Messages from Jesus to John Leary
April 21, 2024: (Good Shepherd Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, I am truly the Good Shepherd who watches over My sheep of My faithful, both the Jews and the Gentiles. I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to bring salvation to all those people who accept Me and seek My forgiveness of their sins. You remember when I forgave St. Peter for his three denials of Me, and I told him to feed My lambs. The deacon spoke of the shepherds in the Jews as the Pharisees who did not always pasture their sheep properly. (Ezekiel 34:10) ‘I swear I am coming against these shepherds. I will claim My sheep from them and put a stop to their shepherding My sheep so that they may no longer pasture themselves.’ You have some weak bishops even today, so pray for your bishops that they will properly pasture their flocks.”
On traveling: Jesus said: “My son, I have warned you several times not to travel by plane and to avoid long trips because events could happen that would make it difficult to get back to your refuge. You can talk over the phone, if people want to hear your messages, or they could listen to your Zoom programs, or visit your website at I am giving you these warnings for your own safety.”
April 20, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing one of My appearances in Galilee in My resurrected Body. I was making breakfast at a fire for My apostles. The disciples were in a boat on the sea and they had caught nothing all night, so I told them to put their nets on the right side and they caught 153 large fish. They dragged the net ashore with the fish. I reminded them again how they would be catching men instead of fish. They saw that it was I on the beach and they rejoiced to see Me again. I took the time to forgive St. Peter of his three denials of Me by asking him three times if he loved Me. I told him to feed My lambs, which would be his new work. This was like hearing his Confession, which I encourage all of My faithful to do at least once a month. As you see Me preparing breakfast with My apostles, so I am with you also at your table when you say your prayers before you eat your meals. Remember you are all called to evangelize new people to the faith to spread My Good News of My Resurrection with everyone you meet.”
Jesus said: “My people over the years your clergy and nuns have become lax in their dress codes. Many of your traditions have also been relaxed. The habits for the nuns and priests were part of their identity as being faithful to Me. Even some of My laypeople are not coming to regular Sunday Mass as they should. Many also are not coming to monthly Confession, which should be a necessity to keep you humble in seeking the forgiveness of your sins. I am forgiving you through the priest’s absolution. So hold on to your faith as you center your lives around Me. Take time to visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament, because I am always ready to receive you and grant My graces to those people who show their love for Me.”
April 19, 2024
(Acts 9:1-19) Jesus said: “My people, you read how I converted Saul with a flash of My lightning, and I told Saul to stop persecuting Me. He was blind for three days, and he was taken into Damascus. Ananias was asked by Me to heal Saul’s blindness by placing his hand over Saul’s eyes. Scales fell off from St. Paul’s eyes and he could see again. St. Paul became a great preacher after he was baptized. He wrote many Epistles that you still read at Mass. In the Gospel of St. John (6:54-55) you read: ‘Amen, amen I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day.’ At each Mass you observe a miracle when the bread and wine are transubtantiated into My Body and Blood. When you take Holy Communion worthily, you are receiving My Real Presence into your body. In this short time I am with you, and I am giving you My graces of My Eucharist to support you against the evil ones who tempt you and persecute you. This is a joy to share your life with Me every day.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing a clock, but do not be concerned about which hour is on the clock because it is not like the clock for how soon a nuclear war could happen. The reason that I am showing you this clock is to signify that you are running out of time until the major events will happen. I also told you that the time for the Antichrist to reign is also running out. I will shorten the 3½ years of the tribulation for the sake of My people. When I give you My inner locution to come to My refuges, you will need to leave your house within twenty minutes. Those faithful who do not come to My refuges in a reasonable time could risk being captured and martyred for their faith. When you leave your house, My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones. Trust in My angel protection throughout the tribulation.”
April 18, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, just as St. Philip explained the Isaiah passage to the Ethiopian eunuch, so I want My faithful to share My Good News of My Resurrection with everyone. By spreading My Good News, you may also encourage people to get baptized if they are new to the faith. The eunuch was baptized and then St. Philip vanished to evangelize other people. Pray for Charles’ soul as he needs prayers and Masses in purgatory. (Today’s Mass intention)
Jesus said: “My son, you did research on your Frontier phone land line that is still not working. You saw a map of many outages all across your country for the fourth largest carrier. You even read some news about cables that were cut. There is something serious going on with these Internet and phone lines at Frontier and other platforms. This should be big news, but it is not being noted on any channel on your TV.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you saw some stars moving around as another sign of My coming Warning. Then you were looking down on the vortex of one of your tornadoes that occur often in the springtime. After the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion come, I will send out My inner locution to warn My people to come to the safety of My refuges. Once at My refuges you can look on My luminous cross, and you will be healed of all of your ailments. Trust in My angel protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are concerned about Israel’s troops – that they may retaliate against Iran and they may attack the remaining Hamas troops in Gaza. There is a fear on all sides that this war could widen with other countries involved. Your country is supporting Israel with weapons and you are shooting down Iran’s drones and missiles. The Houthis are already attacking your ships in the Red Sea. Pray for a cease fire in this area.”
