earth is showing signs of the depth of man’s sins. You will see the rise of the antichrist. He will come to you as the prince of peace claiming he is your true messiah.
My people, do not fall into his evil trap or your soul could become lost. You must stay focused on the Cross and I will continue to surround you with much protection. This earth will tremble and it will become even harder for you to survive for your lives, My people, will be simplified greatly. You must prepare, prepare now for the plans of My Father are about to be revealed. You are witnessing the division between heaven and hell and you are given the free will to choose My way or the world’s way for you cannot be lukewarm for lukewarm souls do not enter the Kingdom of heaven.
I send you these messages so you can prepare and cleanse your soul. You must look to My chosen sons for I have been sending these messages to prepare them too. It will be those of My chosen sons that have taken heed to these messages that will be able to assist all of their flock and not even leave one astray. Trust, trust in Me and I will shower each one of you with My graces.
My people, do not allow your soul to become lost in this evil culture for each and every image being shown to you can allow you to stray from following the way of the Cross. Satan knows your areas of weakness and will feed you with doubt and confusion. It is by surrounding yourself with people who live the way of the Cross that will help give you the strength to fight these temptations.
My people, your signs are here and the evil one has so many souls in his trap. Follow the signs so you do not become entangled in this same trap. Do not allow those around you to influence you by what the world says for the world does not grant you eternal salvation. Rather, focus on your mission and pray, pray from your heart, and all will be done according to My will.
My child, go forth and give this message to the world. Now go forth and continue to trust in Me for My justice will prevail.
11/7/03 2:52 PM My child, go and deliver this message to My chosen sons: My chosen sons, I have been sending these messages to help prepare you for the times ahead. These messages, My chosen sons, are about to be revealed. You must decide, dear chosen sons, which side you are going to stand on for there are many of you who are lukewarm in your words and action. Too many of you do not want to be pointed out of the crowd, but, My chosen sons, I stood before the crowd and it is your job to stand before your flock and guide them with love and words so My people are guided to the Kingdom.
If you speak the words that are My words, but you live in the ways of the world, you are not a useful disciple for My people will come. My people will respond by your witnessing and example. You too must frequently cleanse your soul for you are greatly tempted each new day. You must call My people back to the Sacraments I have given. You must reach out to them and show them the way of the cross.
My chosen sons, look to your brother, the Holy Father, for he is a man of much grace and wisdom. Too many of My chosen sons are not leading My Church in the right way. Too many of My chosen sons are causing division and need to gather My people in love, not divide My Church by the ways of the world. You are facing times of enormous trials and sufferings and you will see many people come running, running back to Church. My chosen sons, I will shake this earth and every corner of the world will see the sign appear in the sky, each and every soul will see their soul the way I see it. Each one of you chosen sons will see your soul and know each person you have neglected to guide in the right way. You will see what it is I want of you and, My chosen sons, it will be by your free will to live My way or the world’s way.
My chosen sons, there are millions of souls headed to the fires of hell. Do not become lukewarm, rather reach out and save souls. Tell My people to go and repent of their sins for so many of My people have so much filth on their souls. Tell My people that I am waiting for them because I am loving and merciful. Come to Me, dear chosen sons, and I will guide your voice with My words so that My people wake up before I shake this earth. My chosen sons, you too are merely a grain of sand, but I am asking you to fulfill your mission in a way that is pleasing to Me so you do not become the cold grain of sand entangled in Satan’s trap. Now go forth, dear chosen sons, and do as I have asked and remember I am always with you. Now be at peace.
10/16/03 9:25 PM My child, I invite all to come and spend quiet time with Me, yet few accept My invitation. There are so many who do not simplify themselves enough to allow Me to speak to their heart. You must take time, My people, to listen to My words, to follow the direction I give you. You do not fully realize how critical your time is. You do not realize how close the hour has come. My people, many of you will not be able to comprehend what is taking place when I shake this earth. Many will come running and it will be My chosen sons that have taken heed to these messages that will be able to assist these lost souls. Woe to these chosen sons of Mine who have allowed the world to influence their true calling.
My chosen sons, those of you who have chosen to become lukewarm on your mission, will see each soul that you neglected to guide in the right way. You will see much division amongst your brothers as this great purification takes place, but it will be those of you who are willing to speak the truth that will be given the grace to stand tall.
My people, it is only a matter of time before you see a great cleansing of the earth for you do not realize what time is to Me. You must not sit back and allow the world around you to influence you in a way that will endanger your soul. Rather, go out and witness My love to the world for there are so many souls that need to be saved.
My people, listen to the Gospel messages. Just as I told Noah to warn the people, I am again warning My people. Just as I gave Moses the Commandments and to tell My people to live them. I am again telling you to live the Commandments or you too could become like a foolish man in Moses’ time. Take quiet time and do not become the deaf ear for even a blind man can see that the times are upon you. Do not ignore these words, My people, for it is part of carrying your cross to stand up and speak the truth. Now go forth, My child, and have peace and continue to trust in Me.
