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Message from Our Lady to Kay

Rosary Prayer Group - St. Ephrem Catholic Church - October 4, 2022 (Tuesday) - Message from Our Blessed Mother - Feast Day of St. Francis

My Sweetest Children:

I come before you as a Mother of Deep Sorrow and I ask you not to forget to offer all of your prayers, good actions and your sacrifices for the reparation of all sinners of your world. These days will be marked with death and devastation. So many of our children will die suddenly and without prayers for these lost souls – they may not have a chance of entering Heaven.

There is so much evil that will enter your world and there will be ruthless persecution and martyrdom. No matter what type of suffering you will endure, My Divine Son will be with you always. My children, remain steadfast in your faith and have confidence in your Risen Lord and have no fear. Jesus Christ is your Victor. This is my message of hope and consolation for all of you.

Pray, pray, pray, and trust in Jesus’ providential care for His faithful children and His holy Church. My divine Son's Church is now in crisis, but once it goes through her purification, she will rise in GLORY.

Keep your prayers strong and stand firm in your faith and avoid any compromise. You will see the fulfillment of my Son's promise to His faithful children if you wait patiently and watch His Triumph that will unfold at the appropriate time.

You must follow the Way of the Cross, but you must pray and sacrifice, because without many prayers, sacrifices and fasting, our children will not have the strength to fight the spiritual or physical battle.

My children, I know that you all want a timeline on all that will be happening, but trust that my divine Son knows what is best for His children and what is important, which is that you are prepared each and every day. There will be so many events that will cause complete chaos throughout your world. I ask you not to worry about when these events will occur, but rather be ready at all times.

Your world is about to change as you never expected, especially my children of America. The landscape of your country will soon become unrecognizable and our children will be brought to their knees.

The Church of My divine Son will also change and the schism will divide and split in two. The false church will rule with the antichrist for a short time. The True Church of My divine Son, will be led underground by those of my faithful Priest-sons, who will continue to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for many of our children. I ask you to keep strong and remain faithful in the Sacred Traditions and the True Magisterium of the One, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of My Son, Jesus. Countless multitudes of our deceived children from every nation will follow Rome's errors. I rely on my faithful children to pray for the pope, the hierarchy and all bishops and priests, because Rome will suffer unimaginable persecution and they are in dire need of prayers.

Your currency around the world is about to change and this will open up the doors for the entry of the antichrist. The Seat of Peter cannot be occupied until both popes have died.

I say to my Divine Son's refuge builders: "Please have your refuges ready to welcome our children, who will be led to the refuge." [I suddenly hear St. Francis say, "Don't forget to have food for the animals that will be brought to the refuge."] The food for the animals will also be multiplied.

My children, there is not much time left before the next event occurs. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for those who are not ready for their judgment. Pray for your family as well and ask for my mantle of protection around them. I ask that you pray the Divine Mercy for all souls of the world.

Your heavenly Mother wants to thank you for adding the Prayer of Protection Chaplet to your prayers of your Rosary Group.

I will place each of you in the love of my Sorrowful Heart.

I bless you in My Son's Name.

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