Messages from Our Lady to Pedro Regis
January 6, 2024
Dear children, be attentive so as not to be deceived. Lambs will become wolves and many will be led into the mire of false doctrines. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer for what comes to you. Bend your knees in prayer. Seek strength in the words of My Jesus and in the Eucharist. Remain with the eternal truth and flee from the novelties that spread everywhere to please the world. Do not forget: You are in the world, but you are a belonging of the Lord. Onward in defense of the truth! This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
January 2, 2024
Dear children, say no to everything that is contrary to the Gospel. Welcome the teachings of My Son, Jesus, and remain faithful to the true doctrine of His Church. You are living in the time of the great spiritual confusion, but I ask you to keep the flame of your faith alight, because you still have long years of hard trials ahead of you. The action of the demon will cause great damage in the lives of many consecrated people. I suffer for what comes to you. Bend your knees in prayer. Only through the power of prayer can you understand the designs of God for your lives. I know each of you by name and I will pray to My Jesus for you. Do not be discouraged. In the Lord is your strength. If you happen to fall, call for Jesus. He is your great Friend and He will never abandon you. Repent and seek the Mercy of My Jesus through the Sacrament of Confession. Do not allow the darkness of sin to cause spiritual blindness in your lives. You are of the Lord and you must follow and serve only Him. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
January 1, 2024
Dear children, I am your Mother and I have come from Heaven to help you. Listen to Me. Contrary winds will move the great ship away from the safe harbor and a great shipwreck will cause the death of many of My poor children. Give ye Me your hands and I will conduct you to My Son, Jesus. Adrift, it will be by the fault of the commander, but the Lord will come to the rescue of His people. Your anchor of salvation is in the true doctrine of the Church of My Jesus. Whoever remains faithful until the end will not be swept away by the currents of false doctrines. Love and defend the truth. Do not retreat. In the end, the victory of God will occur with the Definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Onward, without fear! I will always be with you. At this moment, I make fall from Heaven upon you an extraordinary shower of graces. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
December 30, 2023
Dear children, I am your Mother and I have come from Heaven to conduct you to My Son, Jesus. Listen to Me. You are important for the realization of My plans. Open your hearts and accept the Will of the Lord for your lives. Turn away from the world and live turned towards the Paradise for which ye were uniquely created. Bend your knees in prayer, for only thus can you bear the weight of the trials that are already underway. You will yet see horrors upon Earth. A great shipwreck will happen and the great ship will break in half. I suffer for what is coming to you. Love and defend the truth. The victory of God will come to you. Trust in the Lord, because He loves you and waits for you with open arms. Onward without fear! This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
December 26, 2023
Dear children, fear not. Whoever is with the Lord should fear nothing. In the Lord is your victory. The enemies work for the demolition of the true faith, but they will not succeed. My devotees, through prayer and love of the truth, will impede every action of the demon against the true Church. As I have said in the past, the pain will be great, but the victory will be that of the Lord and His elect. Seek the Light of the Lord and all the darkness produced by false doctrines will be dispelled. Pray. Do not turn away from prayer. When you feel weak, call for Jesus and in Him you will find strength. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer for what comes to you. Give Me your hands and I will conduct you to My Son, Jesus. Onward, without fear! I will pray to My Jesus for you. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
December 25, 2023
Dear children, open your hearts to the Love of My Son, Jesus. In My Jesus you can find the perfect love and thus achieve the grace to love your neighbor. Be faithful to Jesus. He is your one true Savior. Outside of Him, man will never find salvation. Flee from all that is false and welcome the true teachings of My Jesus. The truth of My Jesus is in His Gospel and in the teachings of the true Magisterium of His Church. Be attentive. You are walking towards a future of many confusions and few will remain firm in the faith. Look to Jesus. He waits for you in the Eucharist. He wants to make His home in your hearts. Be silent and listen to His voice. Be docile to His call and you will be great in faith. Whatever happens, do not move away from the path I have shown you. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
December 23, 2023
Dear children, My Son, Jesus, founded His Church as a channel of salvation for men and women of faith. His Church is unique and in it you will find the Sacraments as channels of His saving action. This Church desired and conquered by the Blood of My Son, Jesus, on the Cross is the Catholic Church. Do not move away from her, because only she has the means necessary for the salvation of those who believe in Jesus. Do not be discouraged by the difficulties faced by men and women who love and defend the truth. There is no victory without a cross. You will still see horrors everywhere. The action of the demon will cause spiritual blindness in many consecrated people, but do not be discouraged. In the great final battle, the victory will be of the Church of My Jesus. Courage! Pray! Seek strength in the Gospel and in the Eucharist. Give Me your hands and I will conduct you to My Son, Jesus! Onward! I will pray to My Jesus for you. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
December 19, 2023
Dear children, I am your Mother and I have come from Heaven to help you. Be meek and humble of heart, for only thus can you love and serve the Lord faithfully. I ask you to be courageous and everywhere seek to bear witness to the truth of My Jesus. Humanity has become spiritually blind because men have turned away from the Creator. Turn around! My Lord expects much from you. You have freedom, but what I say must be taken seriously. You are important for the realization of My plans. Listen to Me. You are living in the time of pains and only through the power of prayer will you achieve victory. Do not forget: In the hands, the Holy Rosary and Sacred Scripture; In the heart, the love of truth. Be attentive so as not to be deceived. In God there is no half-truth. The truth will be eclipsed and many souls will move away from God. The blurred mirror will not show the Will of God. Whatever happens, remain faithful to the Gospel and to the teachings of the true Magisterium of the Church of My Jesus. Onward without fear! This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
December 18, 2023
Dear children, whatever happens, remain with the truth revealed by the Lord in Sacred Scripture and taught by the true Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Do not turn away from My Son, Jesus. The enemies advance, but the final victory will be the Lord’s. Behold the time of sorrows for the men and women of faith. Give Me your hands and I will conduct you to the One who is your one true Savior. Pray. Ye will still see horrors in the House of God, but those who remain faithful to the lessons of the past will be protected. Courage! I will always be with you. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.
December 16, 2023
Dear children, false nets do not catch souls for Heaven. The true fishermen of souls will drink the bitter chalice of suffering. By fault of the bad shepherds, many souls will walk into a great spiritual abyss. Love and defend the truth. My Son, Jesus, is the Absolute Truth of the Father, and without Him you are nothing and can do nothing. Turn away from the world and live turned towards the things of Heaven. It is in this life, and not in another, that you must testify that you are the Lord’s. Do not be discouraged. I love you and I will always be with you. Pray. Only through the power of prayer can you overcome evil. Onward in defense of the truth! This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in peace.