9/23/03 8:05 AM My child, go forth and deliver this message to My chosen sons: My chosen sons, you must set an example to your flock for it is by guiding your flock in a way that is pleasing to me that will help keep them focused on the kingdom. You must follow the direction of My son, the Holy Father, for I continue to guide him so he can lead my people, lead my chosen sons.
My chosen sons, many of you have become lukewarm to the teaching and laws of My Church. Too many of your flock do not understand the significance of My Commandments. Too many of your flock need tending to. You have allowed the world to step over and influence you. You must stand firm and speak the truth for there are many who have gone before you and have given up their lives all in My name.
My chosen sons, you must stand up for life for so many of my innocent ones do not have a voice. You must be their voice, dear sons, for this is all part of being My disciples. You must not alter My Church to the ways of the world. You must take time and listen to My people. You must not keep yourself busy with unnecessary work for your work is to tend to My people. Do not fear what the world around you will say for each one of My chosen sons will be held accountable.
Now go forth, dear chosen sons, and prepare your flocks for now you too will face much persecution for the hour is upon you for it is important that you prepare now. Be on guard and armor yourselves for the evil one is furious and will continue to tempt you. Satan wants to destroy My Church and he continues to try and deceive each one of My chosen sons for he knows your areas of weakness. But it is through prayer that you will be given much strength.
My chosen sons, teach My people the Commandments. Teach My people the significance of penance. And teach My people how they are each given a mission. Go forth and show love to My people for if you are truly one of My disciples, you will go out and do good works and witness My love to the world. Now peace be with you, My chosen sons, for My hand is upon each one of you for I have called each one of you by name to be one of My disciples.
9/11/03 11:32 PM My child, pray for this world, pray that My people wake up and change their ways. My people, as I have told you before, do not focus on gaining your fame and fortune in this life for eternity is forever. Better to live simply on this earth and gain the rewards of the kingdom, than to waste your time worshiping false idols. My people, these false idols are merely an image of the devil for they will only tempt you into bad fruit. Rather, focus on the cross for I am the only way to heaven.
My people, you are each equal to one another for no is above Me. I am the first and the last and your only true happiness is in heaven. The world will not bring you much comfort that is why it is important that you stay focused on your mission.
My people, there are so many souls who are being deceived and for many at their hour of judgment will realize they should have turned to Me for their mission was not fulfilled in a way that was pleasing to Me. I will show each and every soul the road to heaven, but you must first let go of the world and allow Me into your heart for I see all the beauty and goodness in one’s soul. So many leaders today are leading My people down the wrong path, that is why you must turn to My chosen sons for I continue to guide each one of them.
My chosen sons, you must not alter My Church to the ways of the world and you must stand firm on My Commandments for each Commandment is your ticket into the kingdom and each Commandment must not be altered. And each one of My chosen sons will be held accountable for their actions.
My people, I bring you these words because this world is in great turmoil and in time you will see my wrath awaken this earth. Do not become a lost sheep, My people, because I am your Shepherd and I love each one of you.
Go forth, dear child, and witness these words I give you for you are given much protection. Now go forth and continue to do My will.
8/21/03 5:40 PM My child, you are being prepared now for trials ahead. You are being prepared now because the time is soon coming when many will need your assistance. My child, do not become anxious for all will be done according to My will.
My people, many women today are rejecting My little ones. Many mothers do not want to alter their life, alter their body, to be open to the life I bring forth. Life is the most precious gift there is and if you are engaging together outside of marriage and then rejecting the life I bring forth you are committing grave sin and placing your soul in danger. Wake up dear people for you do not realize where your soul is headed!
My chosen sons, it is your job to stay firm with My Commandments. It is your job to continue my plan for My Church and not alter my laws to the ways of the world. There will be punishment for selfishness and laziness.
My people, when you see the rise in earthquakes and storms you must begin to realize that this is your time of preparation. Do not fear when these events begin to take place for this is the beginning of My purification. You will see much division between family and friends for this division is the struggle between heaven and hell.
My people, Satan has many of your loved ones in his trap and when these events begin to unfold many of them will only see darkness. My people, that is why it is important that you stay focused on the cross so you do not become one of these lost souls.
My child, when you gather in this group that I have formed, pray for your loved ones, pray for My chosen sons and pray for this parish for without prayer this parish will not survive. It is important that this group remain focused on their mission for each one of them has been chosen to assist you. My child, let the world know that I am very pleased each one has responded to My call. Each one has responded to these messages. My child, go forth with these messages and let the world know I exist. It is important that My people take heed to these words I give them. It is important that they come to Me and cleanse their soul often. Now go forth, My child, and do as I have asked and remember I am with you every time you share these words. Now be at peace.
8/17/03 12:25 PM My child, it is important that you stay focused on your mission as this time of purification is rapidly approaching. There will be many people who will need your assistance. My child, stay focused in prayer for I hear everything that comes from your heart.
