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Message from Jesus to John Leary

June 22, 2023: (St. John Fisher, St. Thomas More)

Jesus said: “My people, you need to take time to review your actions to see if you are following My ways, or your ways. You know My Commandments, but at times you may not realize you are offending Me in your gossip or other bad habits. That is why you need to prepare yourself for monthly Confession so you can come to Me, and I will forgive your sins. If you are unkind to your neighbor, you can seek their forgiveness as well. In the Gospel I gave you the ‘Our Father’ prayer as how you should pray. You repeat this prayer often in your rosaries but pray it slowly and not to just babble like the pagans do. A slow reverent prayer is better than praying many words quickly. The best prayer is Holy Mass, which is why you come every morning. I love to share My precious moments with you at every worthy reception of Holy Communion.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you need to get ready in July for the implementation of the digital dollar according to Biden’s Executive Order 14067. This should be against your Constitution because the one world people will oversee how you spend your money. It will be another problem how to convert your dollars to the new digital dollar. Once you come under Biden’s control, he will dictate what you can and cannot buy with your new money. It is even possible to cancel your bank accounts if you do not comply with Biden’s agenda. If the restrictions control your accounts, then you need to be prepared to come to My refuges. Postpone switching to the new money for as long as you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about the Great Reset when the one world people want to control your money and your travel. You have heard the World Health Organization has been given authority to run your country when the next virus appears. It will take a while to put the digital dollar in place, but the bankers have been prepared already. If your people do not try to overturn this new money system in your Supreme Court, then you have already been taken over by the communists. This will be the beginning of Biden’s dictatorship.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before that when the evil ones mandate the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in your skin, then this will be a sign to come to My refuges of protection. Refuse to take any chip in your body, because this could lead you to a hell experience. Have your three months' supply of food ready at your home because soon you may not be able to buy food at your stores without the mark of the beast. This mark will lead up to the declaration of the Antichrist and the time of the beginning tribulation. When the Antichrist declares himself, you need to get rid of all of your internet devices, or you could be influenced to worship the Antichrist through his eyes when you see him on your screens.”

Jesus said: “My people, My refuge builders need to get ready to receive My faithful at their refuges. Check all of your supplies and be ready to feed a lot of people who will need food, water, and fuels. The Perpetual Adoration at your refuges will be your means to call on Me to multiply your needs. Your cell phones and the internet will not work at My refuges. You will need to sign up what skills each person has when they come to your refuge. You will need to assign jobs and assign hours of Adoration around the clock. Living at the refuges with many people will be a challenge to meet everyone’s needs with limited resources, and you will be limited to the boundaries of each refuge. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of a new synod when your church leaders will use this to force the New Mass on your people. This New Mass will not have the proper words of Consecration of the Host and Wine. I have already warned you that a day is coming when you will no longer have My Real Presence with you in Holy Communion. This is called the abomination of desolation, which is another sign for the coming tribulation. When you can no longer have a proper Mass publicly, then I will call My faithful to My refuges, so faithful priest will have a proper Mass with the proper words of the Consecration.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how you will be called to My refuges when your lives will be in danger. I have listed several conditions for coming to My refuges. When the mark of the beast is mandated, when you see the abomination of desolation, when your lives are in danger, and definitely when the Antichrist declares himself. You will come to My refuges where My angels will make you invisible and My angels will protect you from bombs and comets.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you come to My refuges, you will be under My angel protection. My refuge builders will supply you with water, food, and fuels for your survival. You will be supplied with hygiene kits and spiritual kits. You will have fuels for heating your refuges and fuels for cooking. You will have water from your well that will be multiplied. You will wash your clothes and have sponge baths without showers. You will have two meals a day as people will be assigned to carry out your needs. You may have to flush toilets briefly or outhouses if there is not enough water. You will all be workers because this will provide what you need for your survival. I will multiply your supplies, and you will have Perpetual Adoration around the clock. I will be with you and My angels will protect you. You will have a luminous cross in the sky and you will be healed of any physical ailment by looking on it in faith. Refuge living will be difficult when you are living in close quarters with each other, but I will give you the grace to endure the tribulation. Give thanks and praise to Me for providing for your needs and your protection. You will also have daily Holy Communion from a priest or from My angels.”

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