Jesus said: “My son, your land line phone has been out of service for three days and this phone company is not answering why many people are without service all across your country. It is appearing there could be some sabotage to your phone lines. Recently, there was some word from Frontier that there was a cyberattack on their lines. You also saw a fire in an ammunition plant that had to stop production. You heard about hackers who could be attacking your infrastructure. Pray for My protection when you will be called to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some Congress people who want your Southern Border closed before sending more weapons to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan. Your House Speaker wants to have separate bills to help each country. It will be a struggle to pass any such foreign aid without addressing the disaster on your Southern Border. You are seeing millions of illegal immigrants allowed into your country as Biden wants to allow them to vote for him. The immigrants are being given money as Biden is trying to buy votes with your tax money. Pray to stop this tragedy on your Southern Border.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing bond yields increasing as your inflation is increasing. Your Federal Reserve is speaking about no cuts in the interest rates this year if your inflation continues to increase. This had a large influence on your stock market that has seen some decreases. The continuing wars could have an effect on your foreign aid that puts more money into circulation with more inflation. Pray that your government can control its huge deficits.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have been giving you warnings about staying close to your refuge in case events could endanger your communications, your food, and even the quality of your water. This is why I have warned My refuge builders to finish up their preparations because you could start seeing threats to your food supply, your water, and your phone lines. Pay attention to the events going on so you are ready to help people when they are called to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have promised My faithful that I will protect you from the evil ones who want to kill you. My power is much stronger than all of the evil ones, and I told you how I will cleanse them from the earth after the tribulation. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace after I renew the earth. So have no fear because My angels will shield you from all of the evil ones. Just trust in My word and My powerful hand.”
April 17, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision of the farmer planting his crops, you also see how I plant My Word in your hearts and souls. I am always looking to see what fruit of works will come forth from My faithful. Even if you just lead a good Christian life, you are a shining example of My love for you. You can go the extra mile for Me if you reach out to evangelize souls to the faith. The more good works you perform on earth, the more graces you are storing up in heaven for your judgment. Your good deeds are worth more than gold or silver because they cannot be stolen or get lost. All of your spiritual blessings I store up in your own box in heaven. They are more precious to Me than all of your money and wealth. Remember – love is the most accepted wealth in heaven, and I love every one of you so much. Love Me and your neighbor in return.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how important your land line is because when your power goes down, your land phone still works because it has its own electric source. You remember reading how the phone companies were considering getting rid of land lines because many people have cell phones. You can see if your power is turned off that you would have no contacts if your land line was taken away. Without electricity it would be hard to charge your cell phone. People who have solar power and solar generators could charge their cell phones. Eventually, this is how the one world people want to take you over – with no phones and no electricity. Research what went wrong with your land line phone company. When you lose your grid power, you may have to come to My refuges for your physical and spiritual needs.”
April 16, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading St. Stephen was witnessing My place next to My Father in heaven and the Jews wanted to kill St. Stephen by stoning him to death. His faith was strong as he forgave them of this sin. Saul was collecting the cloaks and he approved of this killing. In the Gospel I met the people who had received the bread and fish that I had multiplied for the 5,000. I told them that I was the Bread of Life, and anyone who ate the consecrated Bread would no longer be hungry or thirsty in the spiritual life. The people did not understand how I could turn bread into My Body and Blood, and it is this consecrated Bread that I was speaking about. My faithful receive Me at Mass in Holy Communion, and you know how precious My consecrated Bread is. You respect My Host and you kneel to My Real Presence.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have not been traveling to give talks since I asked you to stop last October. If you should have an EMP attack, it could mean death in a plane. An EMP attack would also stop your car and you would have difficulty getting home to your refuge. Your Zoom programs have taken the place of your traveling to your talks. You can make brief trips to your relatives, but avoid long stays. I have told you that events could affect travel and even your food supplies. So try to keep close to home so you are ready to help people. Your solar panels are supplying your needed energy. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs.”
April 15, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, you heard about St. Stephen in the first reading and how he debated the Pharisees with convincing remarks. St. Stephen was later stoned to death for his faith in Me. In the vision you saw a kitchen where families gather for meals and prayers before eating. The parents need to be good examples of Christian living for the children. It is the parent’s duty as part of their vocation to teach the faith to the children, and teach them their prayers so they can pray the rosary. Lead them to Sunday Mass and to monthly Confession. I love all of you and especially My little ones who are so innocent, and they need protection from evil things. Parents need to pray for their children’s souls because they are the spiritual guardians of their children. Pray daily to Me for all of your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a possible famine because you are seeing attacks on your food supply. There have been many suspicious fires at many of your food processing centers. You have seen farmland bought up by the rich and the Chinese. Your foods are being compromised by making GMO corn and GMO wheat which is causing problems in your body. You use Round-up sprays and crops that are causing stomach leakage which is leading to your allergies when undigested food gets into your blood stream. There is also an attack going on in your infrastructure. The Green New Deal is trying to force you to buy an electric car that is not selling because of a lack of charging stations and limited electricity from your power plants. You also are seeing an attack on your fossil fuels. Coal is being phased out in your country, but many coal plants are being made in China. Natural gas and propane are still needed to heat your home and provide cooking in your ovens. You have some solar and wind turbines running, but they only supply a small amount of the energy that you need. It is the regulations of your politicians that are causing a lot of your infrastructure problems. There are hackers who are threatening to shut down your electricity. Much of this interference is to weaken your economy so the one world people can control you to follow them. You will need to come to My refuges for food, water, and fuels that I will multiply. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill My faithful.”