My people, your time is truly precious and it is important that you take heed to these words I give you. This world will see a great punishment for its sins. My people, mothers and fathers must set aside time to listen to their children. They need to truly mold their children in the right way. There are so many children who do not know Me and many of them do not know the Commandments.
My people, listen to My Mother for she weeps when she sees her children adding wounds to My Most Sacred Heart. My Mother weeps because she is trying to teach her children the way to heaven, yet so many of them ignore her pleas. Do not reject My Mother for you will soon see her Immaculate Heart triumph when I rid the world of the evil one.
My child, as this time approaches, you will need to stay focused on the cross for the evil one will continue to try and trick and deceive you. It is important that you turn to Me, and this group that I have formed who have been chosen to assist you, for you cannot do this mission alone. My child, be willing to suffer for poor sinners. Each day you are willing to suffer is another soul that can be saved.
My people, I came on this earth to suffer and die on the cross to save man from sin and each one of you has been given the gift of life. Each one of you has been given an opportunity to come and serve Me. Your reward is not on this earth, your reward is in the kingdom. If you are hiding your faith, then you cannot speak the truth. My people, read the Gospel messages and cleanse your soul often and by doing these things you will be able to fulfill your mission. My people, look around you for the signs are here that this world cannot continue on this same path. You are seeing signs that if man does not change his ways a great catastrophic event will take place and all will know that I exist.
My people, think of how important things are that happen in your life and each new day things are changing. Now think of how you are living your life, is it one that is pleasing to Me? My people, live each day to the fullest and go out and be My disciples for I see everything that is in your heart. I have told you in this time of great purification My faithful will be persecuted. My innocent ones are being persecuted and killed every day.
My people, this world shows no respect for My creation. As I told you before, only I bring forth life and take it away and those who choose to step ahead of Me will see their day of punishment. There will be punishment for the unrepentant sinner.
My child, go and tell My chosen sons that they need to lead their flocks back to penance. Too many of their flocks are in great need of repentance and do not understand the significance of their sins. It is the mission of My chosen sons to lead My people in the right way and, in time if they do not repent now, for many it will be too late.
My child, continue to deliver these words to my chosen son for he has assisted you in the right way and there are many who are responding to My words. Now go forth and do as I have asked and remember to prepare now for time is truly at hand. My child, tell My people that the hour of preparation is here and they need to continue to respond to these messages. Now go forth and have peace and remember I am Jesus and I am with you every time you share these words.
8/14/03 3:52 PM My Child, surrender everything to Me, surrender all your fears and worries and I will ease your burden.
My people, continue to listen to My words. This world is beginning to show signs of man’s sins. My people of America, you must begin to change the ways your country is living before you can step in and take over another country. My people, America will pay a great price for killing my innocent ones. America will suffer dearly for its lack of morals.
My child, continue to pray. Pray from your heart for you do not realize how precious time truly is. You must have patience for all will be done according to My will. My child, as you gather with My children who have been chosen to help you, continue to give these messages to My people for in time these messages will assist those souls that are so lost.
As you gather together, continue to turn to Me and I will pour out My graces upon each one of My children. Let My children know that they have each been chosen because of their faithfulness and willingness to speak the truth. They have been chosen because of their love and willingness to pick up their cross. My people, you must become aware of what is going on around you. You must not give into the ways of this world. You are beginning to witness signs that this world is not going to continue on this same path. This world will no longer be as you have come to know it.
My child, tell My chosen sons that the moment is near and they must tend to their flocks. When these events begin to unfold, your flocks will not know what to do because so many of them are lost. My child, continue to share these words with My people and let the world know that I exist. My child, go forth and prepare now for the moment is near. Now go forth and have peace and continue to trust in Me.
8/4/03 3:37 PM My child, continue to deliver these words to My chosen sons. My people, life is constantly changing, but My Commandments do not. My people, do not hide your faith for each Commandment must be lived out. This world is not living the Commandments. My people, listen to My chosen sons for they are here to assist you on your journey to heaven. It is the mission of My chosen sons to teach My people to live the Gospel message. It is their mission to continue to be firm with My laws and not alter them to the ways of the world.
My people, your lack of morals is causing My wounds to bleed profusely. Your desire to alter My plan for man and woman is not pleasing to Me. You are to be open to life open to My plan. Man was not created for man and woman was not created for woman. It is only the joining of man and woman through the union of marriage that bears good fruit.
My people, when you join together through marriage, you make a commitment to your spouse to be faithful until death. My people, too many marriages have one spouse not remaining faithful. It is your ways of living that allow the evil one to tempt you. If you are living for the world and not turning to Me, you will not have the strength to resist temptation.
My people, every day you are given an opportunity to come and serve Me and if you are turning to Me with an open heart, you have nothing to fear. My people, this is your moment, this is your time of preparation. Each day, take time to be with Me and listen to My words and I will show you the way.
My people, as this time of purification draws near you will be tempted, but it is important that you stay focused on the cross for that is the only way to heaven. My faithful will be persecuted greatly, but it is your willingness to suffer that will allow you to become saints.
