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Message from Jesus to Jennifer

Updated: Aug 6, 2024

August 28, 2021 - 7:30 a.m. My child, Tell My children I love them. Tell the world when they kneel before the crucifix and gaze upon My corpse that they are witnessing the complete artery of immeasurable love. My child, the world is starving, it is starving for order as great discord is reigning all over this world. When fear has conquered the hearts and minds then unbalance comes. If you pray and lack trust, then your prayers are fruitless. My children, in order to understand prayer, you must begin by meditating on My passion, death, and resurrection. My children, even through My suffering, I knew that I must surrender to the will of My Father in order to complete My mission. I call My children to abandon the lies of the world and surrender to the will of My Father. Seek to live the mission you were sent to do for you are each My chosen instruments. This world is passing, and the lies of the deceiver only seek to paralyze you and deplete you from the truth, for I am Jesus, the way the truth and the life. Now go forth and live the mission you were created to do for your reward will be great in heaven. My mercy and justice will prevail.

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