My child, go out and read these words to My people and let the world know I exist. Do not fear for I am with you as you journey this mission you have been called to do. Now go forth for I am Jesus and continue to trust in Me.
8/3/03 6:20 PM My child, do not fear these words I give you for I continue to place them in your heart.
My people, listen to these words and then go out and witness them to your neighbor. I created man and woman to join together through the union of marriage to become one with Me. My people, if you are engaging together before marriage, not only are you giving away your body, but you are placing your soul in danger. Too many today feel that they do not have to work to get to heaven.
As I told you, My people, you must turn to Me for strength for you were not put on this earth to be served, but to serve. My people, continue to listen to all I am telling you for in time to come you will understand. Mothers and fathers continue to take hold of your families. So many children today are influenced not by Me, but by the evil one. So many children do not know I exist and, in times of trouble, turn the wrong way and for many it is too late.
Prepare now, My people, for you see how the morals of this world are in danger. You see no respect for life, no respect for the body. Each human being has been given a mission and, if you are not turning to Me and trusting in My love, you will not be able to fulfill that mission for, without Me, you have nothing.
My people, I continue to tell you to cleanse your soul often for as this time of great cleansing comes you must be prepared because you never know if it will be your time of judgment.
My chosen sons, it is important that you continue to prepare your flock because so many of them are lost. It is important that My people prepare now for this world is about to see its hour of judgment. Wake up, dear chosen sons, for your flocks need to be tended to! If you truly want to be My disciples, then you must go out and assist your flock for there is no time for laziness.
My child, go forth with these words and let the world know I exist. Continue to deliver these words to My chosen sons for there is a great need for My people to repent. My child, pray! Pray and continue to be willing to suffer for poor sinners. Now go forth and do as I have asked and remember I am with you, now go forth and have peace.
7/27/03 3:26 PM My child, My chosen sons need to teach the significance of each Commandment. My people need to understand the Commandments in order to live them.
My people, behold the day of the Sabbath. You must not do unnecessary work, but rather rest and reflect on the gifts I have given you. You must love your neighbor as yourself. My people, you must love everyone, even your worst enemy, and by doing this you will experience the fruits of My love. Each and every Commandment must be lived to the fullest for you must not pick and choose which ones are easiest for you, but rather turn to Me for strength and I will provide.
Each one of you is called to be My disciple. I have told you not to criticize others in their work for you do not know what mission I have for another’s soul. My people, the road to heaven has been paved for you and it is your free will to decide whether you choose the world's way or the way of the cross. Continue to call upon the saints for each one has journeyed the road to heaven before you, and are here to assist you.
My people, I have told you I bring love, joy and peace. When you witness the death of a loved one, do not question My plan, rather pray for the soul of that person that their life was one that was pleasing to Me. Pray for your loved ones, daily, and witness My love to them for you do not know the state of one’s soul.
My people continue to take hold of your families and prepare for the times ahead. I will continue to pour out My graces upon all My faithful. Now go forth, My people, and do as I have asked and remember I am with you.
7/23/03 12:57 PM My child, do not become discouraged for all will be according to My will. You must trust in Me in order to have peace in your heart. My child, you must prepare now for your time of witnessing and persecution is near. Many will question if these are truly My words, but all who truly live the way of the cross will know these messages are from heaven. It is those people who do not truly live their faith that will doubt.
My people, these messages are a gift from the one who came to save man from his own sinfulness. These messages are an opportunity for all mankind to see that his ways are not pleasing to Me.
My chosen sons, too many religious are not living their vocation. Too many of My chosen sons are making it too easy for My people to accept that their sins are not in need of repentance. Wake up, dear chosen sons, for the moment of truth is near. It is your job to lead your flock to the kingdom of God because eternity is forever. Your life on earth is a mission; it is not time to be wasted by the ways of the world. Your flocks are in danger of falling into eternal fire.
Just as I sent My disciples to preach the good news, so you too must also preach the good news, but teach My people the Commandments. Teach My people that there is punishment for the unrepentant sinner. I have given you the tools and you must use these tools wisely.
My people, do not fear witnessing your faith for the time is now to save souls. Pray to Me for strength for you will hear My words clearly if you are speaking to Me with a clean and pure heart.
My child, these messages are for the world. Go out and share these messages with My people. The evil one will continue to make it difficult for you, but that is where you need to turn to Me for everything you need you will find in Me. I will protect you, but you must not fear. Now go forth and share these messages and remember I am always with you for I am Jesus.
7/21/03 2:33 PM My child, darkness will soon cover this earth and the only light will be that of My love. My child, there will be many events leading up to these days of darkness and you will need to gather your families during this time.
My people, now is the time to prepare for days of darkness are near. These messages are not to put fear in your heart, but rather an opportunity to change your ways before these events begin to unfold. My people, do not wait until I shake this earth because for many it will be too late. Darker days are coming and this world is about to see its hour of judgment.
I bring you these messages because I love all My people. I bring you these words because too many are headed down the wrong path. My people, wake up because you will be tested in days to come. Please, dear people, take heed to these words. Now go forth, My child, and share these words with My chosen sons and tell them the moment of truth is near. Be at peace and do as I have asked and remember I am always with you.
7/14/03 3:14 PM My child, this period of purification has begun. You are witnessing the separation of family and friends and you will seem confused, but keep your focus on the kingdom and I promise My faithful will be rewarded. The time of great warning is near and you must continue to prepare. You must pray for your loved ones, dear child, that they will be guided in the right way. Many will mock you for your willingness to write these words and you must continue to pray to Me for strength.
My people, if you are truly one of My disciples then you must be willing to be persecuted.
My child, accept your suffering with joy for each time you suffer you are coming closer to Me. Do not fear sharing these words for you are given much protection. My people, you must armor yourselves daily and call upon the saints for they are here to assist you.
My child, have peace in your heart for all things are done according to My will. When this time of judgment comes all must be willing to change their ways. Darkness will soon cover this earth and the seas will no longer be calm and the only light will be that of My love. You must prepare now, dear people, and be willing to suffer for the salvation of souls. So many of My chosen sons are not teaching My people how to live a holy life. Too many priests are trying to live the ways of the world and are not living their vocation.
My chosen sons, there will be punishment for your laziness if you are not living your vocation. So many of your own flock are lost in the darkness and it is your job to assist them on the right path. Do not waste this time I have given you for when I shake this earth, for many, it will be too late. You are only given one life and one soul and each day you are given is not to be wasted.
My people, your hour is upon you and the coming of the antichrist is near. You are soon to witness America going down in ruins because of its sinfulness.
These messages, My child, are for all mankind and, My people, your time of laziness and selfishness is over and you are on this earth to serve not to be served. Now go forth, My people, and repent for your moment of truth is near. I am Jesus. I am he who came to save man from sin. Now go forth and do as I have asked and remember I am always with you. Go forth and have peace and believe and trust in Me.
7/10/03 8:15 AM My child, many today are living their own ways instead of Mine. If you are not living the Commandments, then your ways are not acceptable to Me. Look around you, My people, you see the amount of people living together outside of marriage and they are causing one another’s souls to become in danger by their own selfish desires. So many say that they love each other, that is why they cannot wait until marriage. But, My people, if you truly love one another then you would respect another’s soul to wait until marriage.
When this time of purification comes, you will see everything, all the beauty and goodness that I see along with all the filth that I see. And, for many, the sight of their own soul will cause them to go running back and to repent, but there will still be some that will continue down the same path of selfishness and sinfulness.
My child, when you see the sign appear in the sky all will know that I exist and will see the wounds they have added to My Most Sacred Heart. This world, with its lack of respect for life and lack of respect for the body, is causing My wounds to bleed profusely. My child, when you see your loved ones mock and criticize you for following me, continue to focus on the cross. Remember, My child, it is because of their selfishness and laziness that their souls have become in danger. It is by your willingness to suffer that they may one day see the kingdom. Heaven is a place for those who are willing to put this world aside and fulfill their mission. Only the purest of heart may enter the kingdom of heaven.
My people, your time is now to prepare because the coming of the antichrist is near. My people, you are not to even look at the eyes of the antichrist for his eyes have such power that you may fall for his evil plans. Only I can help you continue your journey to heaven for without Me you have nothing.
My people, the time is coming when you will need to gather your families and help one another and many of My faithful will be persecuted. You will need to go to your places of refuge and I will provide you with My Heavenly Manna. You must begin now to cleanse and prepare your soul.
My people, you will continue to see many devastating storms and earthquakes and this earth will continue to tremble because of man’s sinfulness. Do not continue to ignore My pleas, dear people, for you do not know when it will be your hour of judgment.
My people, go out and witness to the world that I truly exist for you cannot hide your faith. If you truly love Me and want to pick up your cross and follow Me, then you must be willing to speak the truth. Do not wait until I shake this earth because for many it will be too late. My people, I cannot warn you enough how crucial this time truly is. Now go forth, My people, and assist Me now.
My child, continue to tell My chosen sons that this is the hour of preparation and continue to share with them these messages. Now go forth and have peace and remember I am Jesus and I am with you every time you share these words.
6/26/03 10:45 AM My child, you are allowing the things of this world to interfere in the mission you have been called to do. Do not allow Satan to trick and deceive you, rather focus on the cross and learn to trust in Me. You are becoming too anxious and overwhelmed and are being distracted. You must learn to be patient and not fear all these changes in your life. I am with you always, but first you must learn to accept My love and assistance.
My child, take time out and continue to love your children and show them the road to heaven. I continue to share My words because so many do not believe time is truly at hand. Many do not realize how much they need Me in their life. I should be at the center of all things for when I am at the center all is beautiful and peaceful. Give thanks to Me each new day and thank Me for all your trials and sufferings for they are purifying you.
My child, many in time will come and need your assistance and you must be ready to assist those souls that are so lost. You must continue to direct these souls to Me for all are welcome at My table. My child, you are seeing signs that this world is coming closer to its biggest trials and sufferings. You are seeing signs of how many in their sinfulness are causing this earth to tremble.
Each soul is called to be My disciple and each soul through its trials and sufferings is coming closer to Me and growing in holiness. My child, share these words with My chosen sons for it is through their words that many will respond.
My chosen sons, continue now to prepare your flocks and do not fear what this world will say for you are on a mission to assist Me in saving souls. Now go forth and share these messages for I will continue to pave the road before you, but first you must learn to trust in My plan. I love you, My child, for I am Jesus and will continue to help you now go forth and be at peace.
6/15/03 5:31 PM My child, this is the moment, this is the time for My people to get their lives on the right path. My people, do not wait until I shake this earth to repent and change your ways.
My chosen sons, the time is now to prepare your flock for when I shake this earth so many will be brought to their knees and it is your job to assist My people on their journey to heaven. Do not change My Church, dear chosen sons, to the ways of the world for it is not pleasing to Me.
My chosen sons, you will be held accountable for choosing not to fulfill the mission you have been called to do. Too many priests are living in the ways of the world and do not follow the laws of My Church.
My child, tell My people that America will be punished for its sinfulness. America will be awakened in My hour of mercy. Do not waste this time, dear people, for you will see your hour of judgment and wish you had changed your ways. I give you these messages, My people, so you can prepare. I give you these messages because I love each one of you. I have given you the tools, now go forth and use these tools to fulfill your mission.
My chosen sons, use these gifts I have given you to assist those whose souls are in danger. Go forth and be My disciples and show one more soul the road to heaven. I will not continue to warn My people that the hour is upon you and time is truly at hand.
Be at peace, My child, and continue to assist Me in this job you have been called to do. Now go forth and remember I am always with you.
6/5/03 6:33 AM My child, you are witnessing the times of trials and suffering. Do not become discouraged for it is by keeping your focus on Me that you will conquer all things. My child, husbands and wives need to witness My love to their children for it is by showing their children good fruits that they will mirror the image given to them.
Husbands and wives must be open to the life I bring forth. They must reject the world’s ways and be open to My plan. Fathers, you must be good role models to your children. You must teach your children that the ways of this world are not the way to heaven. Mothers, show your children love and compassion. Help teach your children to be responsible for their actions. Mothers, prepare your children for My hour is upon My people. Fathers, guard your families from the world for it is only by your love and focus on Me that I will help you. Just as I told Noah that a great punishment would come to My people for their sinfulness. I am again warning My people to repent and change their ways because a great chastisement is going to come and all will need to be in a state of grace.
My faithful will be persecuted greatly, but it is by their love and willingness to pick up their cross that I will reward them in heaven. I have told My chosen sons that this is the time, do not listen to the world around you, but focus on the cross and the mission you have been called to do. There is no time to be lazy or fearful for there are so many souls in danger of falling into eternal fire.
My child, go and share these words with My people. Tell My people that this world will be warned very soon and this is the hour to prepare. Go forth and have peace and remember I am with you.
6/1/03 8:01 PM My child, all of heaven rejoices when another soul is saved, all of heaven rejoices when even the most hardened sinner repents and turns to Me and trusts in My love. I will send a great chastisement upon this earth and all will know I exist. Too many run from Me and believe they do not need Me.
My people, this is the hour, this is the time to prepare your soul for when I shake this earth many will be brought before Me and will no longer have time to repent. Many will see their selfishness and laziness and wish they had led a more holy life. My people, you will know when the time is here, but if you are not prepared and turning to Me and trusting in My love, you will not know what to do. If you do not get your souls in a state of grace, you will only see eternal fire.
My child, continue to share these words. Continue to tell My chosen sons that they must fulfill the mission they were called to do. Tell My chosen sons the battle is on to save souls. My child, all of heaven rejoices when a mother chooses the life I bring forth. All of heaven rejoices when a mother allows that soul to fulfill its mission. Go forth with these words for each person is responsible for the destination of their soul. I love all My people and want all My people to be with Me in paradise, but they must choose to follow My ways. These messages, My child, are for the world. These messages are for all of mankind. Do not fear for I am Jesus. I am with you every time you share these words. Go forth and have peace and continue to trust in Me.
6/1/03 2:40 PM My child, do not become discouraged for your prayers are being heard. Every time you speak to Me with your heart I share in your happiness and pain. My child, you must not become distracted by the ways of the world, but keep your focus on Me. My child, I continue to give you these words so you can share these words with My people. I continue to give you these words for so many continue to reject Me.
My child, continue to pray for there are so many souls in danger. Pray for there are so many not following My Commandments and living in sin. So many mothers reject their own children and do not realize they are rejecting My creation, My plan. So many today do not live holy lives. Satan is continuing to attack as many souls as he can. He is trying to deceive My people and many do not turn to Me and trust in My love. Just as I prepared My disciples for My death and Resurrection and laid down the path before them, so do My chosen sons need to prepare their flocks for you do not know the day or the hour when you will have to stand before Me.
My people, you do not realize the way time is to Me. So go forth and repent and turn back for I will not allow this world to continue on this same path. I will not allow this evil to continue for the hour is at hand. Many will still reject Me even after they see their soul because they are so lost in the darkness. Continue to suffer for it is by your suffering that souls are being saved.
Do not fear, My child. Continue to share these words. Do not get discouraged when people mock you for in time all will know the truth. All will know that I suffered on the cross and it is by their own free will if they will be with Me in heaven. Now go forth and do as I have asked and remember I am always with you.
5/30/03 3:31 PM My child, this war is not over for the battle is on to save souls. The hour is upon you, the hour has come to wake My people. The hour has come when all will see their souls and know what I want of them. Do not waste this time, dear people.
My chosen sons, you must continue to prepare My people, you must continue to do this work you have been called to do. Do not fear for all will be held accountable for their laziness. Mothers and fathers, you must take hold of your families. Teach your children to come and accept My ways and reject the world's ways and all will one day be in My kingdom. Man in his sinfulness has caused these wars, storms and disasters. Man in his sinfulness has added wounds to My Most Sacred Heart.
My people, repent, repent for time is short to get your lives on the right path. The only road to heaven is by choosing my way. The road is long and narrow and you must pick up your cross and live a holy life. My people, look to the saints, call upon them for it was only by their love for Me and their willingness to pick up their cross that they are now with Me in heaven.
My people, you must simply your lives. Man will tell you that you need things of this world, but the only things you need is to nurture and cleanse your soul. Pick up your cross and believe and trust in Me and I promise your reward will be great. My people, wake up for the time is now. Go forth and do as I have asked and remember I am always with you.
5/22/03 12:30 PM My child, just as the wise men followed the star in the sky to the place where I was, they followed the sign. My child, many signs will be given to My people and it is important that you follow the signs. Man will be lost if he does not follow these signs. Do not fear these signs for they will prepare your souls so you can be with Me in heaven. When each person sees their soul they will see all that I see, they will see the purity of their hearts.
My child, the soul needs to be nurtured. Take time to be with Me and speak to Me with your heart. Give all your worries and sorrows to Me and your soul will be nurtured. Come to Me and ask for My forgiveness and I will save even the most hardened sinner. I will soften the hearts of those that Satan has in his trap. My chosen sons must truly carry their cross and walk the path before them. They must witness My words and truly be My disciples.
My chosen sons, I will give you strength to get through these times. Satan is trying hard to break up My Church. Satan wants to confuse and deceive My chosen sons. Dear chosen sons, look to Me and focus on the cross and do not give in to the evil one. I have helped the many chosen before you and I will reward you in My kingdom if you do My will. My will is for you to prepare My people and help even the most hardened sinner to come closer to Me. Please, dear child, go and tell My chosen sons these words I give you. Tell them the hour is upon My people. Go forth, dear child, and I will protect you. Please hand all your fears and worries to Me and you will find your strength. Go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace.
5/21/03 12:51 PM My child, when you see the seas no longer calm and the storms come, know that this is a sign. I will raise the seas and the thunder will shake this earth and man will know that I exist. Man will run for he will see his sins and not know where to turn. I will send My warning that evil can no longer be. I will show man that the road he has chosen is one that will lead souls into eternal fire.
This world cannot continue on this same path. Too many are ruining My creation. Too many are trying to control nature. The earth is showing signs of man's sinfulness and yet many do not wake up. Too many are not following My Commandments. Too many do not realize the true gift of life. They are choosing who should live and who should die. Too many do not stay committed to the same person for they are much too caught up in this world. There are so many marriages that are not pleasing to Me for I am not the center of their love. Love should be at the center of all things and, when you put the world above love, I cannot exist. I cannot be part of the plan for it is not pleasing to Me.
There are so many souls who will be lost in fire forever if they do not change their ways. Please, dear child, continue to tell My chosen sons that My people need to listen and follow My Commandments. Too many today do not realize the state of their souls.
My chosen sons, prepare your flock. Tell My people this is the hour, this is the time for I will not allow this evil to continue. I will not allow this world to continue on the same path. My chosen sons, take time to prepare your flock. Take time to show love to My people. Go forth and be My disciples. Live the Gospel message. I have sent many before and I send many now to speak these words I give you. Do not waste this time for this world is only temporary. Please, dear child, pray, pray for My chosen sons that they continue to prepare My people and lead them closer to Me. Go forth and have peace and believe and trust in Me.
5/22/03 8:53 AM My child, mothers and fathers must take hold of their families. Children today are being brought up with the ways of the world and do not believe there are consequences for their actions. Too many children today do not believe I exist. Parents will be held accountable for their children. Please, dear parents, love your children and show My little ones the road to heaven. Satan is trying so hard to break up as many families as he can, especially those who have chosen to come and serve Me.
Fathers, you must teach your children responsibility. You must help mold your children for they are not children forever. Mothers must take time to show love to their children. They must show good fruits for your children will mirror the image you show them.
My child, you must continue to share these words I give you. Pray for families all around this world. Pray that parents teach their children My Commandments. Many children are being lost to the evil one because their parents are not taking this time I have given them to teach their children the right way. Too many children today are being raised by the world. The time has come to bring families back to the way I created them. Mothers and Fathers, do not reject this gift for this is My creation, this is My plan. Each child is a gift from Me.
Look at the beauty in your child for every time you do you are seeing an image of me. Every time your child smiles you are witnessing the warmth of My love. Please, dear parents, prepare your children. Teach them that this world is only temporary, but that their soul lives on forever. Prepare now for your children will not know what to do when I shake this earth. Do not waste this time for the hour has come.
Go forth, dear child, and share these words with My chosen sons. Share these words with My people. Time is not to be wasted for the hour is upon you. Remember not to fear for I am with you every time you speak these words for I am Jesus. Go forth and have peace.
5/20/03 8:09 AM My child, I have warned this world before and I will warn My people soon that they need to change their ways. My people need to stop killing so many innocent lives. Each soul is beautiful and has a mission and when the body dies the soul is many times not prepared to meet Me.
My chosen sons, tell My people that life is the most precious gift there is. Tell My people that the body dies, but that the soul lives on forever.
My people, I have given all of you a free will to decide where you want your soul to be. I have given all of you the will to choose My way or the world's way. Wake up, My people, the time is now for this world is not forever! The time is now to get on your hands and knees and get your souls in a state of grace. Do not waste this time I have given you.
My people, the hour has come and yet you are still sleeping. Repent! Repent and repair your soul. I have warned My people before that you do not know the day or the hour when you will have to stand before Me. I love all My people, but you must be willing to change your ways in order to be with Me.
My people, come, come back and trust in Me for everything you need you will find in Me. I am the way, I am the truth. Go forth, dear child, I am with you. Do not fear for I will protect you. I want you to share these words I give you. Go forth and let the world know that the hour has come. Let the world know that there is no time. Continue to write these words. Go forth and have peace and believe and trust in Me.
5/17/03 7:37 PM My child, just as My Father sent Me so do I send you to speak these words I give you. Do not be afraid for it is through your fear that you do not speak these words I give you. It is through your fear that you cannot witness My love, and souls will not be saved. I have warned this world before that it needs to change its ways. Too many believe that they do not need Me until it is too late. Too many believe that they do not need prayer.
Continue to go forth, dear child, for the time is now. This world will be warned that its ways are not pleasing to Me. This world will see its sinfulness and yet many will continue on the same path. The path of this world will be broken when I shake this earth and rid the world of all evil. Satan has so many souls in his trap. The time is now so please, dear child, be willing to suffer more for the many who do not listen to the Gospel and believe and trust in Me. My chosen sons must prepare all My people. My chosen sons must tell My people to repent, repent and prepare their souls. Go forth, My child, and tell My chosen sons these words I give you. Tell them that the time is coming and all must be prepared. Do not fear these words I give you for I am with you every time you speak these words. Go forth for I am Jesus. Continue to look to My Mother for she and I are here to assist you. Go now and have peace. These messages are for all mankind. These messages will be made known.
4/28/03 7:31 AM My child, each soul is a perfection of My creation. Every person must nurture their soul in order to enter My kingdom. Just as a mother and father nurture and love their child so do I nurture and love all My people. Many do not accept My love, many do not know it. As this time of judgment draws near each soul will see My love, each soul will see the pain their rejection has caused, each soul will see their sins and know what wounds they have added. Continue to share these words. Continue to tell My chosen sons that the time is drawing closer.
My people must repent! My people must truly change their ways! Satan is trying so hard to get as many souls as he can. Continue to suffer for those souls that are most endanger. Continue to suffer for the many who do not know Me. My child, continue to be My witness in the world. Pray! Pray, My child, and remember I am with you for I am Jesus.
4/15/03 11:31 AM My child, these events being shown to you are not to put fear in your heart. These events are about to unfold in order to prepare all for my coming. The time will soon come when all will be brought to their knees. Too many today are so blinded by the ways of the world and do not listen to My Commandments. Go and tell My chosen sons that they must prepare all My people to repent of their sins. All must be truly sorry for their sins in order to enter My kingdom. All must truly speak to Me with their hearts.
This world will shake very soon and there are so many who are not prepared for they will fall into the hands of the evil one. So many leaders today are sending their own message and not mine. Oh how I will shake this earth and all will see what I want of them. The time is drawing closer. Continue to share these words I give you for I am Jesus. These words I give you are for all mankind. These words I give you are to prepare all people. Go and witness in love. Pray for I am with you and remember to trust in Me. 3/9/03 3:15 PM My child, the time will soon come when My mercy will fall on them. Go and tell My chosen sons to prepare their flock.